Cheating in multiplayer games?
One thing I'd really like to see in Civ3 is the ability to turn cheats on in multiplayer games. I've felt this as a real lack in Civ2. I think I can see the reasoning: allow one player to cheat, and you open a real can of worms... But when I play on my own, I mostly play in multiplayer mode 'cos I like double production / double movement! But then if I want to do some "what if?" projections using the cheat menu, I can't; likewise if I want to turn an existing multiplayer game into a scenario - no can do!
In Warcraft 2 you can have cheats in a multiplayer game, and the playing field is kept even because if one player turns cheats on, all players get the benefit and all can cheat. Admittedly the types of cheats available in Warcraft and in Civ2 are very different; and the worst aspect of Civ2, to my mind, is that scenario creation can only be accessed via the cheat menu!! This is something that definitely needs to be changed.
And there also needs to be the possibility of at least examining alternative possibilities via the cheat menu in multiplayer games: How would it be if I had this improvement in that city, or if the terrain were different here, or if the French had only 30 gold, etc.!
I can see a couple of possibilities for implementing this: (1) if allowed in real multiplayer games with other human players, it would have to be by mutual agreement, like changing the timer; or, (2) it could be allowed for "what if" purposes as I described above, when there's only one human player - either only one from the start, or when you're examining a saved game after a multiplayer session.
What do people think?