April 8, 2002, 17:03
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A History of Persia and her neighbors - Now at Apolyton
Well you've been graced. give thanks. This site will now become 1 of 3 Civ Sites that will receive my sites. if you like this go to http://www.civfanatics.com or the MUCH smaller http://pub92.ezboard.com/facivcommunityfrm18 to see other stories by me.
Chapter 1: an Exerpt from the Holy Book of the Persian Church.
"...And it came to pass that God became lonely in his journeys across the world and he made a man from the dust. He called this man Perjuh. Seeing that his man pined for more of his like The Mighty Lord made a woman and tribes for him and his children to rule. and Perjuh's fertile wife had eight children, neither nine nor seven but eight. They were named as follows, Bismark the German, Elizabeth the English, Joan the French, Hammurabi the Babylonian, Mao the Chinese, Shaka the Zulu, Catherine the Russian, and Xerxes. (footnote: The antecedents of these names have unknown origins but it is beleived that the God determined them using the mystical "Random Setting") and these Children went forth, all but Xerxes, to command tribes named after the last part of their names. Xerxes stayed with his father to help Rule an unnamed group...
"....Catherine Became jealous of the Cities of her father and brother and sent an Archer to kill them as they watched the games held in Persiaopolis and the Archer drew back his string and let fly that deadly arrow, shooting for Xerxes's heart. and in this way it was discovered that Perjuh and his wife had given birth to immortal rulers of men. the second arrow proved that Perjuh was not himself immortal."
(I do not intend to begin a religious discussion this just seemed to me an interesting way to begin the Story)
Xerxes kneeled weeping over his father's corpse on the grassy hill behind the Palace. The Archer was brought before him by the spearmen gaurding the City.
"Have him executed tomorrow at sunrise, call to my Immortals near Catherine's nation, we shall give her war if that is what pleases her."
"My dear people, the Archer who stands before you has killed the kind and able ruler of this country, my father. he shall be punished for this grave crime and we shall, in honor of our dead ruler, bear the name 'Persians' untuil the end of our lines."
The people cheered but he was not done.
"as we are however, without a ruler i shall take control, leading us to punish Russia for her crimes and then to lead us and our descendants to greatness."
The cheering was even louder now. his people would put their faith in him and he would not let them down.
as soon as his speech was done and the villain executed he met with his generals.
"We shall send an immortal and an Archer to the North and Tblisi and Three Immortals and Three spearmen to accompany a catapault south into the Russian heartland." he said. the plan was sound, it would crush the Russians, or so he hoped.
Icarus, the Immortal Commander stood outside St. Petersburg, the lone spearman defending it would probably stand no chance, he prayed. He heard a great bang as a rock struck the Russian swine, that catapault would help alot. His men charged the city, swords in the air, the Russians cowered and stuck their spears out to defend themselves. it didn't help. it was more of a slaughter than a battle really the Russians were crushed before the Catapault rolled in with it's spearman gaurd, cheering all the way at the second victory in the war. Tblisi had fallen as easily ending the Russian expansion Northward.
April 8, 2002, 17:06
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a Map. These always help
April 8, 2002, 17:09
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Chapter Two: The English War
"My dear sister, i see you can talk sense now."Xerxes said,"How badly do you want me to end this..."he began to say war,"annexation?"
"250 gold and 1 per turn?"Catherine replied, questoningly,"Will that be enough?"
"No cities?"The new persian ruler asked, disappointed.
"You haven't gotten enough?"she replied, shaking her head.
he nodded, "let it be so, my people desire peace anyway."
He had won a border with the french, an up and coming power like his own nation, who shared their half of the circular subcontinent with the Zulus, who hadn't been shown their place as the Russians had. he had to go from the meeting place, a comfortable room, he had a growing nation to run.
Elizabeth's nation was an old power that had dominated early on. her tech was behind and she needed to catch up, she hoped that Xerxes could help although she planned to offer him nothing but threats.
She entered the throne room herself, unlike her rivals she disdained the use of a lesser diplomat to convey her will to the rest of the World.
"Xerxes i demand the tribute of 9 gold per turn and the technology of Currency."
Xerxes was an imposing sight to her, he had his gaurds and his court around him and she stood in solitude before his throne. The imposing nature of the sight was added to by the laughter accompanying it.
"Lizzie, yours is the only country left in the ancient times, why should i respect your millitary might when my pikemen can defend me against hordes of your best troops and my knights can attack you easily. your empty threats don't faze me. you old nations need to accept reality and move over so that the new world order can begin."
