April 15, 2002, 11:59
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King Vittorio Emanuele was heard laughing when the Foreign Secretary told him about a repartition leaving only Sevilla to Italy: "That's a good one!!! Those French have a really great sense of humour!!! Come on, it can only be a joke: they would never seriously offer only 1 city and a bunch of nearly useless islands..."
2 out of 10 is ok, 1 isn't ...
And the neutrality of Lisbon (instead of belonging to Britain) should balance things so that it's not too much in Britain's favour...
April 15, 2002, 12:47
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The Sultan is saddened by Frances greedy and imperialistic demands. Mr Rousseau should understandt that constant claims and squabble don't solve the issue. I think that France has forgotten the purpose of sharing Spain: It is made to stop Spain of turning into a battleground. It is made to protect the innocent people of Spain! You are demanding thinks that are impossible to accept and if we continue like this conflict will surely arise. We should sue for a peaceful solution by any means necessary! Accept the made proposal and we will solve this crisis once and for all! For the sake of Spain!
Also, Portugal must be left neutral!
France, think about your actions! Do you really want cause the Triumph of Death? Do you really want to unleash the horrors of war to the people of Spain?
Last edited by Dream Deceiver; April 15, 2002 at 15:30.
April 15, 2002, 13:56
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If France agrees on the terms, will the Ottoman empire, Austria and Russia agree that Italy, France, Britain and Germany should have a say in the slaughter that is going on in the Baltic’s/Romania/Greece ? Not to mention Germanys attack on of Belgium and Holland.
And the future of Denmark, Sweden and Norway for that matter.....
If you agree, than I say we make a similar agreement for that area. I call for a halt on all offensive actions in that area until we can decide on a fair agreement.
Frances main problem is the double standard at work here. You don’t lift a finger when the Baltic’s (10 cities, 13 including Greece) is crushed, but you make a huge issue over the future of Spain and Portugal (10 cities). If you're not willing to agree to this demand, its obvious you are not after peace, just protecting your own interests.
Frances greedy and imperialistic demands
Speak for yourself...
-Pierre Rousseau-
Last edited by sas; April 15, 2002 at 14:42.
April 15, 2002, 15:11
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Small clarification
King Vittorio Emanuelle wishes to remind his French friend that he was not claiming anything, but merely accepting a proposal Pierre Rousseau himself made earlier (about Sevilla and Valencia).
Furthermore, Sevilla is not a port, and wouldn't be really practical as a lonely city...
Italy is fully aware that Monsieur Rousseau and Mister Disraeli are only trying to find a peaceful solution that will guarantee the safety of the whole region, and assures them that we stand by their side to reach this honorable goal...
As for the neutrality of Lisbon, it was only a proposal: Italy will stay neutral on this matter...
Last edited by Cyrion; April 15, 2002 at 15:21.
April 15, 2002, 16:02
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The Balkans are a completely different issue. Romania and Bulgaria are annexed to protect them against outside imperialistic forces. They remain as protectorates under the Austrian control.
Greece was invaded because it belongs to the British Empire. Turkey just did the hard work of battling the rebels and was rewarded by Britain. Greece will be soon returned to Britain.
If France agrees on the terms, there won't be a war.
If France doesn't agree, she will feel the wrath of the civilized nations of Europe, who are tired of all this nonsense.
We don't want a war, you don't want a war.
It's all up to you.
April 15, 2002, 16:20
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The Balkans is a completely different issue
This certainly proves my argument. You say slaughtering and conquering an area bigger than Spain is irrelevant?
Your hypocrisy is at least obvious to the French government. Am I really alone in this line of thought?
I hope the rest of you read my previous post, and comment on this. Because this is just ridiculous.
If France agrees on the terms, there won't be a war.
And if my reply is that if you don’t agree to my terms about the Balkans/Romania, there will indeed be a war?
Dont think you can threaten the French Empire and hope to continue a civilized dialog.
-Pierre Rousseau-
April 15, 2002, 16:41
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And if my reply is that if you don’t agree to my terms about the Balkans/Romania, there will indeed be a war?
No, because the Ottoman Empire completely agrees on your terms about the Balkans. Foreign powers should have a say about Austrias actions. We didn't say we accept them, we just said that it is a completely different situation. In Spain we try to prevent it of turning into a battleground between foreign forces. In Balkans the neutral countries were just occupied. There were no outside interferense except in on case (Greece) that was solved diplomatically. Of course it is wrong of Austria to occupy her helpless neighbors. We aren't denying it.
Dont think you can threaten the French Empire and hope to continue a civilized dialog
The Ottoman Empire didn't want to threaten France, we just wanted to point the basic facts. If we talked in a rude manner The Great Sultan wishes to apologize this behavior.
