April 19, 2002, 19:21
Local Time: 18:08
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"mm, why don't you explain how to get 25 gold at the 1st turn, without a hut close to you?"
Are you saying I did that in a game with you? And I'm the one that discovered the map editor thing...so try not to be a moron. Somehow I find it hard to believe that I would be stupid enough to give myself a whopping 25 gold in the first turn with no huts around me. Obviously you're full of **** and need a lesson on how to speak english. Also you don't seem to be able to understand the concept of putting everything on one post.
April 19, 2002, 19:40
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The bit about the ability to speak English is a little over the line, Eyes.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
April 20, 2002, 01:14
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Honest confessions of a past cheater
1) Please explain why you do it
2) Explain all the different cheats you use
3) List examples of the people that you most recently cheated and what you did
4) Give an example on how cheating made you number one in any of the ladders
5) Explain how cheating makes you more popular with the girls and adds to your felling of self worth.
__________________________________________________ __
1) I did it when I was still learning the game. I started much later than everyone else did, and while that is not a good excuse, "cheating" taught me a lot about the game. The entire time span of my cheating was a little less than a year. It started when I played somebody on the zone by the name of Rabbit something or other. He had about 3 wonders by 3000BC and even though a newb to the game I realized this wasn't possible. I asked him how I could do that and he introduced me to a hex editing program called GameHack. While he didn't tell me how to use it, I was able to decifer two uses for the program: editting gold, and changing which civ your screen views. I later refined the technique of masking the gold cheat so as to not make it obvious, and then I forgot how to use the civ viewing hex. During the time that I did know how to do it however, it allowed me to take my turn viewing my civ, then during my opponents turn to enter his colors hex # and I could watch him play. This I think is what I meant by "cheating" teaching me how to play. Instead of going through the tedious act of saving every turn and reviewing and loading each save of my opponent, I could instead watch him move for move, see what he built, when he built it, what tech path he went, etc. This I found to be a better teaching tool than saving b/c saves are not precise. You'd have to save about 5 times during each turn just to see everything I got to see. It was an invaluable tool that made me into the player I am today. While I regret being secretive about my learning process, I think without it I wouldn't have excelled as quickly as I did.
2) I used a hex editor called GameHack that allowed me to edit gold and change the civ that your screen viewed. So while some ppl thought I used 2 computers, they were wrong. I could do all of it from one computer while I still remember the exact hex #'s that allowed me to do it.
3) The most recent player I cheated against was DrFell about 3 months ago. Before him the last time I cheated was in a team game with Oedo, Eyes, and UIF. I'm sure there was an instance or two in between there, but nothing significant to my memory (which by the way sux)
4) Cheating never made me #1 in gameleague, that was all me. I can honestly say I only cheated in one gameleague game, and i can't remember who it was against, but i believe i was a yellow civ and i editted my gold in order to rush build a bunch of horses so as to not lose key cities. what was his name... i think it may have been pauldaman? no...maybe... i forget, sean probably knows better than i do, he has a mind like a steel trap for these sorta things
5) oh man! you don't know what you're missing out on! i couldn't even walk outside to get the newspaper without having mobs of screaming women ripping off my clothes and pinching my ass and shouting "ITS KUJA! I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES!!!"
but seriously, I apologize to all that have been affected by my cheating. i no longer have ICQ or the gamehack program, and have no desire to have either. i fell to temptation and found myself using it even when i didn't have to. those days have long since passed though, and if anybody would like more clarity on anything i said or failed to mention, i'd be happy to answer them.
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
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April 20, 2002, 01:24
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forgot something
Oh yeah, I remembered how I left out another "cheat" although I fail to see it as that. I had about 5 names in gameleague total before sticking with Kuja. They were all dumb names that I quickly grew tired of. So I initially had BullBull I think. I managed to rack up about 1300 points or so, and then hated the name. I created a new one, and reported a win to my new name from BullBull. by gameleague standards this is considered a cheat. However, if they provided a name change service then i wouldn't have had to do this. how is it cheating to go from name A with 1300 points, to name B with 1000 points? I just dropped 300 points just to change my name... and by reporting 1 win it gave me about 1100 points or so. Maybe somebody can enlighten me as to how lowering my point total by 200 is cheating.. but whatever, just thought I'd mention everything with me coming clean and all
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
April 20, 2002, 08:49
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
"mm, why don't you explain how to get 25 gold at the 1st turn, without a hut close to you?"
