April 11, 2002, 11:10
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Head Civver civman V and the Second Civil War: A history
story coming soon (I've got it planned outand should have the beginning by friday afternoon)...Based on the civland succession game!!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 11, 2002, 18:07
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Lookin forward to it Civman, please don't Ream out Savoy too much, his play style just clashed with yours
First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
April 11, 2002, 21:36
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Originally posted by Metaliturtle
Lookin forward to it Civman, please don't Ream out Savoy too much, his play style just clashed with yours
Easier said than done  ...The first part should be neutral, it's about stuff way back when the zulu's were a threat!!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 12, 2002, 00:52
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Heheheh... I'll probably like this story, since its based on our game
Them Zulu's sure learned their lesson not to threaten us, eh? Neutered within 15 turns
April 12, 2002, 10:30
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Zulus a threat? I still have fond memories of recreating the British/Zulu conflicts of the 19th century against the pitiful remnants of their empire.
I'm really looking forward to the story...hopefully it won't be too revisionist!  "Sovy's conquest could be seen as genocide, slavery, etc."
April 12, 2002, 17:31
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OK, here it is (finally)
The story of the Second Civil War of Civland begins centuries before the beginning of the conflict in 971. The most obvious place to start and mark as the first source would be the Great War of Persia and Kurosei IV's defiance of his father, but the roots go back even further. Indeed, you must go all the way back to the Great Zulu Wars and the First Civil War of the 1st-3rd centuries AD. The twin desires of the people, better living conditions and more freedom, began to be major forces in Civland as a result of these wars. ANd so we travel back to the June of 172 AD, as the Great Zulu Wars come to a close in the Second Battle of Ulundi.
General Mark Evergreen looked at the rough path ahead. The path which led to Ulundi. For over three decades the Civvers had besieged the town, thirty-three years without success. But he had his orders from the Head Civver: Ulundi was to fall by New Years 173, or heads would roll (literally). Meanwhile, revolt plagued CIvland. The new Head Civver, civman III, had the strongest support, because the rebels were divided into some 15 factions. Mark had an uneasy friendship with civman; the young leader did not completely trust his military leader, who had taken commnad after a very suspicious death of his father, previous Head Civver, and previous leader of the armies, Head Civver steele II.
The general walked back away from Ulundi toward his army. It was time to prepare the attack. When he arrived, the troops prepared for his inspection automatically.
"Looking good, very good," he muttered to himself as he passed. "OK everyone," he announced in a commanding voice. "We are going to attack this evening." He heard grumbles from a few scattered soldiers. "And anyone who complains will have their rations halved." THt silenced them. "Now, I want everyone to begin preparing. We will have a large lunch but attack before dinner. I want to prepare you for the vitory feast." THat got some cheers from the men.
Evergreen's travel sundial approached 5:45. The men were ready, preparing their swords and armor. The general met with the captain of the scouting group.
"What're some estimates on their troops?" he asked.
"It looks like about 12,000 impi warriors," replied the captain. "They have a strongly fortified position, though." The Civver army numbered 38,430. Merk thanked the captain and left.
He then met with the four majors in charge of the main sections of the swordsmen. "OK, just like we planned. Send up the more mobile, lighter armored division first. Then we bring in the rest, with the impis hopefully disorganized and out of their fortifications by the time they arrive. In a direct, man-to-man battle, they've got no chance. The battle should be over within 4 hours."
"WHen does the attack begin?" asked one of them.
"Now. Send the orders out to the light division to march along the road. I'll stay back and come with the first heavy swordsmen."
And the attack began. As the swordsmen charged down the hill to the Zulu fortifications, spears began flying everywhere. The Civvers were able to dodge most of them, although the effects of this ambush were crippling. As the impis emerged to engage the swordsmen, they had a 3-1 numbers advantage. The two mobile armies battled for about an hour, without either side prevailing strongly.
