Though I've gone to bed , my computer is doing maintenance
and sometimes remains logged on ApolytonNet , b4 shutdown .
Anyway I'm actually very well aware of the programming-facts :
Note however that there's no such thing as 'random' for computers, that's a concept that such a simple device (conceptually, at least) can't handle. To simulate randomness, most programmers use, like you mentioned, the clock as the seed of the random function (which returns elements of known lists of numbers that are suitable to simulate randomness). Different seeds means different lists so with the clock (which usually counts milliseconds) as seed it's impossible to predict which number will eventually be used (I'm no expert on this sort of low-level stuff but that's roughly how it works). So in reality it's actually a little bit of both.
I used a random-loop in a pokerprogram I made in
1976 - back
then we "saw" the results on 9dots Matrix-printer ... and all the
programming was handwritten (pencil and rubber !) before we
programmed the stuff . I know it's not a "genuine" randomizing
function and about seeds and split-seconds for this ... Nothing
new for me , but I hope other newbies benefit from this thread .
I'm not gonna check for you but it probably does indeed contain a random function, it almost has to be.
SH*T ! I thought I could trick You to slave for me

, no , but
seriously , if Your only wish ((((( See Locutus other thread :
Halt! Who goes there? ))))) is the source-code of CTP2 You will
have to handle randomfunctions anyway . And probably all the
CIV/SIM-exes are stripped and cracked by some genius out there ,
but I'm not encouraging illegal ways to get it ! As a matter of fact
I think we should simply ask Activision to donate the source-code
to Apolytons forum since
they won't make a CTP3 ... UNLESS we
check it , change it , test it and SEND IT BACK to Activision so they
can develop it further and ultimately announce the sale of :
A low-price Call to Power 3 the FanEdition
In fact I'll start a thread with a petition and poll to influence that
nice company (=Activision) to make more money by not working
very hard and getting a lot of publicity and a Civilized Comeback ...
Maybe CTP3 should be called :
The Civilized Call To Power
or it could be called (there's a game called Ancient Civilizations)
so they could get back the sacred magic old civilization-name :
CTP3 : Call To Civilization||||||||||||||
Eventually Sid Meier should have listened more , instead of taking
stuff from CTP1 and CTP2 , he can make it up by helping Activision !
The crazy pDAne goes berserk again #~¤$€>§!!!!!!!!
How about that Locutus (and better random-functions in the game , of course

) a quick revolution ? Contact Mark ,
Phone Ming , Bring in Sting (what's he got to do with it ?!?) but don't call The Police ... (Let him make music for the game ,
I've heard he is a civ- and jazz-player !) or just call the President , I don't care , just rock it !