June 19, 2002, 08:24
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I am going to be gone from June 21st to July 1st. And I wanted to know if anyone wanted to take over while I was gone before I have get someone new from outside.
June 20, 2002, 03:32
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All right, I'm just announcing officially on all my threads that I am gone (going out the door right after this). If this game surprisingly gets going again, just have the AI play the Turks, since I couldn't find a sub in time. Bye all!
June 20, 2002, 04:51
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Originally posted by Darius871
All right, I'm just announcing officially on all my threads that I am gone (going out the door right after this). If this game surprisingly gets going again, just have the AI play the Turks, since I couldn't find a sub in time. Bye all!
"surprisingly gets going again" ?? come on, don't be so pessimistic!
As much as I want to play, and as ANZAC and Darius will be away, I propose we wait till they come back before continuing!!
This will give us time to find a new player for Germany!!
And one more thing: IF we start playing again before everybody is back, and someone uses the opportunity given by the lack of ottoman leadership to attack Turkey, they'll have to face Italy!!
June 20, 2002, 11:51
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I'm willing to wait. What's the difference at this point
June 20, 2002, 19:23
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Hi everybody,
If there aren´t other applicants, i´d like to take control of Germany.
Could i do it?
June 21, 2002, 02:59
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Hi Academia,
For me it's: "Welcome aboard" !
Italy is really pleased to see that its northern germanic neighbour has found a new leader!!
And you'll notice when playing your turn that I've got a few freights heading towards your cities.
June 21, 2002, 03:59
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Hi guys !
I'm back and ready to play...
btw, why not let the French govern Germany ?
June 21, 2002, 05:35
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Welcome back!!
No no, we don't want to over-burden you: with France and half of Spain, I know you already have too much to do...
Tell me if I can help you: for instance by governing Marseilles ???
June 21, 2002, 05:51
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Originally posted by Scott F
At any rate, sas has been trying to get rid of me from the game from the beginning, calling for votes to get me kicked out even because of minor delays in posting my save game file due to my crappy and limited internet access. Real life circumstances will be keeping me away from the game anyway. My computer has died from putting Windows XP on it and I am presently hunting for a new job. I won't have much in the way of internet access for at least a week, which is (to say the least) very inconvenient at a time like this.
You got me there Scott. I did all this just to get rid of you. (heavy sarcasm for those that didnt get it)
And 3-4 weeks delay is not a minor delay.
It so easy to point the finger at someone isnt it ?
btw, is there any plans on getting Germany back to the level it should be without the cheating/miraculous alterations ?
In all honesty, Germany shouldnt be taken over the way Scott left it.
This is me talking like a PBEM player in general, not a lame attempt at getting a weaker neighbour for France.
June 21, 2002, 07:44
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You are right, SAS: Germany needs to be taken back to the level it should have without the "unfortunate events" that occured.
BUT, and I really mean it, our goal is NOT to cripple Germany, but only to bring it back to where it should be: after all, it's the player's actions which are doubtful, not the country's...
This is what I propose:
1) if he agrees, our "neutral" referee Henrik takes a good look at the saves, and at the initial situation
2) he then decides what shouldn't normally have appeared (units, improvements, etc...)
3) the extra units are disbanded OUTSIDE of cities
4) the extra improvements are sold, the money it brings computed and then divided between ALL nations (Germany included, of course), so that nobody gets undue advantage of the situation
I realize that this would mean a lot of work for Henrik, and I'm quite sure he could find something more interesting to spend his time on, but at the moment it's the best solution I can imagine...
So guys, what's your opinion on it??
June 21, 2002, 18:19
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btw, is there any plans on getting Germany back to the level it should be without the cheating/miraculous alterations ?
Well, that was a big surprise!!!
Let me tell you that i downloaded the last french savegame, and started to play as Germany. Just to take a look at my country... And when i noticed that i had 60 ARTILLERY!!!!!! ??????
How the hell Germany built so many units in 6, 7 turns???
Well, the answer is obvious, don´t you think so? CHEATING!!!!
Well, i´m ready to take Germany (but not in this conditions)
What are we going to do then?
I´m actually playing another Pre-WW1 PBEM in civfanatics, maybe you can take a look at Germany´s performance in that game, just to have a reference.
