Intelligence Suggestions for the Editor
Tools menu
There is an option for 'No Map'. This make the game generate a new map when that .bic file is used. I suggest an option for 'No Rules'. This would just save a map to the .bic file. When you opened up a mod, if it had no map with it, the game would ask if you wanted to generate a new map or open up one on the hard drive.
General Settings tab
The ability to set the movement rates for railroad. Of course setting this to -1 would be infinite.
The ability to create more city types, i. e. town, city, metropolis, etc. The editor would have to be changes a bit for this. The place to adjust the defensive modifiers for city size would have to be moved to this place. Improvements like the hospital and aquaduct would have to be changed just to allow cities to grow to the next city size, not just to size level 2 or 3.
Governments Tab
More control over corruption is needed. Instead of the 6 choices we have now, a slider going from 0 to 100 is needed, 0 being no corruption to 100 being total corruption. There would also be a trigger allowing for communistic corruption. Thus, governments could be made with different levels of communistic corruption as well as normal corruption.
The idea of the rate cap should be expanded. There should be another adjustment, for luxuries.
War weariness should be expanded into a slider going from 0 to 100. Zero would be no war weariness whereas 100 would be absolute war weariness.
Immunitities tab should be expanded to allow so a government could have multiple immunities.
Improvements tab
The +50% settings for tax, luxuries and reasearch should be changed to allow any number including negative to be used instead of 50.
The required government for improvements must be expanded. There should be a list allowing for multiple goverments to be selected.
The required resources for improvements should be expanded to allow for more than two required resources.
Resistance to propaganda should be improved to allow a percentage resistance.
Reduction of corruption/war weariness should have a modifable reduction in terms of percentage.
Reduction of pollution tabs should have percentages, also.
All effects of wonders should be allowed for small wonders and vice versa.
The +1 ship movement should be +X, where X is any number you want.
Ditto for +1 trade in water.
Treasury earns 5% = X%.
Decreases missile attacks by 75%... you know the drill by now.
Build larger armies = Increase army size by [Enter number here].
Any ability with a numerical effect must stack. i.e., Two wonders with +1 ship movement = +2 ship movement.
Natural Resources
All terrain need a settlement option, which would determine if a city coule be built on it. It would have these settings:
No - No cities what so ever, like mountains now.
River/Ocean - Only if the tile boarders a river/body of water.
All - All terrain now except for mountains.
A tab allowing for governmental restrictions on units. i.e., only these government can build this unit.
Last edited by FrantzX; April 13, 2002 at 23:37.