January 12, 2001, 12:22
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I have to confess to being a fan of the historical replay, the leader pictures and even the DIY palace  It was far more fun than populating the same throne room with the same objects every time. Assuming the art staff have some time to spare when the AI is being tested to destruction, all of these could make a welcome comeback.
January 12, 2001, 12:29
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I have to confess to being a fan of the historical replay, the leader pictures and even the DIY palace  It was far more fun than populating the same throne room with the same objects every time. Assuming the art staff have some time to spare when the AI is being tested to destruction, all of these could make a welcome comeback.
January 12, 2001, 14:15
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I agree with everything, Bagdar, except this:
No, no, no This means built-in AI pathfinding problems, leading to very inefficient AI city-placements and expand-strategies.
well, I meant only the animation in Civ I, you know, the one when you first found a city... Not the settler unit, but the guys in the anim. sequence, moving onto the site where your future city will grow. (Of course I would hate to see the computer decide where my cities are!) It was only the animation in Civ I, nothing else... And also, what I meant by city view was the picture of the city you get in civI and II... you know, with the pictures of the advances etc.
[This message has been edited by bagdar (edited January 12, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by bagdar (edited January 12, 2001).]
January 12, 2001, 15:11
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Originally posted by bagdar on 01-12-2001 01:15 PM
well, I meant only the animation in Civ I....
I meant by city view was the picture of the city you get in civI and II
OK, then im all for it, as long the animation is an on/off option.
As for the settlers:
I think i got it mixed up with the way the AI should handle the city-placements for the AI-civs. Sorry, mistake on my part. I wasnt thinking clear.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited January 12, 2001).]
January 12, 2001, 16:36
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How about a 'go to' command that actually lets you go to a location other than a city square? They had that in Civ I, if I recall correctly, and it's really annoying that it's not in test of time.
January 12, 2001, 17:33
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I too hope that the artists have thought about keeping the graphic ideas that we liked so much in Civ I. That's possible only if they still have time enough time to work on the graphics of course. Civ II was as great as Civ I, and I think we listed all the things about Civ I that we missed in Civ II. Maybe they were omitted because civ II was a windows game, and some of the stuff wouldn't look nice inside windows. Also, 3d graphics weren't that abused at the time and the 3d emissaries were a nice idea. Now, we can have the Civ I diplomacy screen with advanced 3d graphics, and we don't have to think about "windows" -literally, that is.  We already have been wink-ed about the replay. That's all I have to say.
I don't know how Sid will expand the game concept, but Civ II was a more versatile, customizable, slightly developed Civ I and that's what made it great. Civ III will be successful because its ancestor is Civ I. [ctp failed because....well, anyway]
January 12, 2001, 18:25
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Are you all forgetting about when you would capture a city in Civ, and your soldiers would march through town? (Well, actually just in front of it. But that could be improved in Civ3). In the beginning it was a spear equipped phalanx and by the end they were marine-types. It kicked ass watching your soldiers like that!
January 13, 2001, 00:16
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January 13, 2001, 05:28
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Originally posted by Christmann on 01-12-2001 05:25 PM
Are you all forgetting about when you would capture a city in Civ, and your soldiers would march through town?
yes, I forgot about the marching soldiers. Civ II inherited only their sound. You're right. We want that also!
January 13, 2001, 10:54
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-Definately the replay.
-The "build your own palace" was fun. Especially when mixing different sections and coming up with some hideous monstrosity!
-I don't follow James Fox's "goto" complaint. You can go to any tile square you want by pointing and SHIFT-clicking.
January 13, 2001, 22:49
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You guys took me back a few years with all these observations about Civ 1 (soldiers, Palace, Newspapers, settler caravans etc).
I have forgotten how fun the CIV 1 setting was 
Let's hope CIV III brings back that great atmoshpere (and doen't need a ninja machine to run it either
January 14, 2001, 08:50
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I sent a message to the civ III website community page concerning the return of some of those Civ I features we regretted not having in Civ II. What I'm saying is not "bring back Civ I" of course, but the atmosphere of it, which still attracts me more than Civ II's. Let's see if there will be any answer! By the way, Civ II had its own sense of humor of course, the high council, for example. I remember having memorized all of their lines...
Lions defeat Gladiators, 7-0!