Then, around 7:00, the CIvver reinforcements arrived. The impis had scored about twice as many casualties on the Civvers in the first attack, but the battle-weary spearmen were overwhelmed by the 22,000 troops now closing in on them. They held up bravely, but after 100 minutes of fighting, at 8:43, the Zulu forces officially surrendered.
Head Civver civman III rejoiced upon hearing of the victory at Ulundi. THe Civland military could finally be focusedd on quelling the rebellion. Although no major cities were controlled by any of the revolutionary factions, their protests had gained wide popular support, especially in the edges of the empire. CivTurkey was even rioting! But now, if Evergreen could command the armies against the rebels, victory would be quick. SO he sent the order for Evergreen to leave a small garrison in Ulundi, and take the main army to Zimbabwe to receive more detailed orders and also get some reinforcements.
Mark Evergreen fought with the rebels for decades. Despite their disorganization, they had both quality and quantity leads over his forces. In 185, he got cuyt off from Civville, and he was on his own. Food supplies were often low, but the troops kept fighting with minimal losses, being strengthened by new recruits from the nearby cities.
Despite his isolation from the world beyond the clashing, Evergreen began to understand the situation of the different rebel groups. It was clear that there had orignally been 14 of them, but one by one they were disappearing. AS the number was now as low as 4, however, the groups were stronger and better organized. Even among these four, though, there was still one group that was dominant, the "Monarchists." He had had very few battles with them depite their size; indeed, they had grown strong by avoiding confrontation.
He secretly began associating with Monarchist messengers, while battling the other three factions. Finally, in September 206, contact with Civville was reestablished after over two decades of isolation. So we go to the palace in Civville on November 23rd, 206.
"Evergreen has revolted!!!" said the messenger.
"He did WHAT????!!!" the Head Civver yelled in disbelief.
"General Mark Evergreen has announced his allegiance to be with one of the rebel groups, the 'Monarchists,' I believe, sir. He supposedly has mostly wiped out the other factions and is near Civburg!"
"Get me a general, idiot!"
"A general, sir?"
"Yeah. Don't we keep a few generals in storage somewhere?"
"Sir, um--"
"Do we or do we not? Do you like your head where it is?"
"Um, I--I was unaware of any generals in storage, sir, but I'll chack," said the poor messenger, trembling.
"THank you," snapped civman.
March 14th, 207, was a historic day. Mark Evergreen of the Monarchists and Head Civver civman III of Civland came together in the city hall of Civburg and signed the Civburg Resolution. This treaty ended the civil war, creating an aristocracy of the Monarchists, although civman remained Head Civver. In the end, the people, who began the rebellion, gained very little from it. However, the idea of rebelling to obtain freedom was created. Not only that, but the people's frustration drove them to be even more restless. Although, other than a few riots here and there, there was no major movement to gain freedom to control the country until the end of the millenium, the seeds of revolution were planted.
Also, the other major complaint for better living conditions was strengthened. In times of war and turmoil, the treasury was not used to feed and improve the lives of the people but instead diverted to the military. All wars after the Great Zulu Wars were simply wars of expansion and not wars to gain needed land to be able to settle in areas.
So that is the first part of the story of the Second Civil War. Stay tuned for the rest in a few days!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 12, 2002, 17:41
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lol 100 minutes
good job tho Civman I want more
First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
April 12, 2002, 17:50
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I should have part 2 done over the weekend. WARNING: It will be heavily biased towards the people who are right (aka me)!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 13, 2002, 03:31
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Awww... Civman ain't going to talk about how we blew the Zulu's away  ?
April 13, 2002, 08:38
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Originally posted by Sovy Kurosei
Awww... Civman ain't going to talk about how we blew the Zulu's away ?
Nope...going up to the death of civman IV
PS: think gladiator
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 13, 2002, 08:45
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 13, 2002, 09:21
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Part 2
DIsclaimer: All inflammatory and insulting material in this story is not to be taken personally and is only used to enrich the story.
