An anonymous Greek's soldier story PART III
...continued from PART II...
So there I was. In the city's Barracks among with other frightened citizens like me. From one day to the other, from a freelancer to a soldier. What was going on? Officers screaming, men were afraid and worried of the new disciplined environment, but the biggest fear of all of us was the unknown. Would we about to be transfered to the front or would we stay in the city to hold it of a case of an attack which was seeming impossible? The GAGS was thinking that the forces in Herakleia and Delphi, as well as the II Infantry division were enough to stop the Russian troops.
The fear was in the air though. Herakleia had only a battalion of infantry and Delphi had a regiment of infantry and a battalion of artillery. The Russian forces were in no doubt outnumbering the local Greek forces. Meanwhile the XVI Mechanised Infantry division and the III Tank division were ordered to be transfered to Herakleia to support the defending forces, the problem was that they were stationed in Knossos and in Corinth which were built near with borders with Japan, and it was really far from the Greek-Russian front. They had to cross almost all of the country. They'd needed almost 13 days to arrive.
Three days had passed since we were recruited. The training was more than hard. From early in the morning till late at night we were doing drills and physical exercises. We didn't have time even to smoke a cigarrete. I was so tired I can't describe it with words. The trainers were also trying to brain whash as in an effort to keep our moral high. Take my word, at least on me the propaganda wasn't working. I was still frightened.
Meanwhile the news from the front were encouraging. The II Infantry division and the local forces in Herakleia and Delphi were keeping the enemy from the 2 cities. They were reliefing news as it was reducing the chances to send us there. be continued...
I tan i epi tas