Suggestion: Revolutions in highly-corrupt empires to form new nations a la America?
Here's a new idea (But before I start, I'd like to mention, I am a citizen of the United States of America, before anyone accuses me of being prejudiced against them, etc, etc, I am not.):
IMHO, America should be removed from the civs that you can start as. However, revolutions should be possible in cities that are in disorder and suffering from high levels of corruption (This excludes Communism in most cases, unless your empire gets really large, and makes the chances of a revolution less under Democracy).
When a city goes into revolution, it forms a new nation, depending on your civilization. If you're English, the new civ is American. Or Canadian. If Spanish, it's Mexican. If French, it's... the Quebecois Civilization. If russian, you get the Alaskan Civ, and so on. :P
Okay, let's call the original nation England and the new one America, to make explaining how this would work easy.
A city belonging to England near an American city will have increased unrest.
If a city belonging to England goes into civil disorder near any American city, that city will revolt from England, and join America.
It'd still be possible for England to conquer America, thus crushing the revolution. The unrest levels would drop back down with the elimination of the nation.
Finally, after a few hundred years, American cities would no longer cause unrest in nearby English cities.
As a ruler, you should be able to decide whether to stick with your nation, or take over running the rebel nation instead. That way, you can start as the English, witness the American Revolution, and take over as leader of the Americans, leaving the English to be ruled by the AI, if you really want to play Americans.
This would make a lot better historical sense than having an American civ starting in 4000 BC like everyone else, and it would allow for "Modern" civs, which don't exist in the ancient era, but arise later, as well, making Civ a lot more historically realistic, eh?
Thus, you can see such things as America declaring its independence, and forming a new nation, in addition to the Confederacy seceeding from America, but being crushed.
"For it must be noted, that men must either be caressed or else annihilated; they will revenge themselves for small injuries, but cannot do so for great ones; the injury therefore that we do to a man must be such that we need not fear his vengeance." - Niccolo Machiavelli