After the First Civil War, very little happened that would eventually lead to the reforms of civman V until the year 670. On June 22nd of that year, Head Civver civman IV, famous for his peaceful internal development, died of a disease which has never been identified which he got from a mosquito bite while visiting Kyoto. As he lay dying, he had a now-famous conversation with his son and heir Sovy Kurosei (IV). Very little is known of the content of this chat, other than the fact that the old man gave some advice on ruling the empire, and warning him to not attack Persia. Well, the author, um, has a *ahem* secret source of information on this subject...
6:43 PM, June 22, 670 AD, Head Civver's Japanese Palace, Kyoto:
The doctors were rushing around everywhere, giving civman all sorts of cure and panaceas, but nothing would work. They did not have any advanced systems of medicine at thjat time, and most of the diseases of the Japanese floodplain were deadly. No matter what the doctors did, the Head Civver was dying.
Suddenly, civman, who had been relatively quiet as the doctors had been buzzign around frantically began to speak feebly: "Do not waste any more time."
There was suddenly a shocked silence.
"Everyone must die," continued the ailing old man. "Even me. But before I die, get me my son. I wish to speak with him. Alone."
All the doctors except two, who stayed to watch the Head Civver, hurriedly scuttled out of the room.
A few minutes later Sovy Kurosei came in with two armed escorts.
"Now let me be alone with my son," said civman. The doctors and guards left quietly. "My son," began the Head Civver. "Sit down here on my bed." Sovy sat down. "I--I know you love the army and war, but you--you must not attack Persia until the cities of the empire are well-developed."
"But father--"
"Yes, I know you cannot resist the temptation. For this reason I cannot allow you to succeed--"
"FATHER!!" screamed a now furious Sovy Kurosei.
"You can remain as the military leader," said civman in his fragile, almost inaudible voice. "But I cannot--"
Sovy grabbed his father's mouth to stop him from speaking. Then he grabbed his neck and choked the old man. The murderer then suddenly began to cry.
The doctors and guards rushed in. "He's (sniff) dead," said Head Civver SOvy Kurosei IV.
Sovy Kurosei invented a story of how his father had simply given him advice for ruling Civland, but for some reason included the fact that he had told him not to invade Persia. In defiance of civman IV, Sovy Kurosei IV ordered the army of CIvland to attack Persia in 697.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 13, 2002, 16:46
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Hey, the Greeks had the wonders, I wanted the wonders. Not my fault the Persians were in the way :P
Anyways, you need a strong, militaristic man to do things
We really should have fixed that corruption level some. It killed our game
And No, I didn't give you one star :P I didn't even vote you deranged fool :P
April 13, 2002, 17:17
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oh well someone did...sorry, I just assumed it was you  ...I encourage feedback/suggestions from anyone, especially the players of the game (although it was still just the original 4 during the 2nd civil war and everything up to it...)
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 13, 2002, 17:20
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Re: Part 2
Originally posted by civman2000
DIsclaimer: All inflammatory and insulting material in this story is not to be taken personally and is only used to enrich the story.
There's a reason I put this up here...
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 15, 2002, 16:51
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next part might be awhile, sorry (term ending at school, pretty busy  )
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 16, 2002, 22:07
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The next event leading up to the civil war was a set of alleged ghost sitings in 771 and 871. They were precisely 101 and 201 years after civman IV's death, and supposedly the years after Sovy Kurosei and Coinich IV died (I won't go into the theories that say they did not die in 770 and 870). The ghost involved was that of civman IV, and it was said he outlined the actions of his namesake-to-come. We will first look at the 771 sighiting, then show why it was a hoax, aand then do the same for the sighting a century later. So we now go to the High Temple of civmanton, June 22, 771.