"My threats are not empty in any sense, prepare to see how your 'mighty' pikemen stand against powerful english swordsmen. we shall have war over your disrespect and your lack of generosity."
laughing again. Elizabeth stormed out to begin ordering her troops.
Due to his leadership in the Russo-Persian war Icarus commander a mighty group of Knights, the first in the counter assault against England. Coventry would fall and he would see to it. it was a shot journey as coventry was near Persia and he brought no artillery.
The English spearmen sharpened the Bronze ends of their spears and hoped for the best, which happened to be that some of them managed to escape before the Persians came.
Shaka had joined Xerxes against the "English Agressors" and he had contacted Catherine who had joined as well, needing the gold he offered. His Emisarrier were returning from Paris now.
"Sir, Good news, the french will help us bring down the English. without any cost to us."
"This is The best news, we shall have a great feast to honor this."
Elizabeth gazed out onto the lawn of Buckingham for the last time, she had packed already, sensing the inevitable as French Knights came to challenge her spearmen for the ownership of London. With a remorseful heart and tears in her eyes she wondered what she had done to deserve such a pestilince in her kingdom as she sadly and slowly left London in her carriage, following the hordes of englishmen that had already fled.
Joan was quite proud of herself, this war had made her the most powerful nation in the world, she had crushed the English in London and other cities, allowing Xerxes to capture only 3 cities and Shaka to capture only one. the Zulu Ruler was frustrated at this but didn't have the Navy to take the remaining English cities, her colonies across the sea. Joan could have taken them, she thought about it long and hard, before deciding to be merciful.
Xerxes looked at his new holdings, somewhat impressive he thought, the English had thought a war with me could possibly be succesful for them. they hadn't expected him to gain support, although, he thought, maybe a bit much support as the French had taken most of the cities. he'd have to catch up with them as he was now only third on the list of most powerful, trailing behind both the Zulus and the French but far ahead of the rest.
The Peace of britain was signed in buckingham palace,now a forbidden palace, reminding Elizabeth how badly she had lost. She promised to send tribute of 1 gold per turn to each of the three main nations that had formed against her, the alliance that had won, she thought, if only it had lasted just a bit longer Germany would have joined me, with his Medeival technologies and her money, or rather what her money had been, most of it had been taken from her, they could have stood a chance.
Shaka wanted to expand. he was sick of the French and the persians being strong enough for him to fear them, with a larger nation he could take them both on. Once the galleys are done, he promised himself, then germany would fall to him. he laughed maniacally in the privacy of his Carriage heading back to Zululand.
April 8, 2002, 17:14
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Chapter 3:The Fall of the German State
i know it's the same map.... sorry.
Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Persian navy had a lot of work to do. While peace was formally in existance across the globe persia suffered from the lack of a strong navy, he had been given full authority to remedy that. The Galleys that had composed the navy so far were outdated, his first task was to replace them with caravels. next he had to promote colonization of other coasts. He also had advised the king to research his way to stronger ships, such as the frigate, Thrawn's moutth watered at the thought of frigates, they would allow Persia to bombard coastal cities, Privateers would allow them to harrass other fleets without worry of the consequences. The Emperor was building troops near Russia, another invasion was imnent and hopefully frigates would be there to help.
The Zulu Knights and pikemen landed outside Leizpeg. panicing the unwitting german peasants. Bismark became paniced too, when he saw their mission. Leizpeg fell after a month of seiging.
"Joan, my ally,"Shaka began,"Will you help me fight these Germans?"
Joan thought, This war had been an unprovoked invasion, she would lower public opinion by joining him. but he stood more of a chance in this war than did the poor germans. he could sting her as he fell leaving world leadership to.... she winced... Persia.
"I'm in."
"Xerxes sends his support to the Zulu people, i shall join you." hopefully, he thought he could beat France in this land grab.
General Das spat furiously at the ground, France had had occupied England to attack Germany from, the Zulus had had a head start, but his nation was showing up last and hadn't seen combat, mostly because Northern Germany was no longer in any way German. The only gain from this war had been a city built on the site of a razed german city....Leizpeg he thought.... that was now sending spices home. Persia was not benifiting greatly from this war, in fact the only way he could imagine his proud nation gaining anything would be from payments for peace.
"Sir French troops bring word of a German couneroffensive composed mostly of Cavalry, they cannot reach it before it gets to the relativly defensless cities of former britain."
das cackled with delight, finally a chance to fight, to lead his proud troops to battle. he hopped on his horse raised his ornamental sword high and called for his men to follow him. the men stood from their meals, wiped their faces and ran to join the spur of the moment attack, mounting their confused horses quickly.
