May 7, 2002, 09:56
Local Time: 01:29
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NP. Good to hear that.
Yes the manual is incorrect, you do indeed need to wait 5 turns after you have an Alliance with everyone.
If you just click End-Turn all the time your population will grow (among other things) and you get points for every citizen you have at the end of the game, so your score would increase. If you have things in the build queues as well, your economic and military ranking will improve as well, which also benefits your score.
And you do get bonuses (boni?) for victories but I have no idea about how many points for each victory. I don't know what the 'games in progress' thing means, I think it just indicates that the game is still being played and that you haven't won/lost yet, but I'm not sure about that. I wouldn't value it too much...
I will pass your compliments about the forums on to the owners of the site
May 7, 2002, 16:46
Local Time: 16:29
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Locutus, are going to be absolutely strict with the May 16 cutoff? The reason I'm asking is that I've had very little time to play lately (Finals/moving etc), and I still have a couple of Civs to crush (English and Dutch). I'm going to try my best, but if I can't get the game finished within the next couple of days, I think that I may have to sit this one out.
May 7, 2002, 21:30
Local Time: 17:29
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The Windows XP, Home Edition that I have definately does not have the WinZip program. Once I down loaded and installed it, I had no additional problems.
The scoring bonus's may very with the difficulty level. At the "impossible" level the Victory Bonus (regardless of which kind of victory) is 5000 points. If you accumulated the most number of Wonders, you get a bonus of 500. Points earned during the process of the game are: 100 for each Wonder, 10 for each advance, and 100 for each "Feat" . The balance of the points are based on the number and size of your cities, including population.
May 7, 2002, 21:38
Local Time: 15:29
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Posts: 84
thanks for the scoring tips... much apreciated
As for XP and zip files... this is strange since my copy of winME included natively the ability to browse zip files within a window as if they were normal folders.. to extract files you simply drag-n-dropped files to another folder. It is indeed strange that this feature was not included in XP... perhaps it was a licensing/legal issue?? Oh well.
Anyway, glad that winzip is working for you... Personally I used to use winZip as well, but have since found winRAR to be superior as a compression tool since it supports zip and other formats as well as allowing one to automatically compress files into multiple "volumes" (so a 500mb file could be spread across fifty 10mb files for instance). Very useful if sending large files to friends or for posting partial files on an FTP site....
Long live Call to Power!
May 8, 2002, 01:18
Local Time: 09:29
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The winning turn.........
Win type: Conquest
Year: 1785
Size: 45 Cities (though I've starved quite a few)
Government: Communism
I used infantrymen since getting gunpowder, and some naval as well. At the end I had 329 infantrymen sitting around. At one stage I was producing 10 a turn.
Anyways, here's the save game and score.
May 8, 2002, 01:21
Local Time: 09:29
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And the save game.....
Just move the carrack onto the last city. There's no defenders.
May 8, 2002, 02:10
Local Time: 15:29
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Posts: 84
how the heck did you get a screen shot of this?
I realize that in windows, you can use "prtscrn" key to snap the whole screen or "alt+printscreen" to get just the active window (or is it ctrl+prtsc?? i can never remember).
does this work with ctp?? anyway, I am surprised and pleased that you are participating in this tournament!!
Take it easy
Last edited by DeanToth; May 8, 2002 at 02:27.
May 8, 2002, 03:02
Local Time: 09:29
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Why wouldn't I participate? Gotta show why I needed an ultra-agressive AI like WAW.
Anyways, to get the screengrab, just do PRTSCRN, then go into windows paint or another graphics program, paste it and crop to size. BTW, I think there's a width limitation of 600 pixels for pictures, not sure. Oh, and make sure you save it as a .gif or .jpg.
Have fun mate.