"We have had an incredible revelation," announced Priest Stephen Whitmoor before the large crowd of religious officials. He had been a member of the priesthood ever since he turned 23 in 754. Also up at the podium was Jeremy Reynolds, who had joined in 764. Both had been distant members of the civman branch of the royal family before becomiung priests. "How do I begin?" asked Stephen rhetorically.
"I know how," said Jeremy. He cleared his throat. "My fellow believers, my fellow Civvers: Out esteemed leader Sovy Kurosei IV did not, as claimed, die of alcohol overdosage. He did, however die of alcohol poisoning." The crowd burst into excited but puzzled murmuring.
Stephen glared at Jeremy, but said nothing to correct him in any way. He then spoke: "Yes, my friends, he was murdered by his beer being poisoned!!" THe mass of people roared with astonishment, anger, and murmuring. "Hush so we can explain." The crowd quieted. "As we were walking down to this temple this morning, a spirit came to us!" Needless to say, the noise level increased again. "That spirit was the ghost of civman IV!!"
Jeremy took over then. "He began by introducing himself quite modestly and courteously. He then--"
"He then told us about the death of the Head Civver," interrupted Stephen. "He claimed that HE had planted a poison in a bottle of beer he had been drinking from." yelling, murmuring, and debating was as loud as a riot. As the church leaders calmed themselves, Jeremy and Stephen quickly and angrily whispered to each other.
"He then gave us a message to deliver to the people," continued Jeremy. "'Kuroseiburg will lose its name and 'Kurosei' will become infamous in the time of my namesake!!!'" The crowd was hysterical.
"And then," said Stephen, "weasked him a question. It was clear he was condemning the attack on Persia, but we wondered why he had then chose SOvy Kurosei to be his heir. He told us that it was indeed a bad decision, but then disappeared before telling us more."
Two days leter, a royal news source affiliated witht the civman branch of the royal family called CBS released a story of a similar incident occurring later that same day. The ghost had been "thoroughly interrogated but would not discloes much information." THe details of the interview were not released; it was only said that the phantom prophesizing the coming of a "mysterious thing referred to only as 'republic.'"
It is clear that both of these meetings were hoaxes for many reasons that you may already see. The links to the civman family in both of the are obvious, and there is historical evidence that the two priests had joined the order so that they could plan protests against SOvy Kurosei outside of the royal spotlight. THey quarreled among each other while making their announcement, another sign they were mostly making it up as they went along. The CBS report was very vague. But the biggest reason to see that these were fake is civman's supposed response to the priests' question. As we know, he did NOT actually name Sovy Kurosei to be his heir, so he would not have affirmed that he did so when questioned.
In 871, an anonymous pamphlet was published announcing another prophesy of civman IV: "The Japanese, Aztecs and the Zulus will support the great, friendly Head Civver, and the aristocracy and Kuroseis will oppose him. A great civil war shall ensue, and the forces of equality shall prevail. civman V will be hailed in the history books as the idealist that people thought was working for his own self-interest, and Sovy Kurosei IV shall be known as the Cruel Tyrant."
This was also obviously made up. The author was using the fame of the earlier sightings to propel his pamphlet. The revolutionary factions of the civman family that civman V would later base his ideas on was already functioning at this point, and this was not a prophesy but an announcement of their plans.
Despite the fact that they were not real, the stories of these sightings proved to be very important a century later, when the "great, friendly Head Civver" drew CIvland into a bloody Civil War. In fact, his supporters claimed that the ghost had returned a third time, promising that the time had come for his namesake to bring his earlier words into reality!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 17, 2002, 00:10
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I don't know about this one civman, you're losing your touch, keep it on the real, man
First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
April 17, 2002, 02:24
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Eh? I want the part where I start committing huge acts of Genocide and stuff
April 17, 2002, 02:25
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Oh, yeah, you forgot about my blood lust loving, dragonic daughter Syn Kurosei :P
April 17, 2002, 18:35
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Sorry Sovy, all I have left is the childhood of civman V and then the civil war itself...although I might be able to fit some of that into the war....