Are you saying I did that in a game with you? And I'm the one that discovered the map editor thing...so try not to be a moron. Somehow I find it hard to believe that I would be stupid enough to give myself a whopping 25 gold in the first turn with no huts around me. Obviously you're full of **** and need a lesson on how to speak english. Also you don't seem to be able to understand the concept of putting everything on one post.
Your looking down to others made you did that 
You did not claim to win me at that game, so I never say a word about it until seeing yr comfess. 
I know I need some practice on my English. That's why I play arround here.
April 20, 2002, 11:49
Local Time: 18:08
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First of all, I've played you before sekong and you are a complete rookie. Enough said.
Kuja, you're also leaving out the fact that you reported wins to yourself as ViejoVerde, AilingLeach, and that burrito name. Also you left out a team game when it was me and you against slowwhand and Bud/kasya. You were way behind me in cities and you somehow not only caught up to me but you outgrew me and when I asked you how you said "alot of 100 gold huts".
As for the gamehack thing...I had no idea you were able to look at other people playing with a hex value. I didn't even know it was editable. I had always wondered why you could find people's capitals so fast. This would probably be a great learning tool though. Anyone want to watch the great EyesOfNight play in real time? hehehe
April 20, 2002, 12:37
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Originally posted by Ming
Oh... and Dr Fell...while I have no clue if there is a program that allows you to effect the outcome of a hut... you can use huts to cover the use of some programs.
As I said I was one of the first to think of this '100 gold for an empty hut' cheating method  But you can't give yourself techs/advanced tribes/units from huts unless you really want to screw around with the game.
April 20, 2002, 13:17
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yes, i thought i mentioned i had many gameleague names, and almost everytime i made a new one (except kuja, my final name) i reported a win from a previous name.
as for the other tribe game, i can't remember it at all, but i think the huts were just kind to me that game. i'd know more for certain if you put a date on the game, then i would know whether or not i had the GameHack.
haha, all this talk about GameHack made me remember how I did it. If anybody has GameHAck, or I'm sure any other editor will work, i THINK you type in 6d1da0. dont quote me on this, it's been a long time, but if that's right, then it should display a value of 1-7 depending on your civ. white civs are 1, green are 2, blue are 3, yellow are 4, light blue are 5, orange is 6, and purple is 7. So say i am mongols for example. I would open up gamehack and type in 6d1da0 (if that's the right hex value). it would display a value of 7. i would play my turn and end it. then during my opponents turn i would change the value from 7 to whatever i wanted to see. so if my opponent was the romans, i would switch it from 7 to 1. i could now watch that player on my screen. as soon as his turn ends, it automatically goes back to my screen. not only did it teach me lots by watching sean, gary, and others, it was also a nice respite from the 10 minute turns.. i could now see why it took them so long to move
"Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
- Epicurus
April 20, 2002, 14:03
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I tried to cheat once, a couple of weeks ago I downloaded cheatomatic to see how it worked, when I tried it against some newbie on the zone all it did was let the game crash........
Guess you dont want to use it while hosting.
April 20, 2002, 15:00
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In the beginning it was a race to discover cheats first  ....pretty much anything went.Nobody knew any better.In particular was the stuff 2 players can do together.Even now I must say it was great fun.I remember setting up squares for ships full of troops gifting.Gift the ship and the troops get beamed up to somewhere.With some trial and error you can find where troops go from each ocean square.
Trading caravans was one of my favorites.
Unlimited moves was another fun one.
Non units were kinda hard to time but felt like a gambling win when you got 1. 
