April 12, 2002, 20:44
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The Austrian Foreign Ministry, corrects the world maps to find, Ottoman, and Russian EMpires are the biggest in Europe.
April 12, 2002, 20:59
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Fine occupy Greece *and Crete*
April 12, 2002, 21:09
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Forgot the Map! silly me!
April 12, 2002, 21:53
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Emperor Ferdinand II Statement
The European Situation is precariusly widening, dispite Austro-Hungarian Army Moves in the Blakans, does not support French ambitions in Spain. Nor do I support Ottoman occupation of Crete if doing so.
For the matter of British/Ottoman relations, seeing they are worsening by the day, I propose a meeting to discuss the deveploments and try and secure peace if that does not work, the Austrian Empire and its people will have to 'pick a side' and support it to the fullest!
Also, I support British Claims for Norway, Russia's claims to Sweeden and Germanys to Denmarck.
Thank you
Emperor Ferdinand II
April 12, 2002, 22:45
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London Times
PM Disraeli Jr. here. I would like to make a statement: The Disraeli Proposal
1. France expansion in Spain should be limited to northern areas and British to west and far south with small south-western area possibly to Italy.
2. Ottoman Empire should withdraw from Greece and Crete and leave to British control. In compensation, Britain will trade with Ottoman Empire and pay in installments a reasonable fee
3. Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits are open to all free traffic of Ottoman Empire and Russia. Russia shall not be restricted passage anytime, the same for the Ottoman Empire
4. Status of Land, excluding Neutrals, but including Spain until further notice, after these proposals are met, shall remain as they are for a period of 5 years, afterwhich, the Status Treaty shall come up for renewal with all parties involved
5. A League of Nations shall be formed out of Geneva, Switzerland and a secretary-general elected immediately. The SG may be replaced by a vote of no confidence, where at least two members should support the vote at first for new elections to take place. It is overridable by a majority vote of the league.
Last edited by The ANZAC; April 13, 2002 at 10:09.
April 12, 2002, 22:50
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London Times
Now points 4 and 5 should be ratified immediately by all involved, points 1, 2, and 3 can be worked out with variation. The Stautus of Land Treaty with go into effect as soon as signed, but we will work out Spain and Greece and incorporate if a settlement isn't reached before the treaty is signed. Any questions and comments can be sent to the British PM.
Here's what needs to be ratified:
Spain- UK, Austria, France, Italy
Greece- UK, Austria, France, Turkey
Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits- UK, Austria, France, Turkey
Status of Land Treaty- UK, Austria, France, Turkey
League of Nations- UK, Austria, France, Turkey, Italy
I will update these with which countries agree and once all do it will become ratified.
Last edited by The ANZAC; April 15, 2002 at 18:11.
April 12, 2002, 22:52
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London Times
Alliance Between Russia and Great Britain
Today PM Disraeli and Tsar Nicholas II signed a alliance today. they hope to keep in close friendship and contact and will help eachother in need.
April 12, 2002, 23:14
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Spain- I agree, I would want only 1 or 2 cities.
Greece- I will stay neutral in this matter
Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits- I agree
Status of Land Treaty- I agree
League of Nations- I agree
Me agreeing is my vote, as for that Anzac can update it and put in the votes for and against.
April 13, 2002, 06:07
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Frances response to The Disraeli Proposal
1. France expansion in Spain should be limited to northern areas and British to west and far south with the rest for discussion later
In prinsipal i agree to this porposal, but i still maintain that only Britain, France and to some extent Italy has any rights in the area. I fint it unacceptable and ridiculous that countries such as Austria should have any rights there.
2. Ottoman Empire should withdraw from Greece and Crete and leave to British control. In compensation, Britain will trade with Ottoman Empire and pay in installments a reasonable fee
I agree. Greece is British territory, and should remain so in the future.
3. Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits are open to all free traffic of Ottoman Empire and Russia. Russia shall not be restricted passage anytime, the same for the Ottoman Empire
I agree.
4. Status of Land, excluding Neutrals, but including Spain until further notice, after these proposals are met, shall remain as they are for a period of 5 years, afterwhich, the Status Treaty shall come up for renewal with all parties involved
I agree.
5. A League of Nations shall be formed out of Geneva, Switzerland and a secretary-general elected immediately. The SG may be replaced by a vote of no confidence, where at least two members should support the vote at first for new elections to take place. It is overridable by a majority vote of the league.