Shaka was not comforted by his invasion. sure he had been more succesful than the war against England, he had gained threee german cities, in the end France had taken over and either conqured or razed everything german except for hamburg on the southern coast. He was now only the third strongest nation around because of losses in the war. The French sent troops from one side of their Empire to the other through his nation, the french soldiers acted as though they owned the place, "confiscating" his people's wine, raping the women of his nation, makingg spectacles of themselves. They beleived they were some sort of "Master Race" and that all other peoples were subhumans, the persians he had heard were "Put up with, regardless of their cockyness and the fact that they saw themselves as equals, because at least they are a bathroom trained nation." he would show the French.... one day.
Das looked over the future battlefeild, readied his cannons and shouted to the germans.
"You're Free to surrender now!!! if you enjoy breathing!"
"NEIN!!(Spelling may be wrong my german isn't very good) Deutchland uberallis!!!!!!!"was the reply.
das laughed, he never thought that he would ever hear anyone claim that germany was supreme, especially after this war. the cannons fired on his command wounding the german cavlary. then his own mounted troops rode to attack, crushing german after german in the closest thing to a battle fought in the later part of the German War.
Xerxes was the clever one, right after the only battle ever fought between himself and Germany, he was the first to make peace, thereby taking everything that germany had before anyone else did. then a messenger arrived.
"France has destroyed the last german city mylord."
"Did the caravans with the german gold get here first?"
"Yes sir they arrived in persiopolis soon before the french took hamburg."
"good"he said, he could have crushed germany if the those damn frenchmen hadn't done it first. but the French would pay.... someday.
Last edited by SKILORD; April 9, 2002 at 12:27.
April 8, 2002, 17:17
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Chapter 4: Russian Fear
Das's Cavalry was now assigned to "Border Patrol" on the Russian border. as his troops marched around he noticed that his cavary wasn't the only one here, in fact the border was it seemed gaurded exclusively by powerful offensive units.
The Russian Galley was carrying a settler to expand the Dying nation, Catherine hadn't brought her nation to power ever and since Xerxes had taken most of her nation all those years ago russia hadn't been able to be counted among nations that were even roughly powerful. The Settlers that she sent away to colonize and the division of her empire was safegaurd against being conqured completely. then a huge privateer towered above the ancient galley, casting it's shadow over it. the Captain looked up to see a cannonball shoot towards his antiquated ship.
Czarina looked out to the waters of Kiev and saw a great and mighty fleet of Privateers stopping all trade, gunning down the ships exiting from the only coastal city in the main russian area.
"WHO'S ARE THOSE!!!!!"she screamed furiously."THEY MUST BE DESTROYED!!!"
"Madame, i'm sorry to say that we have no idea, but the most likely people to do it seems to be the Persians, who are even as we speak positioning troops throughout our nation and refusing to leave."
"What type of troops? offensive troops maybe?"
"No mostly riflemen,"Catherne paled, her nation was still in the middle ages,"We think that they plan to cut us off from our supplies. But the good news is that French/Persian relations being what they are the Frenchmen won't join them probably."
"Anyone who might?"she asked.
"Babylon to the south of us most likely will, but he is only a little stronger than we are and is also somewhat distracted by the Chinese."
Cursing, Catherine went to her carriage to return to Moscow.
General Waldemar wasw leading the Pre-emptive strike against the Persians. his Musketmen were hoping to be able to take St. Petersburg, where the people had been in Persia so long as to belewive themselves persian. as he passed the boundary between the nations he noticed that Persia was ready, with cavalry and Riflemen all over the place, waiting for a chance to unleash their fury on the Russian people, fury at being only second best for so long and still not strong enough to dethrone France. He stood on a hill outside St. Petersburg and, as he was instructed to, ordered his mushetmen to destroy the road and set fire through the mine. His catapault launched a huge rock at the unsuspecting persians, destroying an ancient temple.
Then the response came, well trained Persian riflemen came barging up the hill, fireing their weapons. Waldemar Felt a bullet in his leg as he watched the battle, his men were good aqt defending and the Riflemen were not meant to attack but still, it was a slaughter. when his other leg went he lay in the mud untuil, long after the fight a persian rifleman shot him in the back of the head mercifully
"Mother Russia must survive and so must you Catherine!" shouted the advisor.
"I shall not leave!"she responded indignately.