May 8, 2002, 03:33
Local Time: 15:29
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heh.... well, it's good to know our resident mod-saints aren't above getting down and dirty with us plebian players.. :-)
(seriously though, we all love the mods and appreciate your hard work)
May 8, 2002, 10:19
Local Time: 00:29
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Ok here goes
Won by Diplomacy
Year : 1180 AD
Score : 11090
Very interesting game actually
Took me absolutely aaaaaages to take the Portugese city of Porto. I was fighting with mainly, archers and hoplites, while their only advantage was mounted archers, dunno why it took so long anyway took me 2 and a half full stacks in the end.
After that it was mainly plain sailing up until i had to actually do some real sailing anyway. After i began my assault on the Incas after doing away with ''most'' of the Portugese, the Incas ran off and set up second home on some poxy island down south. Anyway i churned out a ''few'' fire trireme's unloaded a couple of infantrymen and dealt with that pretty sharpish.
And then there was only a smallish Portugese city on a one tile island left, so i ploughed through that with a full stack of ''ship of the line'' and that was it, all the ''diplomacy'' had been forced earlier.
May 8, 2002, 10:22
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Won by Diplomacy
Year : 1180 AD
Score : 11090
Wow Maquiladora, a possible earliest victory.
May 8, 2002, 10:52
Local Time: 00:29
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Well maybe,
The earliest year winner was always going to be a Diplomacy victory, it would be nice to compare with others, i know Locutus got 1330AD (?)
May 9, 2002, 15:40
Local Time: 01:29
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Edit: DP
Last edited by Locutus; May 9, 2002 at 15:53.
May 9, 2002, 15:53
Local Time: 01:29
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Ah, great to see the results are finally getting in. A little reminder for everyone: the tournament ends in a week so start playing if you haven't done so yet!
I'm afraid I'm going to have to be fairly strict with that May 16th cut-off. I can give you until the 17th, maybe 18th but not much longer. I'm going on vacation the 28th and want to have the second tournament running by then (which will end sometime after I'm back). This means I must have made a ranking of the first tournament and decided on the settings for the 2nd tournament (which I don't want to do before I have the ranking, so I can take into account the level of the participants). I hope you can find the time to finish your game...
BTW, feedback is very much welcome. From centrifuge's remark I conclude that he would appreciate it if the tournaments would last longer than 3 weeks (4 weeks maybe?), what do others think about this? If there's anything else you wish to comment on, don't hesitate to do so. I want these tournaments to be as fun as possible for everyone so if you have suggestions for improvement...
For the Conquest victory, Dale is leading in terms of endyear, francois in endscore. For Diplomacy victory, Maquiladora is leading in endyear, I myself in endscore. In the overall rankings, Maquiladora is leading the endyear board while francois is leading the endscore board. But with only 4 scores in this doesn't mean much yet (note that this is all unofficial, in the official rankings my score doesn't count and I'm yet to check Dale's and Maquiladora's savegames)...
(I'll see if I can post some statistics later)
May 9, 2002, 21:30
Local Time: 09:29
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*awaiting those stats with baited breath*
May 9, 2002, 23:59
Local Time: 15:29
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Posts: 84
hmmm... I never realized end-year would be a ranked category... I've been playing only with high score in mind, which is my normal style of play anyway.
Yes, these are some impressively early years so far!!
Locutus - I sorta prefer the 3-weeks format myself. But I could live with 4 weeks just fine especially if it gets more players.
Well, back to my game. Take it easy all.
May 10, 2002, 00:02
Local Time: 15:29
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Posts: 84
Oh, btw, just to be strictly fair - especially for those who have posted their endgame saves early - may I suggest that actual endyears and endscores be kept confidential til the last game is submitted?
Just a thought.
May 10, 2002, 02:54
Local Time: 01:29
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Everyone can download the savegame and see for themselves what the score/stats are so keeping it confidential doesn't really work. The stats/scores posted here just save everyone from going through that kind of trouble for every savegame. But I think and hope most people will just want to play their own game and compare it with others, rather than playing it over and over until they have the highest score. If you insist on wanting to keep your scores confidential, you could wait with submitting the savegame until the 16th...