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 20, 2002, 09:56
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Only one step in history remains until the civil war. So we go to March 23, 950, in a large mansion in civmanton.
His parents looked at him closely and timidly. Finally, his mother began: "civvy, tomorrow we're going to go on a long trip. We're going to a city called Kuroseiburg. We're--you're going to stay there for a while."
The four year old did not understand. "But Mommy why can't you stay with me? And why do we have to go??"
"It's all for the best. You can visit us every New YEar's and--"
civvy burst out crying.
"Oh I'm so sorry we have to do this," whispered his mother.
"COngratulations civman," said his instructor Martin Kurosei coldly. "You've made it six years." He hated the civman family, and especially feared the events that civman IV's ghost had supposedly predicted. "ALso congratulations on our third year straight as the worst fighter in this academy."
civman was silent. He hated the place. He did not care for fighting. He must have asked his parents to get him out of there 10 times, but he was still stuck there. They had sent him there just because the Academy had just started using some new teaching method that made it the best in the world. BUt he hated fighting and war. He wanted to just get out of there, and was trying to flunk out.
It was Saturday so he was pretty free, with only one hour of training. Around 2:30, he had wandered into the library and was looking around for something to do. He had always loved history, so he started heading over toward the history section.
So many of the books were about the Kursoei family, it made him sick. He saw a few about the "GReat GLorious Persian War" and almost threw up in dusgust. He did not know that much about more modern history (he had only studied a little bit in his classes) but did know that Kurosei IV had been a war mongering idiot.
Then, to his shock, he saw a rather large book titled "History of the civman Family." He took it out and began reading.
"There you are!!" screamed Martin Kurosei. "I've been looking for you for half an hour!!" It was 4:32, and civman was on the library floor and had still been reading.
"I'm very very sorry sir," said civman quickly. "I got caught up in this book and I--"
Martin grabbed the book, looked at its title, and scowled. "You're getting two extra hours of training for the next two weeks. And you can't go into the library again for a month!"
Five years had come and gone, and little had changed. civman and his peers were now being trained with muskets instead of swords, now that they were old enough to be trusted with the more dangerous weapons, which could NOT be blunted.
Despite his instructor's attempts to stop him, civman did read much about the history of his family and also lots of other history, as well as a bunch of miscellaneous stuff. THey did not know, however, that he had been planning to run away on his 15th birthday, which had now come on January 18th, 961. It was a very complicated plan, and he had been devising it for 2 months, and thinking about it for 4 years. It was very risky, but he had nothing to lose.
He finished preparing his disguise at 10:37 PM. He made sure no one was watching, and left his room and headed towards the exit.
"Who is it?" asked the guard.
"James Spittle," said civman in a voice almost exactly like James Spittle's. "I need to go and get some stuff for the boss." James Spittle was the shortest of the instructors, and also the one that the captains in charge of the place were always sending on errands. No one had ever known that he had secretly been learning to imitate voices. The library had all sorts of books in it, and civman had found one on imitation and disguise!
"Go ahead," said the guard, opening the door.
"Can I take a horse?"
On January 24th in the middle of the night, civman knocked on the door of the supposedly abandoned building in civmanton. "It's Green Ghost," he yelled into the building.
The door opened, and a man brought in civman, who had visited the Secret civman Organization for a Republic of the People (ScORP) for the second time (the first was a year before the second) 23 days earlier during his yearly visit to his parents and hometown.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 20, 2002, 18:18
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Nothing wrong with being a war mongerer :P
April 20, 2002, 21:57
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Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 21, 2002, 00:59
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Martin...? MARTIN?!
Oh, why, why, why, can't I have the names of Scyth, Syn, Leon, Rakoth, Theri and Neo?