"We shall have to take you then,"he said as he poked the needle into his Czarina, to induce a peaceful sleep, he frowned as he realized that she would probably not have another peaceful slumber... especially not in Moscow, for a very long time.
General Das's Cavalry men were leading their horses through Moscow, the Russians had fought to the last man, many cossacks and Musketmen dying before his cannons and rifles. He respected them for that, they were excellent foes and with better technology they would have been truely formidable, he looked up when he approached a large building and traced it down to the base, in the Marble there was inscribed "Leonardo's Workshop" He grinned, this would help his country's Musketmen, still surviving from before get new, repeater rifles, then with the great line of fortifications beig built on the french border, his nation would be a force to be reconed with, he considered the "Great Line" as it was called, with russia taken that group of forts could spread from sea to ocean, and with Persia's mighty Fleet the French wouldn't be able to enter Persia without one hell of a fight. he considered this for a moment... maybe this was Xerxes Master plan, a master plan to crush the master race it was called by those in the know although the details remained fuzzy even to them.
April 8, 2002, 17:20
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Chapter 5: War Cry!
Hammurabi marched into Rega(maybe i got it wrong) to show his support for the efforts of the remaining russians there in rebuilding, for reconstruction must happen now with Russia reduced to her colonies. Babylon had moved up in the world significantly because of the success of the war and Persia had even brought them into the Industrial ages... one day Hammurabi thought, i will be the strongest.
Shaka had had enough as he barged into Joan's elaborate Palace.
"I DEMAND that you remove your troops from MY SOIL!!!"
Joan laughed from her tall throne,"Whyever would i? you don't have the backbone to make me."
"PREPARE FOR WAR WENCH!!!!!"was the reply.
"Shall i help you my freind?"Xerxes repeated,"Of course i will with the Great Line completed she won't stand a chance."or at least he hoped so, France had been the most powerful nation ever since she had helped bring down England a chance to bring her down was just what he needed.
"Grand Chairman, one of the foreigners from the decadent east is here to speak to you,"The advisor said in chinese."I beleive she calls herself Joan"
"Admit her,"he replied, being on frances side in the upcomeing war could take his nation to more power than he had ever dreamed before, he hoped this was what she was here for.
as she entered she gave a sharp bow out of respect for him and began her request;
"Will you join Russia and I against the hordes of enemies that wish to celebrate our fall?"
Mao fought to contain his excitment, the mightiest ruler ever to walk the face of the earth was here asking for his help.
"I can only help you if i have modern soldiers can your scientists teach mine of replaceable parts in exchange?"
"It is agreed."
England had been kept alive since the English war by generous persians helping to keep them only a little behind in tech, or rather of persian tech meaning that the British were the second most advanced nation, although she still lacked any size and the royal coffers were barely adequate. She wanted revenge, France would be distracted enough she hoped that Joan will miss the British troops sneaking up on Oxford. then as french forces are rallied to the south to attack Elizabeth's only freind's nation she would retake London and the rest of her old Empire the plan was brilliant. she laughed as she prepared to dream of her return to power.
General Pierre marched his Infantry up to the mountainous border between his great nation and the Persians, he was shocked when artillery rounds began raining upon his soldiers heads, he ordered them to shrug it off, they were in the greatest millitary of all time, France had never been beaten on the battlefeild. His men opened fire on the fortresses and the well fortified Persian soldiers laughed the bullets off without loosing a man and returned the fire, it was far more effective on the open, advancing troops. and as his soldiers fell one by one Pierre saw that he would inevitably be the first French General ever to loose a battle he put his own machine gun to his head and fired, the persians didn't even allow him that dignity as a persian bullet wizzed by, scaring him and his fear pushed the gun down where a stream of bullets severed his leg at the kneecap. he lay there in pain before the Persians pulled him off the battlefeild to be sent home to Persiopolis.
General Sam was on his way to meet Xerxes, to receive special orders for the attack on France. he knodded curtly to the secretary as she opened the huge mahagony door to the Emperor's office.
"Nice to see you here General,"Xerxes began,"I have orders of the highest importance for you and General Das to carry out."
"Whatever you command sir."Sam replied.
"Our scientists have been secretly researching for years to prepare for an attack on France, it came before we had planned but it still can be remedied. Three of our cities have been secretly producing weapons that can end the French once and for all."Xerxes made a dramatic pause,"They call them tanks."
Sam snorted, unimpressed,"So what are these 'tanks' a new type of artllery?"
