April 17, 2002, 10:35
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS
Additions v1.21f:
* Added HOME and END keyboard support to scrollbars.
* Improved city governor AI.
* Editor: Added HP bonus to the Units page. The bonus can be
anywhere from -20 to +20.
* Editor: Added Retreat Bonus controls to Combat Experience
* Editor: Added new unit abilities to allow bombarding to be
lethal against land and/or sea units.
* Editor: Added multiple AI strategies for units.
* Editor: Exposed AI to AI trade rate.
* Editor: Added Reset Player Data option to Scenario menu
which allows resetting of all custom player data to default values.
* Editor: Added a corruption slider to difficulty level page.
It defaults to 100% for all difficulty levels.
* Added Barbarian Activity: No Barbarians.
* Added Allow Restarting Players rule.
* Added Preserve Random Seed rule. Turning this off will allow
random seeds to be changed when a saved game is reloaded (which makes
combat different...).
* Editor: Added game rules and victory conditions to scenario
properties. If defaults are not used, the check boxes are not displayed
and their on/off states cannot be changed.
* Editor: Added playable civs selector to scenario properties.
If a civ is not playable, it will not be available for selection for
both the human player and the opponents nor will it be assigned to any
Random civ.
* Customized game settings for scenarios now work on the
player setup screen. If defaults are not used, the check boxes are not
displayed and their on/off states cannot be changed.
* Added "Abandon City" to right-click menu.
* Compressed saved games.
* Editor: Displayed active player on status bar.
* Editor: Setting active player to a barbarian tribe causes
placed barbarian camps to use the specified barbarian tribe.
* Added bubble text to tech chooser for tech names that get
cut off.
* Editor: Game now saves world-builder seed to .INI file for use in
generating maps in editor.
Changes v1.21f:
* Game settings are now stored in any save file that uses
them. This prevents players from altering their BIC file and using it in
an existing game.
* Editor: Changed the maximum value for the Min. Distance
Between Civs to 256.
* Editor: Improved starting locations for scenarios only.
* Editor: Renamed "Unique Color" to "Alternate Color" on
civilizations page of the rules property sheet.
* Editor: Removed option to customize world from scenarios
that contain a map.
* Editor: Added support for custom Players to player setup.
* Editor: Removed some team color palette restrictions.
* Increased corruption/waste fighting ability of courthouses
and police stations.
* Increased waste fighting ability of We Love The King Day.
* Decreased Large Map Size to 130x130.
* Decreased HugeMap Size to 160x160.
* Draft anger and hurrying unhappiness reduced to 20 turns.
* War chariots now upgrade to knights.
* Adjusted advance trading rates for AI.
* The following units now plays their fidget animations when
the fortify: Mech Infantry, Modern Armor, Nuclear Submarine, Panzer,
Submarine, Tank, and Transport.
* Editor: Restricted players from having duplicate races.
* Removed Mounted ability from all units (flag was unused).
* Changed Culturally Linked Starting Locations from a pref to
a rule.
* Sped up world builder.
* Handled some hard-coded icon issues for the city management
* Improved method of detecting modified rules.
* Mods no longer show gray lines on Science Advisor screen.
* Editor: Streamlined menu options.
* Updated resource icon loading so that it's not hard-coded.
Any number of resource icons can now be loaded from resources.pcx as
longs they are 49x49 with a 1-pixel border (and don't forget to update
* Updated unit icon loading so that it's no longer hard-coded.
Any number of unit icons can now be loaded as long as they are 32x32
with a 1-pixel border.
* The maximum food a tile with a city on it can produce has
been changed to 2.
Fixed v1.21f:
* Page Up/Down in Civilopedia no longer opens random entries.
* Editor: Fixed bug with Aggression Level slider on
Civilizations page.
* Editor: Updated ERA_NONE techs to work as expected (you can
never research them and they don't impede era advancement but they can
be assigned as free techs).
* Removed "God mode" save cheat.
* Fixed crash related to last settler dying on a transport.
* Fixed bug involving extra movement costs if the unit can't
advance after combat.
* Fixed stack movement bug involving armies.
* Fixed worker automation bug involving shift-A.
* Fixed bugs involving setup screen remembering settings.
