April 17, 2002, 15:53
Local Time: 18:10
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Posts: 69
Theory of Evolution Should have never been a part of this game!
This error in the game shouldnt go unnoticed.
I find it humerous yet very disturbing that Theory of Evolution is considered a Wonder of the world in Civilization 3.
Its Humerous because its a fraud! There is no proof or evidence that supports evolution. Yeah you heard right THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ANYWHERE THAT SUPPORTS EVOLUTION! Please if you do have evidence of evolution then come forward. Scientists all around the world today have no scientific evidence of evolution. In fact, a majority of the scientific community have given up on the dying theory of evolution and some have even declared it to be a joke. It is also humerous because it is even called a Theory at all. Its a hypothisis at best.
Lets look at the different stages that a new concept must go through to become a working law of nature. First the concept must be presented and asked. It becomes a hypothisis, it makes a good point and deserves some time to test. After it has been tested in a number of different situations and posibilities and it holds true, it becomes a Theory. After better evaluation and experiments it continues to be true in all situations it becomes law.
Never has any evedence been provided in favor of evolution. Scientifically it doesnt pass hypothisis. After the 6th edition of his book Origin of life : Theory of Evolution, Darwin himself acknowleged that evolution is false and no evidence supports it. On his death bed Darwin admited that evolution was a fraud.
Its humerous that Theory of Evolution is considered a wonder in Civ 3. Its also hilarious that its bonus is two free technological advances  what a joke  . If evolution did anything its hurt the scientific community. For as long as Evolution has been clinged onto as fact by some scientists despite the lack of scientific proof makes science look bad. Generations to come will puzzle over how the joke that is evolution was ever passed off as a theory. Evolution is a great blunder not a wonder.
However it is very disturbing that Evolution is still around. Its seriously disturbing how evolution is passed off as fact in our culture. We teach it as fact to our children. Its in our highschool and even college textbooks. Its on TV. And its FALSE. Its even in our vidio games like Civ 3. Civ 3 targeted audience is children and young adults. Its disturbing that evolutions is passed off as fact when it is false.
Evolution is the root of our social problems today.
The facts are out there. You just have to open your eyes and think for yourself.
The theory of Relitivity would have been a much better choice as a wonder. Unlike Evolution The theory of Relitivity has been proven fact and is now today considered a law of nature and physics. Many of the theorys Einstien proposed have led to many scientific advances today. Einstein also was a brilliant and kind man. Darwin on the otherhand was a very bitter man, a racist, sexist and also not very bright.
Anyway i hope sid doesnt let this error of claiming the theory of evolution to be a wonder of the world occur in the next civilization.
Last edited by Draco aka Se7eN; April 17, 2002 at 16:00.
April 17, 2002, 15:56
Local Time: 18:10
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Well this is going to get interesting.
And btw, what scientific evidence do you have that the world came into being as according to Genesis, Hindu mythology, or whatever your preference may be?
April 17, 2002, 16:00
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Should the SDI be removed then too?
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April 17, 2002, 16:02
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True or false, I still like the 2-tech jump that it gives me.
April 17, 2002, 16:06
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Originally posted by Allemand
True or false, I still like the 2-tech jump that it gives me.
Yes, but don't you see how it's subliminally affecting your thinking? Pretty soon you're going to be wanting to travel to the Galapagos Islands and study bird beaks.
April 17, 2002, 16:07
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It should be noted that i didnt come here to argue what religion is correct or how the world and universe came about.
I am simply saying that Evolution is false and scientificaly it cant survive.
But the question does come to mind.
What choices to we have? Evolution or Creation?
Well Scientifically you can deduct that Evolution is False.
And if you understand the complexity of life then logicaly creation only makes sense.
But like i said, the facts are out there, open your eyes and think for yourself.
April 17, 2002, 16:08
Local Time: 23:10
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Posts: 48
Evolution vs. beautiful wrist watch
I want you to imagine that you are walking through the woods and you stumble across a Wrist Watch lying on a tree stump. Would you choose to believe that the watch was a product of evolution..that everything in the universe just lined up correctly and fell into place...and voila...the Wrist watch evolved. Or would you chose to believe somewhere was a watchmaker that made the watch? I think you would believe the latter.
Now the Universe is far more complex than any damn wirst watch..but some people chose to believe everything just lined up one day and the universe was set into motion by chance with no plan, design or creator. To them I say....look for the watchmaker.
April 17, 2002, 16:20
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Well.... I guess its kinda silly to present divergent information to folks who get their info from GOD, but Darwin's theory of evolution, whether you agree or not, significantly shaped Science and Society when it was presented.
....and there is no historical evidence that Jesus of Nazreth ever lived, but I am still a believer and understand the historical significance he had.
Question Authority.......with mime...
April 17, 2002, 16:20
Local Time: 18:10
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Very good parable Danimal
and its true
The big bang theory is also no longer suported by a majority of the scientific comunity. The theory itself defies the laws of physics today. What is the big bang anyway? It was suposed to be a extrordinary massive explosion. And from this explosion came matter, came the complexity and order of the universe, the laws of nature and physics, and life. But there is something wrong here. An explosion caused complexity and order and eventualy life? ummm who here has ever created something by exploding something? A nuclear bomb, the largest man made excplosion possible. what did that hiroshima bomb do? It leveld the city and destroyed life. The basic law of nature and physics is that from explosions comes chaos. However somehow the universe was created by an explosion. Absurd and silly.
