Can a C++ wizard help out a lowly VB programmer wading through CSPL?
I'm trying to compile a CSPL program that implements "Example 5: Colonization-like improvements" from the excellent documentation Scotto and Kull wrote. This allows you to require the presence of a specific improvement in a city before it can build a particular unit.
My Borland C++ v5.5 compiler chokes on the CSPL.H file (i.e. from the include lines before it gets to the code I inserted). It appears to be a structure & variable declaration syntax problem. Specifically when 'Position' (the x,y,z coordinates on the maps) is used as part of the 'Unit' structure on line 328, the compiler squawks that a declaration is missing. Same thing happens on line 329 with the boolean 'Veteran'. Did I miss something basic in the docs? Did Borland change their declaration requirments?
Alternately, do you know a Civ2 addict / C++ programmer who might know?