* Fixed bug involving maintenance costs and
granaries/Pyramids, barracks/Art of War, etc.
* Fixed bug involving stack movement and combat.
* Fixed forest planting on enemy territory exploit.
* Fixed bug in diplo bargaining AI for per-turn gold deals.
* Improved army healing AI.
* Fixed bug with how shields were calculated for population
hurrying. The first citizen is now worth 20 shields instead of 40
shields, just like all the other citizens.
* Air units now stay on interception if their carrier moves.
* Updated units with Zone of Control in the Zone of Control
Civilopedia entry.
* Updated food from game tiles in the Bonus Resources
Civilopedia entry.
* Updated Coastal Fortress maintenance cost in Maintenance
Civilopedia entry.
* Fixed some bugs involving the AI's use of fighters/jet
* Fixed some bugs with team color palettes.
* Fixed highlight bug on world and player setup screens.
* Fixed combo box bug.
* Correct Knight Death SFX now plays.
* Editor: Fixed bug that allowed rivers in water.
* Editor: Fixed bug that did not properly set rivers when
turning water into land.
* Fixed bug which allowed rebasing bombers which had already
bombed using group movement.
* Noted that a Temple is required to build a Cathedral in it's
Civilopedia entry.
* Noted that a Library is required to build an University in
it's Civilopedia entry.
* Fixed SFX problems with Rifleman and Cavalry.
* Fixed typo that prevented a Paratrooper from displaying it's
fortify animation.
* Editor: Fixed some barbarian bugs. Barbarians are now forced
to be the first civ.
* Editor: Fixed some bugs with Add/Delete buttons.
* Fixed bug with civ-specific abilities that caused them to be
displayed in the "Dawn of Man" popup even when they were turned off.
* Fixed building prerequisites to allow buildings to require
buildings that are bestowed by other buildings but only if 1 is
required. If more than 1 or required, they must actually be built.
* Fixed bug in culture win where the Civilopedia cursor would
show up in the wrong place.
* Fixed Foreign advisor bug where recently met civs would not
appear on the screen in a > 8 player game.
* Fixed bug in Civ3 where Scout runs an extra space after
revealing a goody hut.
* Fixed bug where greater than standard hit points left
artifacts on the screen.
* Fixed bug involving not being able to draft certain types of
defensive units.
* Wonders now work with the government specific field.
* Fixed domestic advisor crash.
* Worker death SFX now play in ancient and middle ages.
* Fixed bug that caused government-specific wonders and
improvements to continue functioning when the government is changed.
* Editor: Fixed bug when placing irrigation on water.
* Fixed bug that caused icons to disappear from techs on
Science Advisor screen.
* Editor: Fixed bug with New which caused some map data to be
* Updated All Terrain As Roads unit ability to work with water
* Updated water unit movement to take into account the cost of
the terrain type.
* Fixed bug in script with duplicated/missing key for science
advisor (strong funding message had the same key as average funding).
* Nuclear Plant Civilopedia entry corrected.
* Fixed advisor bug where science funding was incorrectly
April 17, 2002, 10:39
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 00:07
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 11,117
* Fixed bug with how shields were calculated for population hurrying. The first citizen is now worth 20 shields instead of 40 shields, just like all the other citizens.
There goes the poprushing a temple w/o penalty option
April 17, 2002, 10:41
Local Time: 17:07
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Location: In a dark and scary hole!
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There are a lot a changes / fixes in this one.
Sorry....nothing to say!
April 17, 2002, 10:43
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Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 835
* Editor: Added game rules and victory conditions to scenario
properties. If defaults are not used, the check boxes are not displayed
and their on/off states cannot be changed. *
Does this include set specific player starting locations?
no minimap in the editor???
Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests
The new iPod nano: nano
April 17, 2002, 10:48
Technical Director
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These I really like
* Editor: Added HP bonus to the Units page. The bonus can be anywhere from -20 to +20.
* Editor: Added Retreat Bonus controls to Combat Experience page.
* Editor: Added new unit abilities to allow bombarding to be lethal against land and/or sea units.
* Editor: Added multiple AI strategies for units.
* Editor: Exposed AI to AI trade rate.