"Far more my freind. we shall see them and that should impress upon you their importance. They shall all be done soon, you will forge them into an army and take them into france, Das shall assist you with all the artillery and troops that he can spare, he is not to use artillery on Reims, Tours or Paris so as not to damage the wonders in those cities (don't know for a fact but eh, better safe)
"You say we might get to Paris sir?"
"With these new weapons i am sure."
Thrawn was engaging Chinese vessles in his destroyers and had even bombarded a few coastal cities, Bej'ing(Maybe misspelled) included. The Chinese seemed to think that maybe enough ironclads could match a destroyer or even a Battleship, subs had crushed them and their fleet was in no shape to reach the mainland through water, most of her ports were blockaded and very brave, and yet very hopeless chinese sailors still fought over the rest.
"Admiral, a transport iscoming alongside us, the captains says he must speak to you."
"Let him aboard"
"Admiral!"the newcomer said,"good to see yah, where shall i put the men aboard me ship?"
"What type of men?"the Admiral asked,
"The Empire's finest,"another dramatic pause,"Marines."
April 8, 2002, 17:27
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Chapter 6: An Introduction to Modern Warfare
Mao was very upset, he had thought that this war would lead to instant world domination after the revolt against French power was crushed, France however had been stopped at the "Great Line" and the fighting was as bloody as hell there. His Mighty fleet had been destroyed and all of his precious ports were all blockaded. The only positive was that he hadn't been invaded.
Reims was a border town, as such she had the finest protection available, a trio of infantry, the Three groups looked to the hills to the east and saw the blood of their comrades who were engaged in the bloodiest campaign that the world had ever seen, they were quite thankful that Persia and it's allies had not the strength to invade Frenche soil. And then th survivors began coming. It wasn't uncommon for those fortunate enough to stay alive to return to reims, not as full units but only as individuals with horrid sights forever etched into their minds and cynical veiws on the french government but this wave was different, they told of great metal beasts dominating the battlefeild and slowly approaching the city. At first the Defenders wern't afraid, huge metallic beasts, impregnible, it all seemed very unbeleivable. but then more and more survivors told them and they began to prepare their guns and build fortifications around the city. The Pyramids must stay in French hands.
General Switch of the northern army of Warwick was commanded to bombard the former english heartland and to take infantry to defend his artillary but he was not to take a single city.... it puzzled him to a great extent but as his Emperor Commanded. The Shells flew through the air landing on the troops in London, beating them into a pulp as his troops stood by, waiting to do something, anything, and looking to him for orders against this patheticly weakened foe, hope in their eyes. he shook his head.
Daedlus was a simple marine. far from home although not seasick, what would the drill seargents have thougght to see him seasick? How many push-ups would they have commanded from him? He looked to the foreign shore, ever aproaching always warning them with it's rocky cliffs, for the first time today he could see a small village on the far side of those cliffs it was surrounded by destroyers who rained shells upon the Chinese city constantly, the ship pulled up to the town. Daedlus wass anxious, this would be the first ever use of amphibious warfareHe stepped off the boat with his comrades, the chinese had had some idea of what was going on and they didn't like it, machine guns fired back at them, marine after marine fell with Infantrytman after infantyman. finally the infantry's numbers were overwhelming and Daedlus returned to the ship, alone to join the second group of marines, those that would attack later.
The second landing was more successful, with the marines wiping out the Infantry and securing the beachhead as a temporary base. Persian troops soon arrived in the small town to help in it's defense and to help insert it into the Empire. an Airport was built linking this small city to the rest of persia and tanks were brought to continue against the Chinese threat.
The French infantry in Reims looked to the sky to see the planes drop their bombs. it was a scary time to be French, with the english fighting to the death to reclaim their former cities to the north, Persia bombing them every day and demolishing the French airforce with her cities. The Zulus had, with persian help, turned back the invasion into their lands and rumors held that by next spring Joan would have an invasion by the Zulus to deal with. China had been busied by persian warships and had been demolished all of Mao's ports were closed although the russian fleet, necissarily powerful as Russia had always depended on far off colonies was the only millitary force on the Axis side that was holding it's own. The brave french soldiers stood between their homeland and the Persian tanks, France had no tanks yet and had nothing to deal with them. they opened fire on the Persian charge, and watched bleakly as their bullets were deflected harmlessly. they continued nonetheless, praying for a lucky shot, although it never came.
"Sir reims, Paris and tours are under our control, French counter attacks have proven ineffective and Most of England is english once more, The Zulus are mobolizing, shall we make peace with france while we pummel her allies?"