I agree. But we have to further discuss the mandate of the secretary-general.
-Pierre Rousseau-
April 13, 2002, 07:38
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Fine occupy Greece *and Crete*
What? I didn't touch Crete and it is still yours.
Ottoman Empire should withdraw from Greece and Crete and leave to British control. In compensation, Britain will trade with Ottoman Empire and pay in installments a reasonable fee
How can I withdraw from Crete if I didn't occupy it? Also, we won't leave Greece to British control unless we are given some territory elsewhere. Give me Cypros and Crete and you can have Greece.
3. Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits are open to all free traffic of Ottoman Empire and Russia. Russia shall not be restricted passage anytime, the same for the Ottoman Empire
I agree.
The Status of Land treaty and League of Nations are good ideas. We support them.
April 13, 2002, 10:06
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London Times
Revision to 1st Proposal
1. France expansion in Spain should be limited to northern areas and British to west and far south with small south-western area possibly to Italy
The Italics are the change. The Austrian Empire does not have a sphere of influence that extends this far. And they are getting Rumania, so they should feel cheated.
Now with this change, who supports the Spain proposal. Also, once all seven nations sign it it becomes ratified, so become a signatory nation!
As to the Greek question: I will accept Crete (I thought you had it already, turkey  ) For mainland Greece, I will pay money, maybe give a tech or two, and help industrialize your nation to a certain extent for those two cities. Would the Ottoman Empire accept this?
PM Disraeli
April 13, 2002, 11:48
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As to the Greek question: I will accept Crete (I thought you had it already, turkey ) For mainland Greece, I will pay money, maybe give a tech or two, and help industrialize your nation to a certain extent for those two cities. Would the Ottoman Empire accept this?
This looks like a reasonable offer. Of course, the amount of money you will pay should be quite large. Make your offer.
Otherwise, we accept your generous proposal.
1. France expansion in Spain should be limited to northern areas and British to west and far south with small south-western area possibly to Italy
Italy should get more than "a small south-western area".
Below is my humble proposal of how Spain should be divided:
Britain - Cadiz, Seville and Sanatandar
Italy - Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona
France - Zaragoza, Valladolid and Salamanca
April 13, 2002, 12:14
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Italy doesn't agree with the propositions mentionned up to now!!
A counter proposal will be offered as soon as the Foreign Ministry is back from his week-end of wine-tasting...
April 13, 2002, 12:16
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April 13, 2002, 12:18
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While the intentions are good, France cannot accept the suggestion as is stands right now. Italy would get the biggest cities and the most fertile land.
Here is Frances counter proposal:
Britain: Cadiz, Lisbon, Salamanca and Sanatandar
France: Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza and Valladolid
Italy: Valencia and Seville
April 13, 2002, 12:40
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Italy would get the biggest cities and the most fertile land.
Yes maybe my offer would benefit Italy too much. However, in your offer France would get all the major cities. I suggest that Madrid would be given to Britain.
Also, the Ottoman Empire demands that Portugal will be left neutral.
Our proposal:
Britain: Cadiz, Madrid, Salamanca and Sanatandar
France: Barcelona, Zaragoza and Valladolid
Italy: Valencia and Seville
April 13, 2002, 12:42
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Great Britain agrees with Turkey and France's plans for partition. Italy should not get as large a slice as France or Britain because it is not as large of a country.
Italy doesn't agree with the propositions mentionned up to now!!
A counter proposal will be offered as soon as the Foreign Ministry is back from his week-end of wine-tasting...
Italy: You agree to none of the points in the Disraeli Proposal? I would think a League of Nations or Straits would at least be acceptable
Also everyone, let us try to get a League of Nations, Land Status Treaty, and Straits Passage ratified: we still need 3 more signatures: Russia, Germany, Italy
April 13, 2002, 12:47
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Also Turkey: How does 400 gold sound for those 2? Remember you are getting a tech or two and British trade rights.
April 13, 2002, 12:53
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Also Turkey: How does 400 gold sound for those 2? Remember you are getting a tech or two and British trade rights.
400 sounds reasonable but we would like to make a counter-offer: Give us a battleship and a destroyer, the techs and trade rights and Greece is yours.
April 13, 2002, 12:55
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A destroyer, but no battleship, but we will give 400, destroyer, tech, and trade rights.
