I'm 18 and have been playing Civ since 1992 when I bought the Amiga (500) version in some London HMV shop. Of course learning to play it properly (!) was quite tricky seeing how I couldn't quite understand the English manual. I spend weeks and weeks translating it in my head having to look up such words as 'ruler' and 'trade' in the dictionary. From then on I read it cover-to-cover like 3 or 4 times just enjoying how well written it was.
So I got to play the wonderful Civilization but, alas, how was I to save my games like my neighbour did on his PC, when my poor lil' Amiga didn't have a hard disk? Oh, it was heartbreaking having to say goodbye to my glorius nation and my *huge* size 16 cities

By much trial and error I eventually discovered that one had to slide the little plastic square thingie in the corner of the floppy disk down when the game stated 'disk read/write protected' which to begin with had been jibberisch to me.
I then went on to Colonization, then Civ2, and after some unhappy encounters (ctp 1/2) I have now reached the ultimate: Europa Universalis. I love this game for it's huge amount of historicity and the way it really makes you feel you rule a nation, letting you endure the hardships leaders of that time experienced when trying to make the best for their country in a hostile world.