Xerxes thought, this was a sound plan, his tanks and troops could be much better used elsewhere, ending the front against the chinese and after china fell he was sure that Russia would see reason."Let it be so."
Joan was exstatic to see the emissary from Persia come to her throne room, and while it cost her a bundle she was very glad to have that front ended, her advisors thought she could retake her lost cities but she understood that all she could do was loose more, she must bide her time and build her forces untuil the next, inevitable world war.
The Persian tanks did worser to china than they had to france, although by all accounts the fighting was as bloody and desperate as the feircest had been at the Great Line. The chinese people had no intention of being ruled by an Emperor from a land that they had barely heard of before, revolts lasted for extended periods of time. Mao was finally approached by the Persian envoy, Mao began:
"Shall it finally be over? will Persian forces stop engaging mine over farmer's crops? wil there be a time to rebuild now?"
"Only if you agree that there shall be chairman."
"I do."Mao said, for now he thought to himself.
Catherine met the Persian ambassador yet again, in the end she figured that this had been her most succesful war, she had lost the least, bu next time..... she would be more succesful yet..... she would win.
April 8, 2002, 17:30
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Chapter 7: The Final Chapter
Shaka was finally content with himself. he still might not be the leading nation on the planet but he was closer now and the Persians were far better than the french to be second to. Persia had always felt that all of mankind was equal, France still beleived that she was destined to rule again and their supremacy complex hadn't been hurt by their massive losses during the war. He currently was trading heavily with the Persians and the English and his nation had begun to assert dominance over the nations below him, he was still not the best but with Persia on top he noticed it less. All of his joy put aside he had many problems to deal with, many of his cities starved due to bad harvests and others rioted due to poor conditions and because they still saw themselves as french. it would be a long day.
Elizabeth looked over a map of her ressurected nation, she was quite pleased although due to a significant loss of culture with the french improvements the city boundaries had dropped, meaning that the farms further away from her cities couldn't bring their grain to mar and while they survived the population in cities had fallen drastickly. Elizabeth was also forced to disband units and drop her tech even more because her coffers had rediscovered the cost of running an Empire. she wondered how long it would be before she turned a profit again.
Xerxes was completely taken care of on his original colonies and in the Persian home continent, including the captured french towns, who's culture had rebounded quickly due to the Wonders. His nations problem lay in the distant Chinese cities under martial law where soldiers shot the rioting hordes and nothing was ever really accomplished. he wished that he had let the chinese only be injured by the lopss of their fleet and by the bombardment of their coastal towns, alas their was nothing he could do now but either deal with it or return the cities to chinese hands and the second choice was so increadibly awful that he had no choice but to begin the acts to help make the chinese cities more Persian.
Joan was sitting in her throne thinking sadly of days past when her glorious republic dominated the earth from a city that was no longer even her's. her palace was a makeshift and her throne was little more than cardboard, what does it say for a nation that it's ruler sat atop a throne that was worthy of only a child? She was disturbed from her thoughts by the door to her near empty palace creaking open and a group of three men entering, Jean-Claude and his lackeys she noticed.
"We are here to announce that your Power is now entirely cerimonial."Jean Began, Joan knew him as a bloodthirsty man enraged by frances defeat.
"WHAT!! You can't do THAT!! I'm the QUEEN!!!"she replied angrily.
"sorry but the senate voted 75-5 to instate the head of the Pheonix party, myself as the Prime Minister of our nation, i shall lead us back to our glory days, vit will be a long, hard road but i will do it."
Joan had despair in her eyes, she couldn't really argue with that overwhelming of a vote. The Pheonix party, though she didn't like, it beleived in killing all of France's "enemies", surviving Germans in the surviving colonies especially. she knew that tyhe nation wouldn't last long under the guidance of such madmen.
gotta attach this flag..... sorry about the quality of the last map The Pheonix parties flag
April 8, 2002, 17:33
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Chapter 8: French Fascism
Xerxes didn't like how things were going in France. The new attitude it was taking was sure to end up in war but that was the last thing his people needed, they were stilll shocked by stories of the terrors at the great line. He was on his way to the new French capitl, Marseilles, to meet with Joan and talk her out of this madness.
"I have no control over this any more Xerxes, my power is gone. If you want to speak to someone with power you'r going to have to meet with Jean-Claude the despot who's running things now. he won't listen to you though he's too busy designing terror camps to impound germans in."Joan said with a tone that made known the fact that she had long since given up.
Bursting into the prime Minister's office XErxes demanded loudly that his sister's power be restored to her.