We just sincerely hope that we can find a solution that pleases everyone involved.
April 15, 2002, 17:08
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In Balkans the neutral countries were just occupied
Remember this could have been the case in Spain as well. I could just as well done the same in Spain as Austria did in the Balkans.
the Ottoman Empire completely agrees on your terms about the Balkans
Thank you for your support. My diplomats where beginning to think we where living in two different set of realities here.
The Ottoman Empire didn't want to threaten France
The Ottoman Empire is to far away to be considered a serious threat at the moment. But Austrias rattling with his guns is unsettling and would have sparked some French response.
Believe it or not, France is not interested in a war either. But we
demand to be treated according to our situation and with the respect that comes with it. Remember I am in a position to do what i originally planned. I wont do that now offcourse, just something to remember.
I will in principal agree to Italys proposal if (and only if) we can work out the situation on the Balkans, Scandinavia, Greece/Crete and Belgium/Holland. But i still maintain that Britain is getting the most of it. He will in effect controll about
40-50% of the country.
-Pierre Rousseau-
Last edited by sas; April 15, 2002 at 17:13.
April 15, 2002, 17:28
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France proposes:
*Liege to France
*Brussels to Britain
*Amsterdam and Nijmegen to Germany
Austria: Belgrade, Pec, Craiova and Burcharest
Russia: Galati and Constanta
Ottoman: Varna, Sofia, Pleven and Pristina
Italy: Podgorica
Germany: Schieswig, Alborg and Copenhagen
Britain: Stavanger and Gotenborg
Russia: Kalmar and Stockholm
British rule against compensation to Ottoman
British rule
Britain: Valladolid, Cadiz, Salamanca and Sanatandar
France: Madrid, Barcelona and Zaragoza
Italy: Valencia and Seville
Portugal neutral
Last edited by sas; April 15, 2002 at 18:14.
April 15, 2002, 17:41
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Frances propose is both sensible and fair. We are very delighted to see that France is willing to talk civilized and make sacrifices to reach peace. We support Frances most wise proposal 100%!
We also hope that other countries are smart enough to accept this proposal that will deliver peace on our time.
April 15, 2002, 18:17
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I decline the French proposal. Nations of Europe let us work this out amongst ourselves. Italy, France, and Britain will negotiate on Spain.
Portugal is MINE! It is a protectorate of Britain and I will not allow some third world nation like Italy to push around the British Empire!
France there is no need to get involved in spheres of influence which aren't yours!
Now onto Italy: The Status of Land Treaty states that after all the land is divied up, all land shall remain under that country's control, unless bought or sold, for 5 years. Then it will come up for renewal.
Also the British government views the Dardanelles quesion as something that Russia and Turkey should control. Period. No one else should have control over it.
Last edited by The ANZAC; April 15, 2002 at 21:53.
April 15, 2002, 21:35
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Originally posted by sas
Austria: Belgrade, Pec, Craiova and Burcharest
Russia: Galati and Constanta
Ottoman: Varna, Sofia, Pleven and Pristina
Italy: Podgorica
Austro-Hungarian Empire Enraged!!
This will not be met, if any forces try to occupy this land, they will be fired upon, the French have no say in the Balkans what so ever, in the matter of Spain, Austria is completely neutral.
Another matter, is of certain agreements if the Ottoman Empire goes back on agreements, she better not think of it, for that would mean a world of dishonour.
(haven't been here for 2 days, working hard!)
BTW- Austria has a say in the Med, for its fleet is there, same with all nations, except Germany/Russia, although, only Italy/France/Britian have a say in Spain , so they should sort it out by themselves.
If the French Empire wants lands in the Balkans, or anyother Nationalites other than Austrians/Turks there will be a battle of Austrian Steel and Foreign Flesh
April 15, 2002, 22:23
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Germany will not relinquish its protection over the Low Countries of Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg, and will not consider any proposal that demands such absurdities.
April 15, 2002, 22:58
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Nothing much happened.
April 16, 2002, 01:50
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If the French Empire wants lands in the Balkans,
You obviously havent read any of my proposition have you?
France have NEVER had ANY territorial ambitions in eastern europe. I thought my proposition was pretty clair on that point.
Now i hope you at least can read the CAPITAL letters.
April 16, 2002, 02:04
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Do not try then to sort out lands that do not! involve you!
Last edited by Soundwave; April 18, 2002 at 00:54.
April 16, 2002, 02:26
Local Time: 10:44
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European Times
Austrian Emperor Congratulates Leaders
The Emperor has today congradulated, the leaders of German for the 'liberation' of Schieswig, English occupation of Stavanger, and French conquest of Barcelona and Zaragoza.
Venice-Trieste Railway Finished
After long hard hours of Slavs Engineers the Railway is finally completed.