* Editor: Added Reset Player Data option to Scenario menu which allows resetting of all custom player data to default values.
* Editor: Added a corruption slider to difficulty level page. It defaults to 100% for all difficulty levels.
* Added Allow Restarting Players rule.
* Editor: Added game rules and victory conditions to scenario properties. If defaults are not used, the check boxes are not displayed and their on/off states cannot be changed.
* Editor: Added playable civs selector to scenario properties. If a civ is not playable, it will not be available for selection for both the human player and the opponents nor will it be assigned to any Random civ.
* Customized game settings for scenarios now work on the player setup screen. If defaults are not used, the check boxes are not displayed and their on/off states cannot be changed.
* Added "Abandon City" to right-click menu.
Changes v1.21f:
* Editor: Improved starting locations for scenarios only.
* Mods no longer show gray lines on Science Advisor screen.
* Updated resource icon loading so that it's not hard-coded. Any number of resource icons can now be loaded from resources.pcx as longs they are 49x49 with a 1-pixel border (and don't forget to update resource_shadows.pcx).
* Updated unit icon loading so that it's no longer hard-coded. Any number of unit icons can now be loaded as long as they are 32x32 with a 1-pixel border.
* Updated All Terrain As Roads unit ability to work with water units.
* Updated water unit movement to take into account the cost of the terrain type.
* Fixed bug in script with duplicated/missing key for science advisor (strong funding message had the same key as average funding).
* Added Preserve Random Seed rule. Turning this off will allow random seeds to be changed when a saved game is reloaded (which makes combat different...).
Good for some playesr, I won't use it.
* Compressed saved games.
More work for me...
* Handled some hard-coded icon issues for the city management window.
Could be interesting... Wonder what it means.
ACS - Technical Director
April 17, 2002, 10:49
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 00:07
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Posts: 11,117
The domestic nag seems to have survived  . No, I don't want to build an aqueduct in all of my 120 corrupt-to-one-shield cities. Yes I want them to continue to produce wealth. All of them.
April 17, 2002, 10:49
Technical Director
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I think this is the civspecific starting locations:
* Editor: Improved starting locations for scenarios only.
ACS - Technical Director
April 17, 2002, 10:50
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A lot of good fixes in this one
I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.
April 17, 2002, 10:54
Technical Director
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LOL: you really think this will drag traffic, so tyou make two threads on it, or could you and DanQ not deside who should post it? You better close and detop one of the threads. (And keep just one newsitem on it.)
ACS - Technical Director
April 17, 2002, 10:54
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Finally Bombers and Artillery are able to kill units!!
Why did they remove the mounted option in the editor? I thought that prevents those units from entering mountainous terrain?
April 17, 2002, 10:55
Technical Director
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Originally posted by Atahualpa
Finally Bombers and Artillery are able to kill units!!
Why did they remove the mounted option in the editor? I thought that prevents those units from entering mountainous terrain?
It had no effect at all.
ACS - Technical Director
April 17, 2002, 10:57
Local Time: 18:07
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Posts: 1,262
I haven't play civ3 since it first came out and then it was only for a week...but I have to admit this patch has really made some nice changes. If they continue with patches like this I think civ3 is probably going to be a very nice game. Never ever thought I would say that.
April 17, 2002, 10:58
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* Fixed stack movement bug involving armies.
i hope this means something other than losing the ability to upgrade the units in the army.  it's truly pathetic that you can't upgrade them anyway....
* Decreased HugeMap Size to 160x160.
i'm guessing we can change this...i like my 255x255 huge maps.
YES it gets horribly slow later on but it makes for some awesome nation building.
the rest looks good though i hope they'll get around to fixing the issue with the AI waltzing across your lands every turn after being asked not to. they should learn to build more transports.
April 17, 2002, 10:59
Technical Director
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Hey, Mark, you could at least have shared your part of the cookie with Dan, allowing him to make the newsitem, his body had more info then yours, if you don't count the chat advert.
ACS - Technical Director
April 17, 2002, 11:00
Local Time: 23:07
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Some thing tells me they don't want us to play with the save game files!!!
Probably been forced in by Infogrames.
April 17, 2002, 11:03
Technical Director
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Originally posted by jimmyh
Some thing tells me they don't want us to play with the save game files!!!