"Hah!,"Jean Claude replied,"Why you cannot make me and with my new army you should fear me! now go back to Persia."
Xerxes was ashamed that he followed the orders of someone less than a ruler.
"TO THE GLORIOUS CHINESE PEOPLE I PRESENT HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Emperor Mao!!" the herald shouted from the balcony where mao would make his speech.
"Freinds, four years ago many of our great cities were taken by the Persians who had the gall to attack the grand land of the setting sun, we shall regain our cities soon thoough, our Navy was disgraced in the last conflict but it shall rule the seas now, i am here to inaugriate the Imperial class Aircraft carrier the Zhiwenu and send it off to meet many others of it's like, in preparation for the greatest fleet of all time to rule the waves!!
Just as the day ends in china so will the Persian Empire!!!"
Shaka was intimidated by the growing forces in what remained of france, he didn't have the forces to take them on and a war couldn't help him in the slightest, he only hoped that his allies wouldn't let him down.
"Catherine my freind, let us plan the assault with which the Allied side will begin to crumble."Jean Claude said politely.
"I do not think that a direct invasion to Persia would be the proper way to start the war, we should destroy britain first and theninvade the remaining two powers, with the English lands we'll have bases to attack them on many Fronts."she replied, a coup wasn't neccisary in russia as the entire nation was constantly on the lookout fof fevenge against persia, who had been attacking them from the start.
"Brilliant,"he replied.
The Chinese Aircraft carriers and destroyers snuck up on the small Persian colony, it was undefended.
Xerxes had been in near endless meetings trying to stop the war from happening, he was currently meeting with the chinese ambassodor.
"Mao wishes for you to cede control of Zohak to him immediately or face the consequences."
"What?!" he responded to the preposterous demand.
"You did what Jean-Claude told you to, now do as china commands."
The rage showed through Xerxes's face he was turning red and his teeth were gritted, he knew that politically toi start this war was toi be suicide but he was enraged. control slowly crept over his face.
"No.... not a chance in hades or the feilds of heaven."
"Then be prepared for war."The chinese envoy replied.
The Joint Russian/French tanks were once again plowing through Britain, war had been declared but Shaka couldn't help his ally and Xerxes was hard to approach these days, disunity will be our victory Jean-Claude prayed.
Hammurabi didn't know what to do, here Jean Claude was, asking for his help against the Persians, saying that a war would help them both. Hammurabi didn't know if he could stab his trusted freind in the back likew that. after hours of pondering he replied,
"Let it be so"
April 8, 2002, 17:33
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
Chapter 8: The Preparations
Xerxes didn't like how things were going in France. The new attitude it was taking was sure to end up in war but that was the last thing his people needed, they were stilll shocked by stories of the terrors at the great line. He was on his way to the new French capitl, Marseilles, to meet with Joan and talk her out of this madness.
"I have no control over this any more Xerxes, my power is gone. If you want to speak to someone with power you'r going to have to meet with Jean-Claude the despot who's running things now. he won't listen to you though he's too busy designing terror camps to impound germans in."Joan said with a tone that made known the fact that she had long since given up.
Bursting into the prime Minister's office XErxes demanded loudly that his sister's power be restored to her.
"Hah!,"Jean Claude replied,"Why you cannot make me and with my new army you should fear me! now go back to Persia."
Xerxes was ashamed that he followed the orders of someone less than a ruler.
"TO THE GLORIOUS CHINESE PEOPLE I PRESENT HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Emperor Mao!!" the herald shouted from the balcony where mao would make his speech.
"Freinds, four years ago many of our great cities were taken by the Persians who had the gall to attack the grand land of the setting sun, we shall regain our cities soon thoough, our Navy was disgraced in the last conflict but it shall rule the seas now, i am here to inaugriate the Imperial class Aircraft carrier the Zhiwenu and send it off to meet many others of it's like, in preparation for the greatest fleet of all time to rule the waves!!
Just as the day ends in china so will the Persian Empire!!!"
Shaka was intimidated by the growing forces in what remained of france, he didn't have the forces to take them on and a war couldn't help him in the slightest, he only hoped that his allies wouldn't let him down.
"Catherine my freind, let us plan the assault with which the Allied side will begin to crumble."Jean Claude said politely.
"I do not think that a direct invasion to Persia would be the proper way to start the war, we should destroy britain first and theninvade the remaining two powers, with the English lands we'll have bases to attack them on many Fronts."she replied, a coup wasn't neccisary in russia as the entire nation was constantly on the lookout fof fevenge against persia, who had been attacking them from the start.