Wonder trading actually seemed to go along way to keeping games going after 1 or 2 sessions.A quick SoL trade gave anybody without happy wonders a "2nd wind".
It gave you something to do when you were "chasing a leader"
After awhile you realize this stuff is detracting from the fun of the game....some of it anyways  ..any game with allies saw turns that took forever as cities were traded,units..you name it.
It all comes down to whether you absolutely play to win or you play for fun.
April 20, 2002, 19:36
Local Time: 23:08
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Posts: 184
Originally posted by EyesOfNight
First of all, I've played you before sekong and you are a complete rookie. Enough said.
Sean, seems you don't understand, in civ field, a rookie in MP does not mean a rookie civver. I have played this game for 9 years. Before I got my civ2 MP, I have played civ2 for 4+ years.
For HEX thing I happen to know a bit. Back to the time of civ1, I already tried to edit the sav file, so I can have a hotseat feast with my civ pal. Not that good tho.
April 21, 2002, 10:44
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Cheaters should be put in front of a firing squad.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
April 21, 2002, 18:46
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April 21, 2002, 22:23
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Originally posted by Kuja
yes, i thought i mentioned i had many gameleague names, and almost everytime i made a new one (except kuja, my final name) i reported a win from a previous name.
as for the other tribe game, i can't remember it at all, but i think the huts were just kind to me that game. i'd know more for certain if you put a date on the game, then i would know whether or not i had the GameHack.
haha, all this talk about GameHack made me remember how I did it. If anybody has GameHAck, or I'm sure any other editor will work, i THINK you type in 6d1da0. dont quote me on this, it's been a long time, but if that's right, then it should display a value of 1-7 depending on your civ. white civs are 1, green are 2, blue are 3, yellow are 4, light blue are 5, orange is 6, and purple is 7. So say i am mongols for example. I would open up gamehack and type in 6d1da0 (if that's the right hex value). it would display a value of 7. i would play my turn and end it. then during my opponents turn i would change the value from 7 to whatever i wanted to see. so if my opponent was the romans, i would switch it from 7 to 1. i could now watch that player on my screen. as soon as his turn ends, it automatically goes back to my screen. not only did it teach me lots by watching sean, gary, and others, it was also a nice respite from the 10 minute turns.. i could now see why it took them so long to move
You mean using this i can figure out what diety actually does on his turn?
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April 21, 2002, 22:45
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If you have the patience.
April 21, 2002, 23:50
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April 22, 2002, 00:00
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why would you want to give yourself extra cash? aside from the obvious...its not like this form of cheating helps you "master" the game....
alot of you have posted about cheating and exploiting to understand the game better and to figure out how to win....
i fail to see how giving yourself cash is nothing more than a crutch for the weaker player...if i can quote a famous Aussie here
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April 22, 2002, 10:07
Just another peon
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Originally posted by Smash
After awhile you realize this stuff is detracting from the fun of the game....some of it anyways ..any game with allies saw turns that took forever as cities were traded,units..you name it.
That was the main reason that we decided not to allow a lot of things and not allow official alliances. THE TURNS TOOK SO LONG. A few of those tricks don't bother me, but in total, it slowed the game down to much.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
April 22, 2002, 21:39
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All this talk about cheating is quite unsettling for me.
Personally, I see no point in painstakingly checking if ppl have cheated or not. If they cheat and win, what's the point? Let them have their cheap thrill, bragging rights, etc. because if they need to cheat to win, they'll never be a true winner at heart.
So I don't get ppl who downloaded cheat-o-matics to try and see "how it worked" or ppl who cheated to "find out more about the game." To me, this is total nonsense. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. That's my philosophy about cheating.
I fear that if this GameHack thing catches on, it *will* kill this game. Reading about different kinds of cheating, especially being able to look at other civs is disheartening to say the least. It takes the fun out of the game for me completely.
April 23, 2002, 01:14
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Originally posted by Spartan_RawB
All this talk about cheating is quite unsettling for me.