April 17, 2002, 16:23
Local Time: 18:10
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Wotan321 please do explain how The theory of evolution has scientifically shaped science when it was presented.
April 17, 2002, 16:24
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I think it´s bad of Firaxis not to have flat maps in the game. For as you all know THE EARTH IS FLAT! The notion that the earth is a round ball that circulates the sun is a ridiculous notion. Don´t believe this hoax, the pictures from space is a fraud. There is no conclusive evidence that the earth is round!!
Stupid troll
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April 17, 2002, 16:26
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Draco aka se7en: Where do you get your information? Cite your sources please.
Sorry....nothing to say!
April 17, 2002, 16:29
Local Time: 17:10
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If we remove the Theory of Evolution, then we must also get rid of Copernicus' Observatory! After all, Copernicus did present heretical ideas such as the fact the EARTH revolves around the SUN! Heresy, I say!
April 17, 2002, 16:31
Local Time: 01:10
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Evolution is the root of our social problems today.
That's probably as simple as that
More seriously, I don't know if evolution is a valid scientific theory matching any scientifical method or not (I don't study physics or biology), but the fact is that theory of evolution is a symbol of science getting rid of religious and scientific beliefs in the 19th century, just as Copernicus Observatory is a symbol of this in the renaissance.
As a widespread symbol of scientific advances, that's pretty normal it is in the game. I agree thoery of relativity could have the same role though.
April 17, 2002, 16:32
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Creationism is just sad.
Christians cried and moaned that the Earth couldn't possibly revolve around the sun ... then all of the sudden they changed their tune.
How long before they do the exact same thing for evolution? Will they be just as two faced as they were when they decided the Earth really wasn't in the center?
April 17, 2002, 16:33
Local Time: 19:10
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Creationists are funny.
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
April 17, 2002, 16:33
Local Time: 18:10
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please do explain how The theory of evolution has scientifically shaped science when it was presented.
Well, I don't have it all memorized, but Darwin's ideas influenced Marx and Freud and Spencer, who all, at the time, were dominant figures in their line of work. I know there are others. Any High School social studies book should point this out, as would any College or Library text on the history of Western Civilization in the last few centuries.
So what do YOU think the Theory of Evolution says? I haven't read as much about it as you obviously. Please educate me.
Question Authority.......with mime...
April 17, 2002, 16:35
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I  the Audi Evolution S8!
April 17, 2002, 16:35
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Draco's right!!!!!
But he only touched the tip of the iceberg.
There's certainly no scientific evidence that the Hanging Gardens ever existed.
Where's the scientific evidence supporting the prophetic powers of the Oracle at Delphi?
How is it that the pyramids were ever used to store grain?
Nobody's been able to prove conclusively that the Pharos Lighthouse or the Great Library ever existed in Alexandria.
It is a well known fact that Magellan never circumnavigated the globe.
Nobody ever built anything called Hoover Dam. In the 30's they built something called Boulder Dam, but it certainly didn't generate enough electricity to power every city on the continent.
Universal suffrage doesn't exist even today.
Cure for Cancer? Longevity? SETI?
What business did Firaxis have in putting ANY great wonders in the game? What were they smoking?
Oh, one last thing. If Draco is right, then I guess there's no such thing as deoxyribonucleic acid.
April 17, 2002, 16:38
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So, what, the Earth is carried on this giant turtle, right? Or was that a whole bunch of elephants?
(No, it's not Gamera.)
But do keep up the vague appeals to authority and well-poisoning. It's amusing.
|"Anything I can do to help?" "Um. Short of dying? No, can't think of a |
| thing." -Morden, Vir. 'Interludes and Examinations' -Babylon 5 |
April 17, 2002, 16:39
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After reading all this, I'm definitely going to withdrawl my proposal from the local school board that our schools get rid of the teachers and use CivIII to teach the kids.
April 17, 2002, 16:40
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Kamratx and ixnay37, you dont understnad.
I am not saying evolution is false because of what i a believe. I am saying evolution is false because scientificaly it is false. Im not making this up.
After all, Copernicus did present heretical ideas such as the fact the EARTH revolves around the SUN! Heresy, I say!
here you act as if evolution is as factual as the earth revolving around the sun. You are seriously misimformed. Scientifically you can prove that the earth revolves around the sun. But Scientificaly you can not prove evolution.
Archeoligists have uncovered thousands of dinosour bones and countless fossles of other creatures that exist today. YET THEY HAVE NEVER EVER FOUND A FOSSLE OF ONE CREATURE EVOLVING INTO ANOTHER. Evolution was supposed to take place over millions of years. During these milion years millions of cretures lived. The lack of fossle evidence is proof that evolution is false.
Acooper i can cite any information you like, everything i have stated comes from the scientific community. A long list of well respected scientists and doctors.