Here are some stats for the games played so far (I hope this doesn't screw up the post layout too much):
Rn Player Vict Type Year Pnts Cits Pop Advans Wonds Feats Resrch
1 Maquiladora Diplomatic 1190 AD 11,090 24 269 29 5 4 Cavalry Tactics
2 Locutus Diplomatic 1335 AD 12,200 32 316 36 7 2 Mod Metallurgy
3 Dale Bloodlust 1785 AD 20,070 46 724 49 7 4 Adv Naval Tacts
4 francois Bloodlust 1882 AD 21,050 53 1043 62 16 6 Quantum Physics
Rn Player Vict Type Pnts Year Cits Pop Advans Wonds Feats Resrch
1 francois Bloodlust 21,050 1882 AD 53 1043 62 16 6 Quantum Physics
2 Dale Bloodlust 20,070 1785 AD 46 724 49 7 4 Adv Naval Tacts
3 Locutus Diplomatic 12,200 1335 AD 32 316 36 7 2 Mod Metallurgy
4 Maquiladora Diplomatic 11,090 1190 AD 24 267 29 5 4 Cavalry Tactics
(winners per victory type in bold) |
Last edited by Locutus; May 10, 2002 at 03:10.
May 10, 2002, 07:45
Local Time: 00:29
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I think i would prefere 3 weeks too, but if the game was made a litter longer, i.e. gigantic maps/cradle, 4 weeks would be the best. Although i dont mind. I understand some dont have time too, or maybe the PC to play such an exhausting game. heh My PC isnt exactly state of the art
May 10, 2002, 14:39
Local Time: 15:29
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Posts: 84
Oh yeah.. you're right  - i forgot other forum members could just download the attachment themselves... (as you rub my suggestion in my face and show the whole leaderboard..)
Ha ha. So anyway, my game is just about done! It was the whole reason I kept asking you guys about what is the last year in game time and how the diplomatic victory works....
Turns out I am in the last century of gametime and i have no time to conquer the last pesky empire so I'm trying to get them to love me so I can have an alliance.
I am very impressed by the earliness of the years of these other players! They must be really good. My method has always been to slog on thru time, gettting as many wonders and conquests as possible in order to jack up my score before 2300AD...
I think I'll be done with the game today. (My day off and I'm not waiting til the 16th to upload ;-)
Last edited by DeanToth; May 10, 2002 at 14:44.
May 10, 2002, 16:29
Local Time: 16:29
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Well, One of my Finals was cancelled, so I spent all of last night playing the tourny, and it appears that I'll be finished sometime tonight  :. I've been taking Dean's approach, which is probably one of the reasons I didn't think there would be enough time. My girlfriend agrees with me that a long quality session is better than quick and dirty anyways
May 10, 2002, 16:31
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Oh, and the length of the tourney is fine with me. This particular one just came at a very rushed time.
May 10, 2002, 16:31
Local Time: 00:29
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Originally posted by centrifuge
...My girlfriend agrees with me that a long quality session is better than quick and dirty anyways
 i bet
May 11, 2002, 01:17
Local Time: 16:29
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Alright, I was able to pull it out, I was originally going for a Conquest, but my girlfriend thought that I was too bloodthirsty  , so at the last minute I let the english survive (with one city  ) and went for the Gaia Controller,
Typr: Gaia Controller
Score: 28670
May 12, 2002, 15:23
Local Time: 17:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 108
Game Results:
Type: Conquest
Year: 1270
Cities: 37
Score: 16070
This was a fun game, as I had never done a pure conquest before. I usually play for high score, and did complete the science ending once.
Hopefully my saved game is attached. The final move is to move the army stack of 12 units into the final battle at Amsterdam, which is on the undiscoverd tile just S.E. of Assen.
