May 10, 2002, 23:25
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panag. I just tried IFE. Didn't work. Can you post a saved game situation where it works?
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May 11, 2002, 06:34
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Originally posted by notyoueither
panag. I just tried IFE. Didn't work. Can you post a saved game situation where it works?
hi ,
put cd-rom in drive , "new game" , .........that tends to be the romans on a small map , .....we seen it on many comps , ......  , ......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (nothing to do with Grrr) , ...
have a nice day
May 11, 2002, 21:06
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You see that very unhappy thing over there? Considerably less happy than a Wolves fan who just put his winning lottery ticket through the wash?
That's me, that is.
I cannot continue my current game - I keep getting the box that says 'This program has performed an illegal operation, and will be shut down, and there's sod-all you can do about it. Hah-hah. Oh, you clicked on the 'details' box, perhaps expecting an explanation. Well there isn't one. The program's ****ed, and this box is here to mock you. Hah. Hah hah hah. Hah.'
Or words to that effect.
I keep loading the saved games, but the same thing keeps happening.
What do I do now?
May 11, 2002, 22:20
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Post your saved game. Maybe someone else can get it past the crash point for you. Very slim hope. What patch?
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May 13, 2002, 08:35
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I just reinstalled the game and carried on without the patch, and it worked fine (well, apart from getting thoroughly twatted by the Egyptians).
I haven't completed a single game with v1.21f, the same thing always happens, but other people don't seem to be having this trouble...
May 13, 2002, 09:22
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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but every time a resource is depleted in my game, a new source is immeadiately found in the exact same spot. Weird.
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May 13, 2002, 12:52
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hi ,
people , of all nations on earth who play civ3 , .....
it seems that a number of cd-roms has a problem , this number seems to be higher with the foreign languages , ...and a lot can be solved by exchanging the cd-rom , .....and getting the latest patch , .....
have a nice day
May 13, 2002, 13:29
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Originally posted by Stuie
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but every time a resource is depleted in my game, a new source is immeadiately found in the exact same spot. Weird.
Strange. They often disappear on me and do not come back anywhere in my empire. Is your map unusual in that there are no other eligible areas for that resource anywhere else on the map?
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May 13, 2002, 13:31
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Originally posted by Stuie
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but every time a resource is depleted in my game, a new source is immeadiately found in the exact same spot. Weird.
I had that happen with a resource I had added (lumber).
May 13, 2002, 16:56
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It happend for me several times, but not always.
May 14, 2002, 11:04
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I'd just like to confirm that the number of crashes has gone up with 1.21. I've lost three games recently in the late industrial stage, always shortly after building Theory of Evolution but not always right after it. The last one bombed after selecting "install a new governor" following taking a city. This is especially annoying late in a game when you are smugly leading the pack for a change.
This seldom happened before and I'm surprised that I can't find the previous saved game in the load game list. Is it just that I don't pay enough attention to the date while playing? I can't seem to find crashed games to reload at an earlier stage.
Any advice on finding the bombed games? Thanks
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
May 14, 2002, 11:29
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hi ,
peolpe ; there shall be more bugs and issues on civ3 , but there is only one way to get them fixed , that is by talking about it , ......
and dont mind the people who say , that cant be , or you are wrong , ...lets not forget that everyone has a different comp a different amount of ram , a different OS , ....and so on , ....
we can all look at the previous patches , and their long list of fixes , , give firaxis some credit and they shall fix the bugs , ....
dont forget that ROME and Paris where not build in a day either , ....
so , folks there is only way to find these bugs , and that is to play , .............  , unite and play , ........
have a nice day
May 14, 2002, 13:39
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jshelr. Load the auto save. You have that turned on, right?
There should be an 'Auto' subdirectory off of the Saves directory.
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May 14, 2002, 14:08
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Thanks very much for the autosaves subdirectory response. I never noticed it.
May 14, 2002, 14:40
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Is this a bug or what?
I had a strange thing happen in my most recent game (un-modded) using the 1.21f patch. Unfortunately, I've since deleted the saved games so I can't post the file or a screen shot.