Like i said open your eyes and please do not be biased.
April 17, 2002, 16:43
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Originally posted by nato
Creationism is just sad.
Hardly. Evolution is the sad one. IT demains and devalues Humans. taking away any worth they could have. It's like saying the mona lisa happened when leo siplled a bunch of paint. It's possible, but remote, and takes away all of the value of the artwork except as a novelty item.
Christians cried and moaned that the Earth couldn't possibly revolve around the sun ... then all of the sudden they changed their tune.
How long before they do the exact same thing for evolution? Will they be just as two faced as they were when they decided the Earth really wasn't in the center?
It was entirely different circumstance.
1) It was about power, not truth. If the Roman Catholic Church had to admit it was wrong, it lost political power. You have to realize that this happened during a time when translating the bible into anything but high latin was a capital offense. It was this attitude that prompted Martin Luthor's rebellion.
2) The Helio-centric theory did not disagree with anything in the bible. No where do scriptures say the earth is flat.
3) The helio centric theory was observable, and has been seen in action. Evolution has not been repeated in a laboratory, nor has the transition from one species to another been observed.
What is interesting is that the roles are reversed now. It is the creationists that are seen as heretical for suggesting that the modern scientific religion og evolution is wrong.
"Government isn't the solution to our problems; Government IS the problem." - Ronald Reagan
No, I don't have Civ4 yet...
April 17, 2002, 16:44
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I want to yell and scream at you for how wrong you are. But I won't because this isn't the appropriate forum (literally) to do such thing. Instead I will simply point out to you that you are wrong and that evolution has been proven.
Do you know why (if you've heard about this) they are being used less and less often?
Because if antibiotics are used too often, then the bacteria that has a natural resistance to it (because of some genetic mutation) will survive and soon the antibiotics will become useless as the resistant bacteria breeds and becomes dominanat.
Natural selection, evolution in action, tada.
And btw, Darwin saying he was wrong on his deathbed means nothing. Columbus didn't know what he had done when he died. He believed himself a failure.
And if you actually paid attention to the scientific community and read articles and books about science (and evolution) on a regular basis then you would know that it is not a dying theory.
And the watch analogy is not accurate. A watch cannot replicate itself. It has not gone through billions of years of reproduction in a harsh and demanding environment. Furthermore, humans did not suddenly form from some primordial mess. You obviously don't understand the premise behind evolution. It is a slow process. It takes geological ages for it work unless you are dealing with incredibly fast breeding organisms (such as bacteria).
Woops, I did get into an argument...
April 17, 2002, 16:45
Local Time: 18:10
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Posts: 105
Archeoligists have uncovered thousands of dinosour bones and countless fossles of other creatures that exist today. YET THEY HAVE NEVER EVER FOUND A FOSSLE OF ONE CREATURE EVOLVING INTO ANOTHER. Evolution was supposed to take place over millions of years. During these milion years millions of cretures lived. The lack of fossle evidence is proof that evolution is false.
Of course, it would have been a hell of a lot easier if God had taken the time and consideration to put His signature on the bones. You'd think any decent watchmaker would sign a name.
April 17, 2002, 16:48
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Hmmm.... I was under the impression evolutionary processes occurred while the animal or plant was alive. Certainly the fossil evidence shows a gradual metamorphosis of species.
There are many scientists who believe in creationism. There are many who believe the process of evolution is real. I wonder what the head count would be?
Again, what do YOU believe evolution is? When you say you cannot find any proof of Evolution, what IS Evolution?
Question Authority.......with mime...
April 17, 2002, 16:50
Local Time: 23:10
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Evolution is still a hypothesis
Originally posted by ixnay37
If we remove the Theory of Evolution, then we must also get rid of Copernicus' Observatory! After all, Copernicus did present heretical ideas such as the fact the EARTH revolves around the SUN! Heresy, I say!
What an idiotic statement...Copernicus theories are scientific facts!! Evolution remains a hypothesis...just like creation. However, I will place my wager with Pascal...I will bet on the watch maker.
April 17, 2002, 16:54
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Evolution does not take place while a creature is alive! Some chimpanzee wasn't wandering around, transformed into a human because it would be better for the chimp, die, and leave behind fossils. That's not how evolution works.
But during reproduction, genes can be mixed up and in most cases will either kill the creature or have no effect. But every once in awhile a new organism is born that benefits from the mutation. And slowly, over millions of years, this small benefit will become more widespread and more advanced. And there most certainly are fossil records of better creatures appearing after creatures that were not... better.
April 17, 2002, 16:57
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Hardly. Evolution is the sad one. IT demains and devalues Humans. taking away any worth they could have. It's like saying the mona lisa happened when leo siplled a bunch of paint. It's possible, but remote, and takes away all of the value of the artwork except as a novelty item.
So you reject an entire scientific theory based solely on the fact that you want to feel special? How marvelous.
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April 17, 2002, 16:57
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I especially love the arguments about Evolution being the root of our problems, and that Darwin wasn't a nice or smart guy.
This is great stuff. You should consider sending it to Saturday Night Live or Comedy Central so they can use it in a skit.
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
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