Reading about different kinds of cheating, especially being able to look at other civs is disheartening to say the least. It takes the fun out of the game for me completely.
That's why we like our group... The hardcore long timers have reputations for honesty. And when we catch newcomers cheating, they never find their way into another game
We do play just for fun... and we want to keep it fun
Keep on Civin'
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April 23, 2002, 05:31
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Originally posted by Spartan_RawB
So I don't get ppl who downloaded cheat-o-matics to try and see "how it worked" or ppl who cheated to "find out more about the game." To me, this is total nonsense. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. That's my philosophy about cheating.
Well, I only cheated 1 zone newbie ever. I built GW and Pyramids by 3200BC so it was all pretty obvious. And it's best to know how cheating is done anyway so you can detect it yourself. The whole thing started with the Kuja cheating.
April 23, 2002, 11:37
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"All this talk about cheating is quite unsettling for me.
Personally, I see no point in painstakingly checking if ppl have cheated or not. If they cheat and win, what's the point? Let them have their cheap thrill, bragging rights, etc. because if they need to cheat to win, they'll never be a true winner at heart.
So I don't get ppl who downloaded cheat-o-matics to try and see "how it worked" or ppl who cheated to "find out more about the game." To me, this is total nonsense. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. That's my philosophy about cheating.
I fear that if this GameHack thing catches on, it *will* kill this game. Reading about different kinds of cheating, especially being able to look at other civs is disheartening to say the least. It takes the fun out of the game for me completely."
Amazing, the biggest defender of cheaters ever says he feels weak in the knees when he reads about cheating.
April 23, 2002, 13:01
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Originally posted by Spartan
I fear that if this GameHack thing catches on, it *will* kill this game. Reading about different kinds of cheating, especially being able to look at other civs is disheartening to say the least. It takes the fun out of the game for me completely."
Most players here play with friends, or at least people they trust to play honourably. That includes confirming before doing anything that may be considered bug exploitation.
Edit: Looks like Ming already said that.
April 23, 2002, 13:36
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I've done some thinking about everything that's been talked about, and I've come to some conclusions.
I'm not a genius, but I have a hunch for things. Sometimes, these hunches turn out to be wrong, but in my heart, I know I've got VERY good reasons for having reached the conclusions I did.
Out of respect for our friendship, I will not mention the person's name, but I believe I was cheated in at least ONE of the three games we played lately. I have no proof, but I know in my heart something was flawed in that game, just some things that didn't seem right, not just once, but many times. Now knowing the nature of all kinds of cheating, what's happened makes a lot of sense.
For those out there, if this kind of thing happens in your game, be aware. You may be being cheated on:
1) You notice your city screen opening and closing very quickly, almost at a blinking speed.
2) You notice the map view shifting without you using your mouse and clicking.
Stick to the ppl you TRUST will not cheat, for I will stick to this policy in the future. For those who have ever cheated in this game and continue to do so, shame on you. It's such a callous and disrespectful attitude towards other ppl and this game.
April 23, 2002, 13:57
Just another peon
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Yes it's sad. In the early days we could avoid the zone, leagues and ladders and mostly avoid the cheats. Now if something strange happens in one of our "friendly" game, I get suspicious.
That is something I deeply regret.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
April 23, 2002, 15:19
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Ming is cheating you, Rich, he told me when he was tanked!
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April 23, 2002, 15:45
Just another peon
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The very last person I would suspect.
And happy birthday wishes to Mrs. Ming
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
April 24, 2002, 13:30
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Eyes made a comment about if you're cheated and lose, so what?
My main complaint is that I don't feel like donating any time to wasting time.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
April 24, 2002, 14:31
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Originally posted by Spartan_RawB
2) You notice the map view shifting without you using your mouse and clicking.
That happens when trade routes are established to someones capitol.
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April 24, 2002, 14:36
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Originally posted by Spartan_RawB
1) You notice your city screen opening and closing very quickly, almost at a blinking speed.
I noticed this one when your not hosting.. seems to be involved with lag and the trade commodities of the city changing...
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