July 6, 2002, 09:59
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Originally posted by Firebird
My comp specs are:
500 Mhz AMD K6-2
768 Mb ram
I don't think that matters because the game just halts. It dosn't progress even if I let it stand there for an hour and it is a somewhat rare thing. It happens in about one game out of three and then only in about one city-founding out of... well 5 or so (Not evenly distributed in time! It might all happen in ancient times).
I mod the rules a lot , so perhaps I am just hitting some odd "buttons" in those games, that goes a bit nut from time to time.
hi ,
what are yor full compscecs , including software , ...OS and all of that , ....
its always intresting to upgrade to activeX 8.1
sometimes a firewall stops a game , when at one point the game does its autosave , yes after a number of turns , not always from the first save , ....
Firebird , it would always be helpfull for Firaxis if you mailed the problems to them , dont forget the SAV(e) , ...
have a nice day
July 7, 2002, 11:02
Local Time: 01:13
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granaries bug
started building a granary to increase my growth rate. As soon as it was built, i check my city display : the granary was there at the left side of the screen (improvement roster), yet the food box indicated no granary!
attached a picture of the city display
July 7, 2002, 15:08
Local Time: 01:13
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Re: granaries bug
Originally posted by sevencubed
started building a granary to increase my growth rate. As soon as it was built, i check my city display : the granary was there at the left side of the screen (improvement roster), yet the food box indicated no granary!
attached a picture of the city display
hi ,
maybe it only goes in use the next turn , ....
have a nice day
July 7, 2002, 18:09
Local Time: 00:13
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Posts: 158
Originally posted by panag
hi ,
what are yor full compscecs , including software , ...OS and all of that , ....
its always intresting to upgrade to activeX 8.1
sometimes a firewall stops a game , when at one point the game does its autosave , yes after a number of turns , not always from the first save , ....
Firebird , it would always be helpfull for Firaxis if you mailed the problems to them , dont forget the SAV(e) , ...
have a nice day
Hi Panag.
Of course you'r right! Comp specs:
AMD K6-2 500
768 mb ram
32 mb ram on videocard (Normaly running 1024x768)
5gb free on harddrive
32x cd-rom drive
Windows 98 (NOT S.E.)
With regard to other software:
Norton firewall+ antivirus
MS Office 2000 Premium edition
Nero Burner
+ a couple of other games (civ 2, ctp, Tiger woods Golf...)
All extra software (like the firewall) is not active while I am plaing.
I am running a multiple OS system switching between Win 98, Red Hat Linux and Corel Linux.
I can't come up with other remotely relevant stuff for the moment, but of course every little piece of software could be a troublemaker in the world of computers.
I think I will try to update to DirectX 8.1
Thanks for your help so far.
July 7, 2002, 19:48
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Re: granaries bug
Originally posted by sevencubed
started building a granary to increase my growth rate. As soon as it was built, i check my city display : the granary was there at the left side of the screen (improvement roster), yet the food box indicated no granary!
attached a picture of the city display
Your food box is less than half full. When it reaches half full, you will see the effects of the granary.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
July 8, 2002, 11:51
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I would like to see a feature were you can hit Shift-U and choose how many you want to upgrade, instead of upgrading them one and one, or waiting for enough money to them all.
This would be really nice.
In the GREAT BANANA we trust, for only he can set us free!
July 8, 2002, 12:31
Local Time: 18:13
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With the latest version of the patch I had an "immediate withdrawal" which automatically placed my ship across an expanse of ocean which should have been unpassable at the time.
This probably should not be allowed.
July 8, 2002, 13:52
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Originally posted by Slax
With the latest version of the patch I had an "immediate withdrawal" which automatically placed my ship across an expanse of ocean which should have been unpassable at the time.
This probably should not be allowed.
That's always occurred. I've read several people mention that this happened, ever since the game's been out. That's probably one reason why so many people think the AI's Galley's are cheating. I suspect there's nothing they can do about it, which is why it's still happening. The ship just gets transported to the nearest allowable water square, regardless of where that is.
July 8, 2002, 16:15
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Re: Re: granaries bug
Originally posted by star mouse
Your food box is less than half full. When it reaches half full, you will see the effects of the granary.
You optimist. I would have said when the granary reaches half empty you will see the effects...