"Brilliant,"he replied.
The Chinese Aircraft carriers and destroyers snuck up on the small Persian colony, it was undefended.
Xerxes had been in near endless meetings trying to stop the war from happening, he was currently meeting with the chinese ambassodor.
"Mao wishes for you to cede control of Zohak to him immediately or face the consequences."
"What?!" he responded to the preposterous demand.
"You did what Jean-Claude told you to, now do as china commands."
The rage showed through Xerxes's face he was turning red and his teeth were gritted, he knew that politically toi start this war was toi be suicide but he was enraged. control slowly crept over his face.
"No.... not a chance in hades or the feilds of heaven."
"Then be prepared for war."The chinese envoy replied.
The Joint Russian/French tanks were once again plowing through Britain, war had been declared but Shaka couldn't help his ally and Xerxes was hard to approach these days, disunity will be our victory Jean-Claude prayed.
Hammurabi didn't know what to do, here Jean Claude was, asking for his help against the Persians, saying that a war would help them both. Hammurabi didn't know if he could stab his trusted freind in the back likew that. after hours of pondering he replied,
"Let it be so"
April 8, 2002, 17:37
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
the Final Chapter
The long lost scrolls of persia were found later and the people demanded to know what exactly had happened to the mighty persians and their less significant neighbors.
Hammurabi was trapped in his throne room, the purple hole had swallowed all that had tried to leave and it was growing, from his meager sources he had learned that such holes were appearing throughout the world, one hgad swallowed the entire Persian and Russian fleets as they prepared to fight the battle that would determine the fate of Russia. China was wholly gone now and no-one knew why, or what was happening.
The Troops shot their weapons and bravely stood against the purple haze, Persian and frenchman, Zulu and russian fought side by side against this unstoppable foe. slowly it advanced, Destroying everything in it's path, Cathedrals were cramme with people looking for hope. The soldiers fought futilely against this unknown foe. then the great white light appeared. it slowly grew to a supernova, filling the sky. The last thought of three rulers was.. "it's really quite beautiful"
well the Computer got a virus and so i had to have the hard drive reformatted...... lost everything on the computer. sorry it took so long
April 8, 2002, 17:48
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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Afterwards: an Author's Memoirs
The Entire flow of the story has been changed. some of the really suspensful things of The CFC version seem rather lame here because the chapters are differently spaced. other than that i changed a single word. maybe some1 can find it although i doubt it. This Story's Ending Was added only recently due to a lot of requests from the CFC people. i hope you enjoy it as much as they did. i'm sorry about the maps look in CFC for more complete maps. there's a link to this stories CFC counterpart somewhere around here. maybe i'll add the Russian story too if this story gets ne support.
April 8, 2002, 17:58
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
why not? big novels get 'em why not this story.
from philippe (CFC)
congratulations skilord you done it again!
from gonzo_for_civ(CFC)
When will there be more?
from Dominix
Hehe pretty nice here, very creative
from LordAzreal
from das
sorry if you didn't want to be quoted
April 8, 2002, 18:04
Local Time: 16:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
pretty good...I'd give it an 8 on a scale from 1-10....but why purple?
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 8, 2002, 18:09
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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what's purple?
April 8, 2002, 18:22
Local Time: 16:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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the haze
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 9, 2002, 09:16
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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oh i get it now. i just kinda associate computer viruses with the color purple. i don't know why.
April 12, 2002, 02:04
Local Time: 17:45
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Anyone else have old-school Hendrix songs in their head?
Purple Haze LOL
First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
April 12, 2003, 18:02
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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I may rebind this one day. By rebind I mean rewrite it and respace i.
But I get ahead of myself, as I always do
April 24, 2003, 23:36
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Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 1,141
Hey Skilord, with all good stories that catch my interest, I'd like to know the specifics of the game you played.
difficulty? and is it Multiplayer? You seem to know quite a bit about each side of the story, including tributes paid.
Edit: BTW, the last map you posted looks all pixelly :/ also, can you confirm which Civ is which color? Several of the Civs have alternate colours depending on the # of Civs in the game.
April 26, 2003, 11:34
Local Time: 22:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
:gasp: details!
neway, I think it was Regent. MP, no this game was played wayyyy before there was MP for Civ3, if you look at the dates it was posted. The 'facts' about the other civs are mostly made up.
The Colors (do you know how long it's been since i played this game?) are .....
I think their all normal colors, with Babylon being red, France pink, russia brown etc, and Zulu Yellow
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