June 21, 2002, 18:30
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not forgetting
*steel mills in every city
*no financial losses
*a millitary force you would need tens of thousands of cash to rushbuild.
June 22, 2002, 00:15
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Ok, I know this might not be the case, but since you guys said that other Germany players in this game had similar 'problems' could there be a posibility that there is some screw up event that dumps Germany with tons of artillery? Just trying to put the best construction on something. Might want to double or triple check just in case. If nothings there, never mind.
June 23, 2002, 05:37
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Well com eon Germany lets go!
Sorry guys i haven't been on a computer for 6 days!  real life calls sorry!
June 23, 2002, 14:37
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Originally posted by JMarks
could there be a posibility that there is some screw up event that dumps Germany with tons of artillery?
I suggested this initally, but I think at this point it is pretty clear what the problem was. I don't think we will have any more trouble of this kind.
June 23, 2002, 15:53
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academia , how about you cut down the German industry and millitary force to a "reasonable" level ?
You have some knowledge about the progress in the other Pre-WW1 game at Civfanatics. I know we cant get it back to the level we want. Perhaps a simmilar number of units as France with a comparable industial output ?
June 23, 2002, 19:06
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Mmm... i can try it. I´ll check German military in the other PBEM game, ok?
June 23, 2002, 19:09
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Guys, did Scott leave you his password for this game?
I ask this because MagyarCrusader and I are meant to be filling in for him in a couple of games, but we don't have the password!
If he left it, please PM it to MagyarCrusader and me
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
June 23, 2002, 19:19
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Ok. We´re talking about 1907, ok?
I downloaded the last french1907.net savegame.
These are the German Statistics in your PBEM Game:
Engineers 5
Conscripts 168
Cavarly 5
Field Artillery 60
Destroyer 6
Battleship 4
Cruiser 4
Submarine 5
Ocean Liner 1
Marines 2
Gold: 1178
24 Light Industries
35 Factory
35 Steel Mill
6 World Port
German Statistics 1907 / Civfanatics PBEM Game:
Engineers 12
Conscripts 90
Cavalry 9
Field Artillery 16
Armoured Car 1
Hevay Artillery 2
Destroyer 8
Battleship 5
Cruiser 5
Submarine 5
Ocean Liner 1
Marines 3
Freight 3
Gold: 731
15 Light Industries
19 Factory
1 Munitions Plant
1 World Port
Big difference!!
I don´t know guys, what shall we do?
June 24, 2002, 08:23
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How about to base the new stats on the Civfanatics PBEM, and then ad some factories and units. I have no problem with a slight increase compared to the Civfanatics PBEM.
June 24, 2002, 09:46
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SAS: I agree
It would be the easiest solution...
June 25, 2002, 02:39
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June 27, 2002, 18:17
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academia ??
June 29, 2002, 21:38
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Can we play now?
July 1, 2002, 20:26
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I'm back and I agree with a neutral party fixing Germany!
July 1, 2002, 21:40
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Sorry guys, i forgot about this PBEM.
So, what should i do? "Rebuilt" Germany on my own?
If you want, i can do it; delete units, buildings, etc.
July 7, 2002, 15:44
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academia, do just that.
Whatever it takes to get the game going again.
July 7, 2002, 20:11
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Well, these are the number after the german "reforms":
Engineers 5 ( + 7 rush build. they will be ready for next turn)
Conscripts 90
Cavalry 5 ( + 4 rush build)
Field Artillery 16 ( + 3. represent the 1 armoured car and 2 heavy artillery of the civfanatics PBEM Game)
Destroyer 6 ( + 2 rush build)
Battleship 4 ( + 1 rush build)
Cruiser 4 ( + 1 rush build)
Submarine 5
Ocean Liner 1
Marines 3
Freight 0 ( + 3 rush build)
Gold: 2662
23 Light Industries
35 Factory
2 Steel Mill
0 Munitions Plant
6 World Port
As you can see, i need to buy more improvements. Anyway, this is the first step. I believe that in 2 turns everything will return to normality.
July 7, 2002, 20:19
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This is the file. What do you think about it?
July 10, 2002, 17:08
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Great work Academica!
Allthough i think you stink of money  i think your improvements where about right.
Great to get the game going again..
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