Local Time: 23:09
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: New York City
Posts: 8
Imperial Germany's Domination
Note: The map is a world map replica, with real world starting positions.
Thousands of Germans lined the streets in Berlin as the 200th celebration of Europa Day commenced. In fact, 200 years ago, marked the final victory for Germany that secured all of Europe for herself. School children waved German flags and stood outside the Reichstag cheering. Everyone of them could repeat on command the nations Germany made bow before her. France, who was obliterated off the map; Rome, who was kicked off Europe and to North Africa, where Germany continues a war it started hundreds of years ago; Russia, who stood in Germany's way; England, who clings to a tiny hold of land in Iceland; and Greece, who stood with their Hoplites in defiance of Germany; all have been tossed off Europe.
The Chancellor was in his office, going over some of the latest battle plans from the current war with Egypt and Rome. He smiled, seeing German Cavalry overrunning Egyptian positions from Western Turkey down to the Persian Gulf, and more imporantly, down the Nile river delta. In his eyes, Egypt was all but defeated and a final blow would place them in the same group as the French, Russians and Greeks.
One of the Chancellor's advisors whispered to him, "Sir, the people are ready for you."
The Chancellor nodded, stood up from the war table and nodded to his Generals, "Continue the war as we have outlined. The Roman and Egyptian menace must be wiped from Africa."
One of the Generals who was in charge of the German Army of the North that was responsible for taking out enemy placements in North Africa spoke up, "Sir, what shall we do with the Roman encampments?"
The Chancellor glanced at the map and back at him,"Raze any city above 30,000 people. We dont need future problems."
With that, the Chancellor left the room and headed to a balcony overlooking the thousands lined up. He arrived, and instantly the crowd cheered, waving flags. The brown, gold and red was flying from all corners of the crowds. The Chancellor waved, and walked up to the front of the balcony where he would speak into a hollowed out cylinder that would make his voice louder. The crowd hushed as he began to speak.
"People of Germany, we gather here today on this historic occasion to celebrate our superiority to all. Two hundred years ago, our forefathers drove out the barbarians who infested Europe. We secured our space in Europe, from the English Channel, to the Adriatic Sea, to the Urla Mountains to Gibraltor, we have made Germany great!" The crowd erupts in cheer and slowly quiets down as he speaks again.
"As we continue our fight against the Egyptians and their Roman allies, we will do to them what we have always done before. We will defeat them at every meeting and remove them from this planet. As we speak, German forces are moving down the Nile from Thebes, which we have sacked to Heliopolis in the south. Just recently, a group of our Cavalry made a surprise drop in Western North Africa, taking out two Roman cities, including their Capital." The crowd cheers again, noise makers going off.
"My German brethern, our army stands strong, destroying whatever resistance we may find. The people of Rome and Egypt thank us for liberating them in every city we take. They cannot even counterattack for our superior forces launch attacks at their counterattacks. I must also commend the Kreigsmarine, for doing a wonderful job of disrupting enemy shipping. Thanks to the sailors on everyone of those ships, our German colonies in Western Africa and the Americas remain unscathed. Let this be a lesson to all who dare stand in our way. Deutschland vor allen, Deutschland ist groß!"
The Chancellor waved to the crowd, who errupted in cheers, and then walked back inside.