future tech
I have played 3-4 games to victory at warlord level, all space victories. I played on a large map, continents, 7 other civs. My basic strategy was to expand as rapidly as possible, place cities to strategically block neighbors and fill in the the places in between. I spend as much as possible on research and become a democracy.
Course of the game -
1. Rapid expansion
2. Internal building
3. After an extended period of no conflict, a neighbor declares war on me.
4. I usually do fine because of tech advantage, I even take a few cities. My demographics are mostly the best in the world.
5. 2000+ I build a spaceship and win.
At this low a level (warlord), I am surprised that I don't easily get all the techs earlier without ever taking an enemy city.
Is it possible to win a cultural or diplomatic victory by just expanding rapidly and then holding your own? I don't think so. It seems that you have to take out other civs in order to get a significant advantage. My experience has been that even though I might have the most land, population, and GNP I have yet to see future tech even at warlord.
Maybe I don't do enough tech trading? Also, how do you keep the other civs happy? I trade as much as possible, never declare war on them and they all hate me by the modern era. Is it jealousy?
I am giving up on tyring to win peacefully. Next game I am going to try to eliminate one of my neighbors completely. Also, what is the best strategy to take out a neighbor early?
Lastly, I always build Hoover Dam. I also build almost every improvement in every city over 10-12 pop including recycling/mass trans but there is still pollution. Is it possible to eliminate it? I have had global warming every game, even without building manufacturing plants.