Whether or not it kills the inhabitants and not the buildings is more a question of the type of device used than where it's detonated. A normal warhead, even airbursted, is going to do serious damage to the city. Craters, firestorms, shock waves, everything you'd expect from creating a new star in the middle of downtown. You'd need a warhead that goes for more radiation, like a neutron bomb. Or you can encase it in cobalt and let some nice long-term fallout do the job (study those wind patterns!), but that's really more trouble than it's worth. More of a "we're going down, but by God we're not going alone" type of weapon.
There's a couple of threads about the various ways to use nukes around here somewhere. Being a Comp Sci major, I have a kind of morbid fascination with the EMP attack.
I agree with the "don't need an enemy to detonate" sentiment, though. Planet Killers cost so much to build and it's annoying when I can _only_ take out 5 cities with it instead of 6.
Jared Lessl