Using the BIC file for the Builders out there
Recently, there was a thread about Civ3 being too war-oriented, and that the most vast civilizations were quite often the most successful ones. I am here to offer an alternative that MAY (I haven't had the time to test it myself) help make a game for builders where even the small civs can be the world powers, and it involves a little modding.
[list=1][*]Give all units (except for artillery, planes, etc.) population cost, so that it becomes more costly to build big armies.
[*]Modify governments to be less tolerant towards war, have a fixed number of free units rather than a number by city, increase the cost per unit, and increase the corruption level of each government.
[*]Increase cultural bonuses for city improvements so that bigger more developed cities become more valuable culturally.
[*]Increase the effects of Scientists and Taxmen... instead of 1 make it 10 or something so that big population cities become more valuable than a whole bunch of smaller cities.
[*]Increase the value of Roads, Mines, etc. to grant cities with fully developed tile improvement networks a big boost.
[*]Alter optimal number of cities in the World Sizes category[/list=1]
With these changes, it would be possible to have a 4-6 city civilization that will contend easily with the 10-20 city civilizations provided that the small civ is well-developed. Good luck to the builders.
Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).
I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...