April 23, 2002, 18:36
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November 17, 970 AD, 3:32 AM, Head Civver's Palace, Civville:
Head Civver Steele IV was dreaming. There was nothing happening. He was just standing in a street, with all sorts of people, but nothing was attention-grabbing, nothing out of the ordinary. He had been standing there for what seemed like hours. THen, suddenly, the dream ended.
7:30 AM:
THe servant screamed as loud as he could. People suddenly rushed in everywhere. "He's dead," said the servant, trying to think of ways to ensure no one would suspect him as the most obvious possibility for a murderer while also trying not to panic.
"Get a doctor!" yelled someone.
About an hour later, when the panic had faded and the autopsy was complete, the lead doctor announced, "The honorable Head Civver Steele IV died of boredom in his sleep."
All of a sudden, about 5 musketmen and 20 pikemen rushed into the room!
"Nobody move!" yelled one of the musketmen, who seemed to be the group's leader. "This palace and all of Civland is now in control of Rakoth Kurosei, who shall take the title Head Civver Sovy Kurosei V. As many of you have most likely already thought about, Steele had no close relatives and did not name an heir, so the problem is now cleared up."
Rakoth seemed to have control of the capital, but little else. John Evergreen, descendent of the famous general, claimed power in Zululand. Another notable faction leader was Jared of the COinich family. Most cities were contested, and there were at least 30 people claiming the throne. FIghting dominated the nation, but no large armies attacked Civville. Well, not yet at least....
December 29, 971, 3:24 PM:
"Five armies???!!!" asked Rakoth in shock.
"Yes sir. Five armies which could all be at the gates by 4!"
"Mobilize everyone we've got. And send envoys to the largest armies. The civmans are all idiots, but civman III's strategy to handle Evergreen worked well. Hopefully it'll work now."
3:53 PM, outside Civville:
Jack Cooper, leader of the Cooper noble family for 14 years, looked at his new allies, Peter Stevenson and Gerald Carrenberg. THey were all from some of the oldest noble families. Rakoth had gained the support of John Evergreen, and "Steele VI"'s alignment was unknown.
"Well, friends, shall we attack?" asked Carrenberg.
"Yes," said Cooper
"Yes," said Stevenson.
They all ran back towards their own armies. Cooper's was closest, and he arrived first at his. "Attack!" he yelled to his commanders. "FOcus on the defnses along the Western part of the wall. Attack all Evergreens or Kuroseis; do not attack any Steeles unless attacked by them first."
And the battle began.
Steele, who actually had the largest army because of secret reinforcements that arrived at 9:23, remained separate from either alliance and fought both. The Cooper-Carrenberg-Stevenson (CCS) alliance was repulsed at first by the strong defenses at the walls, but then Steele attacked the walls with incredible ferocity and greatly weakened the defences before being forced to retreat. Meanwhile, the CCS alliance had been demolishing the Evergreen forces, but there numbers were getting quite low because of their initial defeats. Up to this point there was little indication that Steele intended to stay independent. As an offensive Kurosei army poured through the gates attacking the CCS's, the Steele reinforcements arrived. THey attacked the CCS's from the side, but began to lose troops through defections. Because of the two front attack, the CCS alliance was defeated eventually but both the Kurosei and Steele armies were decimated. THe two fought all night long, until 6:24 in the morning, when Steele surrendered. Rakoth Kurosei had survived a major attack, but the defensive forces and city guard was shrunk to 8% of its size before the battle.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 23, 2002, 18:39
Local Time: 16:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
next part should be up tomorrpw night, from the ScORP uprising to probably the creation of the Kurosei Coalition...
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 23, 2002, 21:53
Local Time: 16:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Communistica!
Posts: 320
Needs more destruction...
April 24, 2002, 10:46
Local Time: 16:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
I've got a surprise coming up...about Rakoth...
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
April 25, 2002, 17:30
Local Time: 16:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
January 2, 972, 5:49 PM, ScORP Headquarters, civmanton:
"Green Ghost, the time is ripe. The battle has left the guard weak. Our agents are positioned and ready. WE just need your approval."