Conquests Finally Finished!
Austria: Belgrade, Pec, Craiova and Burcharest
Russia: Galati and Constanta
Ottoman: Varna, Sofia, Pleven and Pristina
Italy: Podgorica
These remarks made by the French are stupid, For all of these cities are under Austrian Control.
April 16, 2002, 02:32
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-Austrian Protests over Switzerland which should remian neutral!
April 16, 2002, 04:31
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Italy insulted
After some futher explanations, Italy agrees to the Status of Land Treaty.
About the Balkanic cities: Italy wishes to make it clear that it has NO ambition in the Balkan and doesn't want to be involved in any kind of trouble there!!
Last, as a reply to the hurtful letter sent by Mr Disraeli:
Originally posted by The ANZAC
Portugal is MINE! It is a protectorate of Britain and I will not allow some third world nation like Italy to push around the British Empire!
About Portugal, I don't give a damn whom it belongs to, I just agreed on a proposal made, that's all!! As you can read in one of my last posts, I'm neutral on this matter!!
And about the words you used while speaking about the Italian Republic:
1) A Republic was established in Italy centuries before your savages even learned to read: not bad, for a third world nation!!
2) While wanting only to develop in peace, and certainly not to "push around the British Empire" (in which londonian pub did you hear that??), Italy will not accept to be insulted by anybody!! We hope that this comment resulted only from a bad translation and that you'll clarify the situation soon!!!
April 16, 2002, 09:27
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The Great Sultan is tired of all this arguing. He tried to sue for peace. He tried to persuade the nations of Europe to a peaceful solution but clearly it was vain. If this is the way you want to solve your issues we don't want any part in this madness.
April 16, 2002, 18:21
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The British Government does not mean to harass or defame Italy, but would just like Italy to not try and control Britatin in Spain.
April 16, 2002, 18:24
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I dont understand, what madness Sultan, we are all at peace, there is no war, Austria will lay no further claims what so ever. And I agree that France should have a big part of Spain, and the British should have a piece as well, for the instance of Italy, Italy has a much a right as the Ottoman Empire or the Austro-Hungarian Empire to 'rights' in Spain.
Also Italy its your turn?
BTW-Cyrion i need to catch you online on MSN, so I can give you some files...  (no its not porn!)
April 16, 2002, 18:33
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Also Crete and Portugal are under British jurisdiction, though British forces haven't arrived. If any of those mentioned territories are seized by other powers, they will have to face the full might of Britain!
April 16, 2002, 19:15
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Re: London Times
Originally posted by The ANZAC
Now points 4 and 5 should be ratified immediately by all involved, points 1, 2, and 3 can be worked out with variation. The Stautus of Land Treaty with go into effect as soon as signed, but we will work out Spain and Greece and incorporate if a settlement isn't reached before the treaty is signed. Any questions and comments can be sent to the British PM.
Here's what needs to be ratified:
1.Spain- UK, Austria, France, Italy
2.Greece- UK, Austria, France, Turkey
3.Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits- UK, Austria, France, Turkey
4.Status of Land Treaty- UK, Austria, France, Turkey
5.League of Nations- UK, Austria, France, Turkey, Italy
I will update these with which countries agree and once all do it will become ratified.
5. Italy agrees on the League of Nations and proposes an Austrian secretary-general . - From Cyrion
Austrian Statement
The Austrian Emperor's, Chancellor, Sean von Riechwehr shall accept the nomination! Let the nominations and election being!
April 16, 2002, 22:07
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I vote for an Austrian Secretary-General
April 17, 2002, 00:42
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I vote for a Austrain Secretary-General too
April 17, 2002, 00:46
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I agree to the League of Nations, and also vote for a Austrian-Hungarian president.
April 17, 2002, 00:58
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Only two more votes to make it a majority!!
April 17, 2002, 02:37
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France vote for the Austrian Secretary-General.
April 17, 2002, 03:12
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Some Answers from Italy
First, sorry!! I totally missed the attachement at the end of Soundwave's post!! I'll play tonight
Second: I keep my vote for an Austrian Secretary-General!!
Third: once again, I'm not trying to control Britain, or anybody, in Spain or anywhere!! And an apology for the "third-world" statement would be appreciated...
And last: the "Cretan" problem!! I don't see why Creta has to belong to Britain! It never did in the past, while it actually did belong to Venezia!!
As it is now, my Royal Marines are ready to take the island this turn!! As a sign of goodwill, I will refrain from doing it, BUT it does not mean I agreed with the fact it has to belong to Britain: ANZAC, this is something we should discuss!! SO please, talk with me before taking the island!! And please don't believe I am afraid!!!
OOC: Soundwave, I might be online tonight, so maybe you can find me on MSN !! What files ??
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