An anonymous Greek soldier's story PART V
...continued from PART IV...
Thirteenth day in the Barracks with non-stop training day and night. In Herakleia only the II Infantry division left to stop the wrath of the Russian infantry and in Delphi the artillery was all captured. The XVI Infantry division was almost there and was about to be divided in 2 brigades. One would be sent in Delphi and the other to Herakleia but still weren't enough. In Delphi only an infantry order left from the regiment there. In other words the reinforcements of the XVI's Infantry division weren't enough.
On the 13th day we were promised to be given a day-off, but at the very last moment the order everyone of the new recruits were afraid of came. The transfer to the front was a fact! Our mission was to support the 2nd Infantry Order and the 2nd Infantry Brigade in Delphi. Also 2 artillery battalions from the nearby city of Mycenae were already on route. The 117th Artillery (AB) Battalion has a mission to support the defenses in Herakleia and the 197th Mechanised Heavy Artillery (MHA) was to support the defenses in Delphi. Our order, the 11th Infantry Order, would meet the 197th MHA on the half way to Delphi. It would be a 5 hour journey to hell... be continued...
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