I was playing the Persians on Warlord level and had taken over the entire continent I started on. I had nearly all the techs, railroads and improvements everywhere. It was about 1950AD and I was at war with all the remaining AI Civs except the Iroquis. I wanted to move one of my mech infantry units to the other side of my continent to load it into a transport. As it moved adjacent to one of my own cities along the way, it attacked the city and was destroyed by the defenders (also mech infantry). "pretty weird", I thought, lets try that again. I tried to moved another mech infantry unit to the same destination and it too attacked the same city and destroyed the defending unit, which had lost some hit points in the previous skirmish.
Anyone else have this happen to them?
May 14, 2002, 15:58
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Highlander_two. That sort of behaviour has been reported often, usually with Auto Settlers. I can't remember ever seeing a saved game though. I suspect that Firaxis hasn't seen one either, which is unfortunate since the designers can't fix bugs they can't see.
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May 14, 2002, 16:07
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Originally posted by notyoueither
Highlander_two. That sort of behaviour has been reported often, usually with Auto Settlers. I can't remember ever seeing a saved game though. I suspect that Firaxis hasn't seen one either, which is unfortunate since the designers can't fix bugs they can't see.
I'm guessing that it has something to do with foreign nationals being in a city's population. The game is confusing the city for an one of the enemy's. Just a guess though. Frankly, I kind of like the bug, though it's never happened to me. It kind of lends an element of surprise don't you think. From what I've heard, it doesn't last very long, so I guess you can consider the idea that one or two of your units have turned traitor.
May 15, 2002, 13:34
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Hanging Gardens Bug?
Suspect I've found a bug, though may not be directly tied to 1.21f (I could just have never noticed it in earlier versions).
Game details: v1.21f, Standard Map, Continents (max water), 8 civs, Monarch, all victory conditions enabled. Game is modded, but not in any way affecting wonders or the tech tree.
Playing as the Egyptians, I took Rome. The Romans had built both the Great Wall and the Hanging Gardens in Rome. Looking at the city view of Rome, I see both wonders -- and, correctly, neither is producing culture for me (I didn't build them). BUT, the Hanging Gardens are marked with three  , indicating the happiness effects of the wonder. Only problem is, all civilizations are well past Steam Power on the tech tree -- the advance that renders the effect of the Hanging Gardens obsolete.
So, either I'm benefiting from the happiness effects of the HG when it should be obsolete, or the three  shouldn't be there, right? Anyone see something I'm missing?
Saved game attached.
May 15, 2002, 15:57
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Originally posted by notyoueither
Strange. They often disappear on me and do not come back anywhere in my empire. Is your map unusual in that there are no other eligible areas for that resource anywhere else on the map?
No. I'm playing on a 130x130 map, so there's plenty of space for all the resources. I wonder if my mod screwed something up. I didn't touch the resources (only map sizes, # of civs, and a ton of unit updates). Guess I'll play around with the editor tonight. Maybe the "Resources don't deplete" flag is set??? I didn't set it though.
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May 17, 2002, 07:42
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Originally posted by Stuie
No. I'm playing on a 130x130 map, so there's plenty of space for all the resources. I wonder if my mod screwed something up. I didn't touch the resources (only map sizes, # of civs, and a ton of unit updates). Guess I'll play around with the editor tonight. Maybe the "Resources don't deplete" flag is set??? I didn't set it though.
hi ,
just wait , and wait , and wait , .......sometimes they come back on the same spot , ............
as for the rest , try to play a bit with the resources in the editor , there you can wheter or not how many new sources you want , ....
have a nice day
May 17, 2002, 07:52
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Originally posted by panag
.......sometimes they come back on the same spot , ............
My problem is that they ALWAYS come back on the same spot IMMEDIATELY after being depleted. I get the "This source of xxxx has been depleted" and then "A new source of xxxx has been discovered" one after the other. This should not happen.
"Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
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May 17, 2002, 11:04
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Originally posted by Stuie
My problem is that they ALWAYS come back on the same spot IMMEDIATELY after being depleted. I get the "This source of xxxx has been depleted" and then "A new source of xxxx has been discovered" one after the other. This should not happen.