July 9, 2002, 02:31
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Originally posted by Willem
That's always occurred. I've read several people mention that this happened, ever since the game's been out. That's probably one reason why so many people think the AI's Galley's are cheating. I suspect there's nothing they can do about it, which is why it's still happening. The ship just gets transported to the nearest allowable water square, regardless of where that is.
You make it sound like it is impossible to find a suitable tile that doesn't move thre ship across unpassable waters. Perhaps they should start by trying to move the ship to a tile along the route taken by the ship in the first place. That would've helped in this case.
July 9, 2002, 10:24
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I found a bug or at least an annoying feature with the governors.
The year was around 1850 AD, I had all my cities set to governor rule, building only improvements, no units or wonders.
Then suddenly every city started to produce workers. Which was really annoying.
So I had to got to every city and change their production to Wealth before they stopped. It got me about 30 workers, before I got the chance to stop them.
Why did this happen?
And why can't you make the governors in EVERY city stop at one click???
In the GREAT BANANA we trust, for only he can set us free!
July 9, 2002, 10:28
Firaxis Games Software Engineer
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Bug: undeclared war
In the attached save, I am suddenly at war with Japan during in the next turn. Nothing I do can prevent this, including renegotiating peace with them. There is no warning that they declared war on us or that we declared war on them. We don't have a MPP with anyone, and we don't have any existing trades with Japan.
July 9, 2002, 11:24
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Originally posted by Slax
You make it sound like it is impossible to find a suitable tile that doesn't move thre ship across unpassable waters. Perhaps they should start by trying to move the ship to a tile along the route taken by the ship in the first place. That would've helped in this case.
If a ship has Sinks in Ocean/Sea flags enabled, it will only be transported to a Coast square. And if the civ's cultural boundaries expanded during the time that the ship was exploring, then it's possible that there may not be a suitable square to send it to, at least back the way it came. So the ship will get sent to the nearest available Coast square, which just might be quite far from it's current location.
Think of it as the civ escorting the ship to the nearest safe square. It won't care where it is, as long as it's outside the boundaries, and won't cause the ship to sink.
July 9, 2002, 11:28
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Re: Bug: undeclared war
Originally posted by alexman
In the attached save, I am suddenly at war with Japan during in the next turn. Nothing I do can prevent this, including renegotiating peace with them. There is no warning that they declared war on us or that we declared war on them. We don't have a MPP with anyone, and we don't have any existing trades with Japan.
What's so buggy about that, undeclared wars happen all the time, especially in the game Ever hear of Pearl Harbour?
July 9, 2002, 11:55
Firaxis Games Software Engineer
Local Time: 19:13
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I have been playing Civ3 for months and I have never seen this happen in the game before, nor have I heard it happen to anyone else. You usually get a message saying that civ so and so has attacked us. In this case they didn't attack. I just saw that I am at war from the F4 screen.
Pearl Harbor? No, what's that?
July 9, 2002, 16:30
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Posts: 158
Originally posted by Methos
I found a bug or at least an annoying feature with the governors.
The year was around 1850 AD, I had all my cities set to governor rule, building only improvements, no units or wonders.
Then suddenly every city started to produce workers. Which was really annoying.
So I had to got to every city and change their production to Wealth before they stopped. It got me about 30 workers, before I got the chance to stop them.
Why did this happen?
And why can't you make the governors in EVERY city stop at one click???
Yes, it almost gives me a headache when that happens. Sometimes it happens out of the blue, but I have often seen it when for some reason my number of workers has decreased, be it by rejoining cities, losing some to an enemy or when giving "enslaved" workers back to there mothercountry. I think the governors are a very nice feature both on automatic and when they just gives you suggestions (so you don't have to go to the city-screen to select production for your city), but that worker-"feature"... please give us a fix on that one.
July 10, 2002, 13:40
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I'd like to see "Wake all" and "Fortify all" added to the unit right-click menu.
July 10, 2002, 16:15
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In my game, I am no longer getting the 1000-year culture bonus. The cities under consideration have never been captured. (I tried to attatch the saved game, but it was too large.)
Also, I am currently mobilized for war. I have bribed the rest of the world to join me in my effort (Yes, this is probably to easy to do), and my enemies will soon perish. When both the civs I am fighting are killed, will my mobilization return to normal, or do I have to sign a peace treaty first? If I do, that stinks; obliterating all my enemies should be a legitimate way to end war mobilization.