April 13, 2002, 15:37
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(Damn, i go to sleep and miss all this!  )
Well The Austrian and Ottoman Empire have explained terms and Austro-Hungarian Empire is to annex Bulgaria for the right price form the Ottoman Empire, and the rest of Rumanian will be occupied next month, in the Spain matter I support that Britian should have the biggest slice because Portugal loves Britian, and so will all of Spain for they will love the first taste of democracy.
BTW- You have to conquer Bacelona to get rid of the Border Posts in the mountians.... and Britian, if you conquer Cadiz you get rid if the border posts next to Gib.
Also, we must get Italy's opinion on the proposals (he's drinking LOL)... so it would be funny to ask, a cyrion?
And i will now agree to Greece.
Last edited by Soundwave; April 13, 2002 at 18:45.
April 13, 2002, 18:48
Local Time: 10:44
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Heres the New Rules: i edited the Yanistar and all the units, and a big review, thats Cyrion for pointing out the mistakes, so now there should be nothing wrong, and about the ottomans and the biplane its true, they dont get no fighters, or medium tanks, turkey was neutral in ww2 and the thing is kinda historical....
Btw-Anzac you'll like the Anzac's! Its very historical for that!
Last edited by Soundwave; April 18, 2002 at 00:50.
April 13, 2002, 19:46
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Russia starts the build up of their industrial infrastructure. Nothing military took place.
April 13, 2002, 20:29
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Anzac, Soundwave: This squabble over Spain looks mighty familiar...
April 13, 2002, 20:39
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I know lol, now we wait for what the French empire will do in Spain!
April 15, 2002, 08:08
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The French Empire continues to upgrade its allready impressive industrial capabillities.
The French navy is holding a naval excercise south of Marseille. Foreign observers is welcome as long as they dont disturb the excercise.
Honoring the The Disraeli Proposal France have captured Barcelona and Zaragoza. The Spanish people welcomes the French troops. This might be the begining of a time of stabillity.
In a preemptive strike against possible rebels in Bern, French forces have put the city under french administration.
-Pierre Rousseau-
April 15, 2002, 08:11
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And to those that where conserned about the wealth France would get from the capturing of Spanish Cities, there where no wealth at all. 0 (zero) plundered...
April 15, 2002, 08:20
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The Great Sultan is pleased to hear about Frances positive progress in Spain. I am also very happy that the Spain issue was solved without any bloodshed and violence. I salute the wise leaders of Europe!
(Sas sorry I thought it was your turn)
Last edited by Dream Deceiver; April 15, 2002 at 08:28.
April 15, 2002, 09:22
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Disraeli Proposal
The Italian Foreign Secretary just came back from his Montalcino Estate and explained the position of King Vittorio Emanuele concerning the various international proposals!!
1. Spain: Italy agrees with the following suggestion:
Lisbon : Neutral
Cadiz, Madrid, Salamanca and Santander : British
Barcelona, Zaragoza and Valladolid : French
Valencia, Seville and the (without city) Balearic Islands: Italian
Furthermore, the King thanks the Ottoman for their mediation and congratulates the French and the British for their cool and reasonable treatment of the situation : we will be able to live and prosper peacefully under the spanish sun...
2. Italy doesn't agree with the attribution of Crete to Great-Britain: the island was venitian centuries before the Ottoman or the British first put a foot on it, and there is no reason why Italy should not reopen it's traditional trade posts there!! So King Vittorio Emmanuele says about Crete: let's the first who takes the island keep it!! Italy will respect the victor of the "Race to Creta"!!! The Brindisi Squadron was seen steaming out of the port last night...
3. Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits : Italy agrees with the proposal, but a further clause should be included: the Straits should be open to all civilian traffic (i.e. Ocean liners carrying freight)
4. Italy doesn't fully understand what this clause means!!
5. Italy agrees on the League of Nations and proposes an Austrian secretary-general .
April 15, 2002, 10:35
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France applauds King Vittorio Emanuele attempt to negotiate a longterm solution for Spain.
But France has to object on the suggested division of Spain. The current proposal is clearly in Britains favour. Allthough Britain should get a sizable part of Spain, this is too much.
Frances suggestion:
Lisbon, Cadiz, Salamanca and Santander : British
Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Valencia and Valladolid : French
Seville and the (without city) Balearic Islands: Italian
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