That's been my experience ever since 1.17f. A resource vanishes and reappears on the exact same spot. 9 times in 10 this happens during the same turn, sometimes without the "a new souce..." message. I'll get the "...depleted" message, get the opportunity to move and I'll go check out the spot and my xxxxx is still there. on then tenth time, a few turns may elapse before the resource reappears (or it might just be taking me that long to notice it).
May 17, 2002, 11:47
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Originally posted by dawidge
That's been my experience ever since 1.17f. A resource vanishes and reappears on the exact same spot. 9 times in 10 this happens during the same turn, sometimes without the "a new souce..." message. I'll get the "...depleted" message, get the opportunity to move and I'll go check out the spot and my xxxxx is still there. on then tenth time, a few turns may elapse before the resource reappears (or it might just be taking me that long to notice it).
I haven't seen this problem at all. I am using the 1.21f patch. As my stuff depletes, it always shows up somewhere else...usually not in my territory any more either. Kind of stinks! Part of my war tactics is to attack and take out the cities that have a military resource (saltpeter, oil, iron...). I have on multiple occasions then seen these resources get depleted within a few turns of my taking them and a new resource shows up deeper in enemy territory.
However, I have never had it pop right back where it was.
May 17, 2002, 13:14
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hi ,
an other "issue" ; tundra , true the editor a lot of people give tundra no food , even after irrigation , okay , but , it does not seem to work , .........
as for the resources that pop up in the same spot , yep that's true , or just one tile next to it , ........if that tile supports that resource , ....
have a nice day
May 17, 2002, 13:36
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Originally posted by Stuie
My problem is that they ALWAYS come back on the same spot IMMEDIATELY after being depleted. I get the "This source of xxxx has been depleted" and then "A new source of xxxx has been discovered" one after the other. This should not happen.
Hell, you should be counting your blessings. How often do people encounter a helpful bug? Mind you, I guess it would take away an important element of the game. Kind of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" thing.
May 17, 2002, 13:42
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I seem to remember
I am pretty sure I saw it elsewhere in one of the forums (probably in the creation or files section), but one of the editor settings allows the random depletion of minerals to be turned off. Possibly this is what has happened with the mod or bic file that you are using. Maybe if this random depletion is turned off, the code still has it get depleted but it returns to the same place automatically.
Not sure...just brainstorming.
May 17, 2002, 14:02
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just to say i now see the resource depletion and respawn also.
the difference is my resources deplete incredibly fast ... 4x in 11 turns. 'course, this is just one game and so my observations may not be statistically significant.
Certainly looks like a helpful bug based on the others with similiar findings (only helpful if you don't like the idea od resources running out  .
May 17, 2002, 14:11
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Re: I seem to remember
Originally posted by Mkinser
I am pretty sure I saw it elsewhere in one of the forums (probably in the creation or files section), but one of the editor settings allows the random depletion of minerals to be turned off. Possibly this is what has happened with the mod or bic file that you are using. Maybe if this random depletion is turned off, the code still has it get depleted but it returns to the same place automatically.
Not sure...just brainstorming.
No, that's not how it works. In the editor, if you set the disappearance ratio to 0, then those resources will always remain. It would be the same as Horses, or Luxury/Bonus resources.
May 17, 2002, 15:02
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Re: Re: I seem to remember
Originally posted by Willem
No, that's not how it works. In the editor, if you set the disappearance ratio to 0, then those resources will always remain. It would be the same as Horses, or Luxury/Bonus resources.
hi ,
and dont forget to put "appearance" on zero as well , or you start to have a resource on every tile , .....
have a nice day
May 17, 2002, 15:51
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Science advisor bug
This bug has been long enough in the game.
Move the active scout at the goody hut. The hut will give Alphabet. Now the science advisor appears and says, that we just obtained Iron Working from the Persians, which is total nonsense, as I knew Iron Working before and Xerxes gave me nothing. A minor bug, that's true, but once you're making a patch  ... deal with it.
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