Probably been forced in by Infogrames.
Well, CPT might no longer be needed, and the SGS's should be able to recreate. I think a lot of fans have been mad on 1MB+ saves, compression is good, and hopefully it isn't highly compressed, so it should be possible to decompress it.
ACS - Technical Director
April 17, 2002, 11:04
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Posts: 1,121
Originally posted by Atahualpa
Finally Bombers and Artillery are able to kill units!!
Only if you play a scenario or did I miss something here?
Franses (like Ramses).
April 17, 2002, 11:04
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Location: Exeter, England
Posts: 64
Sounds like they've been busy, some good stuff in this.
* Updated All Terrain As Roads unit ability to work with water units.
* Updated water unit movement to take into account the cost of the terrain type.
This sounds interesting... Could make anciient ships move very slowly in the oceans, but good movement on the coast, but modern ships move as road everywhere and zip around the map like anything... interesting...
April 17, 2002, 11:06
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Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 835
Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests
The new iPod nano: nano
April 17, 2002, 11:07
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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gramphos, this kind of stuff is decided instantly and collectively on both of dan's and mine brains under certain unwritten, tried, and mutually accepted rules that have been in use since the creation of this site
April 17, 2002, 11:10
Local Time: 23:07
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Posts: 187
Hrm... they mention something about a fix with the add/delete buttons... I wonder if this is taking out the bug that lets you use them even when they're not present, or adding a few more in. I'm guessing it's the former, though with some of the changes being made, it can't be too long until the latter comes about.
April 17, 2002, 11:11
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"Editor: Added new unit abilities to allow bombarding to be
lethal against land and/or sea units."
Thank Odin!
April 17, 2002, 11:15
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Looks like a lot of good additions and changes.
One point I'd like to make in case a firaxian passes by is the icon limits. 82! We cant add new techs without re-using an icon and now we find a similar prob with the units_32.pcx. I'm sure this "small detail" has caused a lot of hair pulling by a few fans who have installed some mods.
Is the number 82 something special like the number 42? If not lets increase it !!!!!
April 17, 2002, 11:18
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Very very good!!! (except the thing that will make newly discovered civs automatically come up...i like being able to specify where each is...) The changes Gramphos mentioned are definitely the best (YAY UNITS CAN HAVE DIFFERENT HP #'s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
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April 17, 2002, 11:23
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Posts: 1,121
Editor: Added HP bonus to the Units page. The bonus can be
anywhere from -20 to +20.
Explanation by Mike B on civfanatics:
You can assign a hit point bonus on a per unit basis. For example, if you give Warriors a bonus of 5, Conscript Warriors will have 7 hit points, Regular Warriors will have 8, Veteran Warriors will have 9, and Elite Warriors will have 10 hit points.
Now that means you can have negative HP! Would this mean the unit dies directly after it is build?
Franses (like Ramses).
April 17, 2002, 11:23
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Posts: 161
* Fixed bug in script with duplicated/missing key for science
advisor (strong funding message had the same key as average funding).
Is this the one you mentioned the other day?
April 17, 2002, 11:28
Technical Director
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Originally posted by jimmyh
* Fixed bug in script with duplicated/missing key for science
advisor (strong funding message had the same key as average funding).
Is this the one you mentioned the other day?
Yes, it's the one.
ACS - Technical Director
April 17, 2002, 11:29
Firaxis Games
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Posts: 139
Originally posted by Franses
Now that means you can have negative HP! Would this mean the unit dies directly after it is build?
A living unit can never have less than 1 hit point. If you give a negative bonus to a unit, it will have lower-than-normal hit points but never less than 1. Using my previous example, if you give Warriors a -2 hit point bonus, Conscript Warriors will have 1 hit point, Regular Warriors will have 1, Veteran Warriors will have 2, and Elite Warriors will have 3 hit points.
Mike Breitkreutz
April 17, 2002, 11:30
Firaxis Games
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redundant post.
Dan Magaha
Firaxis Games, Inc.
April 17, 2002, 11:33
Local Time: 17:07
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Location: In a dark and scary hole!
Posts: 728
Will this patch affect our mods? That is will we have to redo them?
Sorry....nothing to say!
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