
Originally posted by Zardos on 04-06-2001 11:37 AM
Being an avid fan of WarCraft, StarCraft, Diablo (I and II), Civ (I and II), and the ideas behind CTP I and II, it just struck me that a strategic alliance between Blizzard and Sid Meier to produce a real time historical strategy game could potentially blow the socks off anything in the market.
Uhm, Sid has had his one good idea (tm), and it doesn't seem that any new ones are forthcoming. Well Civ 1.3 is in the works, oh, my bad, Civ 3.0, it's apparently new enough to get a real number.
Ok, I will play for a few hundred hours, maybe even a few thousand, but I don't expect anything earthshaking new from it. I actually have more respect for Blizzard, even though they are given over to warming up old food also, but they are REALLY GOOD at figuring out what the lowest common denominator of good-sales-games are. (Unlike their eternal shadow, Westwood, who always gets things wrong.)
That said I must say that I actually love the Civ series (Civ, Civ II and SMAC, though two out of three were made by Brian Reynolds, a man with one less good idea in his life than Sid.) And I am much a fan of the Diablo series, Real Time Micromanagement games such as Starcraft have never been my cup of tea. Sure the single player campaign is fun, and occasional headbutting with other sunday players is fun, but it takes 4 hours playing per day and reaction speed that is high enough to get you into a career as a fighter pilot to actually play them seriously. Hmm, seems I forgot to turn of the cynic mode after all...