"C'mon, quit calling me 'Green Ghost.' You're my cousin, for goodness' sake."
"Gr--civman, we can attack now and out that usurper or wait and maybe never have another opportunity."
"I know, but are the people ready? Is the sentiment against him strong enough?"
"Probably. There's no way to tell unless we try. I doubt there will be much resistance if we have enough to defeat the guards."
"If not?"
"If not, security gets increased but Rakoth can't touch us."
"But what if someone else learns from our example but instead brings in a huge army? What then?"
"We will get enough support."
civman sighed. "OK, do it."
8:38 PM, Civville:
Leon Kurosei had heard the order sent from Green Ghost himself just minutes earlier. The revolution was on! He had been a member of ScORP since 956 and had witnessed how Green GHost had taken over. Before he joined in 961, the organization was aimed at rebellion and making the words of civman IV's ghost come true through a strong, organized revolution. Green Ghost had changed everything. After joining, he began writing about the deatils of the planned "republic of the people." How exactly to implement it had not been considered much and Green Ghost took that job upon himself. AS his plans became more and more popular within ScORP, he rose to higher and higher positions within the ORganization. Finally, in 968, when the old leader Fizzled Honor died, Green GHost became the leader. ScORP began focusing on getting one of its members, most likely Green GHost, to become Head CIvver after Steele died and create the republic. However, with the HEad Civvers sudden death, such a peaceful solution seemed impossible. Now Green Ghost had given the order to get the people to rebel and overthrow Rakoth Kurosei in his name.
Leon was glad that codenames were used. First, obviously, they provided protection against defectors. For him however, being able to call himself "Rebel L" prevented him from having to reveal his Kurosei parentage and the ScORP leadership from suspecting him of defecting.
So "Rebel L" walked up to a door and quietly knocked. A ragged man who looked to be in his thrities opened the door.
"Mister!" whispered Leon. "I am of the Secret civman Organization for a Republic of the People. The guards are not watching! There are not even many guards left in the streets!"
"What do you want?" asked the man annoyedly.
"Imagine Civland ruled by the people! Imagine that rather than suffering because of the uncaringness of the Head Civver and the nobles, you could choose the leaders of this great nation, that the leaders would care for the people and not be tyrants! THis is what we at ScORP will bring. All you have to do is get up at 7:00 tomorrow, and come to the civman Square. Bring a sword, or whatever you have. With your help, we could have this great nation of the people, called a 'republic,' within days!"
The man was amazed. "Sure I'll help."
January 3, 8:04 AM, Head Civver's Palace:
"What do you mean the city guard was defeated?!"
"Yes, sir, a huge mob chanting some words that sounded like 'score' and 'republic',"
" replied the head of the guard.Get the palatial guard heavily armed and guarding all entrances! Order them to slaughter anyone that comes near!" He paused. "ANd the mob is supported by a civman!" he said to himself in disgust.
"What sir?"
"They must be led by a civman if they're talking about a republic. Remember about those old ghost stories?"
"Ah yes." ANd the head of the guard left.
11:26 AM, civman Square:
John McCoy, the self-appointed leader of the insurrection, held up high the crown that had sat on the head of Rakoth Kurosei just hours earlier. Next to him, sitting in a chair, was civman, the leader of ScORP previously only known as "Green Ghost." McCOy began: "As leader of the citizenry of Civville, I stand above the man without whom the insurrection could not have succeeded. THis man's name is civman. For years now, we have been without a Head Civver. THat is about to change." He turned towards civman. "On the behalf of the people of Civland, I hearby proclaim this man to be Head Civver civman V!" He placed the crown on his head.
THe crowd was cheering like crazy. As it died down, the new HEad Civver spoke.
"Let me see the usurper of the will and power of the people!"
A ScORP officer began walking towards him with a shackled Rakoth.
"civman!" gasped Rakoth.
"Martin!" gasped civman.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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