One minor bug I haven't yet seen mentioned: When I capture an enemy city and intall a new governor, the game zooms to the city screen. The unit I just used to capture the city does not appear in the garrison. I exit the city screen and double click on the city. Now the unit appears in the garrison, as it should. This bug doesn't really effect gameplay, but it is annoying (many minor bugs probably fit that description).
I am using the 1.21f patch and did not notice the culture problem until I installed it (I was in the middle of the relevant game when I installed the patch).
Someone mentioned not being able to request diplomatic agreements with other civs. Note that you need an embassy with the civ in question to negotiate diplomatic agreements. Some agreements also require nationalism.
July 10, 2002, 17:11
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Originally posted by JohnM2433
In my game, I am no longer getting the 1000-year culture bonus. The cities under consideration have never been captured. (I tried to attatch the saved game, but it was too large.)
Also, I am currently mobilized for war. I have bribed the rest of the world to join me in my effort (Yes, this is probably to easy to do), and my enemies will soon perish. When both the civs I am fighting are killed, will my mobilization return to normal, or do I have to sign a peace treaty first? If I do, that stinks; obliterating all my enemies should be a legitimate way to end war mobilization.
When mobilized, your cities produce half their normal culture (which means each culture improvement produces half -- i.e., no "doubling effect" of the 1000 yr. improvement while mobilized).
Destroying (or making peace) with even one of the two civs you're at war with will take you out of mobilization.
July 12, 2002, 07:31
Local Time: 23:13
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What is the 1000-year bonus to culture???
In the GREAT BANANA we trust, for only he can set us free!
July 12, 2002, 07:48
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worker crash bug and ships attacking own cities bug.
Don't know if this has been mentioned before but I want to report what happened to me in my current game.
Using 1.21f, standard map, regent, med continents.
I used the "go to" command to move a stack of workers to a tile. They had to pass through one of my cities to get there. When they tried to enter the city they all died and the game crashed to the desktop.
Another bug I saw was when I tried to move a destroyer into a coastal city for repairs, the destroyer attacked the city and died.
One final bug.
I nuked a city. Captured and razed it. Captured enemy worker then appeared in the unit screen but was not visible in the main map. Pressed space bar and waited to move next turn. Worker became visible.
All of this happened in the modern ages during the year 2011.
signature not visible until patch comes out.
July 12, 2002, 10:24
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Originally posted by Methos
What is the 1000-year bonus to culture???
Once an improvement has been around for a 1000 years, the culture it produces doubles.
July 12, 2002, 14:34
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After thinking about what I reported in my above post I came to another question.
Is it possible that if you do a clean Civ3 install and then immediately patch to 1.21f that the worker bug is still active?
I hope that the next patch that comes out is a complete package. Meaning that if one does a clean install and then patches with the latest patch everything should work. Including having the workers dress properly in their appropriate ages.
Now one would have to patch 1.16, then 1.17 then 1.21 to make everything work properly. Just a theory.
signature not visible until patch comes out.
July 12, 2002, 14:47
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1.21f has all previous patches in it.
The funny thing about the "attack my own units bug" is it is almost always when nukes are used.
July 12, 2002, 14:56
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Originally posted by Catt
When mobilized, your cities produce half their normal culture (which means each culture improvement produces half -- i.e., no "doubling effect" of the 1000 yr. improvement while mobilized).
Destroying (or making peace) with even one of the two civs you're at war with will take you out of mobilization.
Thanks! So I guess the "missing" culture wasn't a bug after all; that's good to know. I didn't realize that mobilizing for war had any effect on culture -- I don't think that's mentioned in the manual or the Civilopedia. If it isn't, it should be.
Does one of the civs I'm at war with have to be destroyed by me personally to bring me out of war mobilization, or will it also work if one of my allies finishes them off?
July 12, 2002, 15:49
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Originally posted by Level
1.21f has all previous patches in it.
The funny thing about the "attack my own units bug" is it is almost always when nukes are used.
Interesting, because in my current game I have used nukes quite a bit. The bugs I saw didn't begin until after I launched my first nuke. Hmmm...... Firaxis please fix this.
signature not visible until patch comes out.
July 12, 2002, 16:39
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Originally posted by JohnM2433
Does one of the civs I'm at war with have to be destroyed by me personally to bring me out of war mobilization, or will it also work if one of my allies finishes them off?
Works even if you never fire a shot at that enemy -- the "mobilization off trigger" is a new state of peace, whether that comes from a peace treaty or from the permanent retirement (  ) of any enemy due to any cause.
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