May 12, 2002, 15:37
Local Time: 17:29
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Posts: 108
My saved game file didn't attach to my last transmittal, so will try again.
May 12, 2002, 19:07
Local Time: 01:29
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Bah! I was all happy because I managed to conquer the entire world 3 centuries before Dale but then I saw Bill's post...
Great job, Bill  Your conquest victory took only 8 turns longer than Maquiladora's diplo victory  I will be very impressed if anyone can beat that...
Oh well, I'll post my second result anyway, in case anyone is interested: a conquest victory in 1495 AD (could it be more appropriate?). Unfortunately I had apparently started this conquest from the wrong savegame, namely the savegame *after* I had accomplished the diplo victory. Since you can only win the game once, I didn't get the victory screen & movie this time and thus also not the bonus points for victory  So the score I have is a lot lower than it should have been: only 14,070 (with 55 cities). Too bad, I would have liked to have compared my score to Dale's and francois's...  But I don't really feel like playing the same game all over again, so I guess we'll just have to leave it at this... I attached the savegame in case anyone is interested.
Here's an update of the (unofficial) ranking at the moment:
Rn Player Vict Type Year Pnts Cits Pop Advans Wonds Feats Resrch
1 Maquiladora Diplomatic 1190 AD 11,090 24 269 29 5 4 Cavalry Tactics
2 mnbryan37 Bloodlust 1270 AD 16,070 37 351 28 8 3 Bronze Working
3 Locutus Diplomatic 1335 AD 12,200 32 316 36 7 2 Mod Metallurgy
4 Locutus (2) Bloodlust 1495 AD 14,050 55 652 42 12 2 Oil Refining
5 Dale Bloodlust 1785 AD 20,070 46 724 49 7 4 Adv Naval Tacts
6 francois Bloodlust 1882 AD 21,050 53 1043 62 16 6 Quantum Physics
7 centrifuge Gaia Controller 2250 AD 28,670 74 4033 103 29 9 -
Rn Player Vict Type Pnts Year Cits Pop Advans Wonds Feats Resrch
1 centrifuge Gaia Controller 28,670 2250 AD 74 4033 103 29 9 -
2 francois Bloodlust 21,050 1882 AD 53 1043 62 16 6 Quantum Physics
3 Dale Bloodlust 20,070 1785 AD 46 724 49 7 4 Adv Naval Tacts
4 mnbryan37 Bloodlust 16,070 1270 AD 37 351 28 8 3 Bronze Working
5 Locutus (2) Bloodlust 14,050 1495 AD 55 652 42 12 2 Oil Refining
6 Locutus Diplomatic 12,200 1335 AD 32 316 36 7 2 Mod Metallurgy
7 Maquiladora Diplomatic 11,090 1190 AD 24 267 29 5 4 Cavalry Tactics |
May 12, 2002, 19:14
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Forgot the attachment...
May 12, 2002, 20:54
Local Time: 17:29
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Posts: 108
Thanks. For future tournament games either 3 or 4 weeks are ok with me.
I noticed in an old post, that City Walls were thought to help reduce Slaver action. I have not noticed any improvement in that regard. Anyone else have an oppinion? Also, I have always assummed that although you can build tile improvements outside the city boundry, they do not contribute to city productivity until the city grows to include them.
May 13, 2002, 13:23
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Originally posted by Locutus
I'll be flexible when it comes to files that are sent in on the 16th and 17th (because of the timezones), but the earlier the better of course...
I am afrait that I will need your flexibility, so I can attach a file late on the 17th, I have no idea if I can finish my game earlier.
Some interesting observations I made. The AI build some commerce improvements (trading posts and shopping mails) on dersert tiles. My point here is that the AI can build such tile improvements without additional help of slic.
Another funny thing was that I bribed a city so that it became a new civ. I asked them to give me their only city, without anything in return and they accapted if I would sign with them a peace treaty, so I happily accepted.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
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