April 18, 2001, 09:56
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Bring The headlines back!
April 18, 2001, 19:28
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April 18, 2001, 19:38
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(This is off the topic, but am I seeing triple??? Did I actually spot THREE different "OrangeSwfr's" posting in this thread - one with Firaxis, one a Chieftain of the Netherlands, and the third a king of Melbourne, Australia? Is this schizophrenia, multiple coincidence, or a secret society?!)
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April 18, 2001, 20:11
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Bulletin Board error, he's also listed as Firaxis. I've heard a Mod say that it happens sometimes.
April 19, 2001, 03:26
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I want city view.
April 19, 2001, 15:01
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Schubert, check out the CGW preview (check in old threads for the link) it has a screenshot of the city civew returning
April 19, 2001, 17:26
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Originally posted by SerapisIV on 04-18-2001 08:11 PM
Bulletin Board error.
Oh. Whew. Some error, though!
April 19, 2001, 19:05
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April 20, 2001, 11:05
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Originally posted by bagdar on 01-12-2001 04:43 AM
So by now, I have these:
1-the replay
2-the diplomacy screen
4-Newspaper reports
5-a city view that didn't look like a horizontal ant farm, or the model of a public park. The settlers actually moving onto the site and making those little huts or tents.
[This message has been edited by bagdar (edited January 12, 2001).]
That's roughly the count, so far. And I'm seeing a pattern. People from one end of this thread to the other have talked about "atmosphere", and how cool this or that was. It's like they did all this stuff for civ1 to entice us to play, and then for civ2 figured that we had the great gameplay, and left a lot out...
here's my take on all these things.
1. Replay. The civ1 replay was a surprise when I finished my first game. I didn't know it was coming, and what a nice surprise! I missed it in civ2, and when at the end of the AC demo, I got a replay, I almost fell over in shock. without it, there's almost no way to know what went on when you didn't know what was going on.
2. Diplomacy. I'm afraid I didn't have quite the fun that many of you had with civ1 diplomacy, but I was turned off by the heralds in civ2. pretty animations, but not fun. when I made the full copy (playing without cd) to my hard drive, I copied all the movies and the high council, but not the heralds. I don't want to see them.
3. Disasters. I'm not sure what they were thinking with this one. I always had to worry about earthquake or fire destroying an improvement or 2 in civ1, why didn't they include it in civ2? it's like not including barbarians....
4. Newspaper reports. Am I misremembering, but it seems to me in ancient times, my newspapers would come on stone tablets? it was that sort of attention to detail that helped with the enjoyment. along with the unrelated news of course. reminds me of the time I was watching a guy play Santa Paravia on the buy land screen, and he wanted to know if they were serious about hiring a piper.... but I digress. The soulless windows pop up was much less enjoyable.
5. The city view. one of my favorite things in civ1 that got upgraded for civ2, but somehow didn't work. I already posted about this. what I loved was seeing the improvements appear every time I built something, and how my cities slowly transformed from a collection of huts to a crowded metropolis. it was also funny how incongruous it looked to have the massive pyramids and feet of the collossus behind a rude collection of huts. I'm afraid in civ2 it looked like a sparse collection of homes no matter how much it grew.
These things (except the disasters) aren't a gameplay issue, they were just really cool things which helped us with the enjoyment.
In the developers defense, I also wish to point out something that Worked:
The High Council. These guys always make me laugh. I know a lot of hardcore gamers turn it off, but a lot of hardcore gamers don't care about the other stuff we've talked about here. the infighting that frequently occured between minsters was hilarious. gotta keep that one.
April 20, 2001, 14:44
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You absolutely can't leave the soldiers marching through the newly conquered cities out of that list. Think of how it could look in Civ3, whichever unit you used to take over the city could have an animation that shows it in its division, or what have you, going through the town, that way there'd be hundreds of different take over animations in effect. Also I also loved the Civ2 High Council, have you ever tried to get into the modern era without discovering trade, then listened to what the trade minister had to say? No, I'm not that lame either, but I cheated and played all the tracks off the cd
April 21, 2001, 08:10
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Kirk, I sort of lumped the soldiers marching through your city with the settlers founding it. didn't mean to pass that fun animation by...
Love the high council! I recently had my military advisor get really irate with me. middle ages, "while the scrollheads play with their quill pens, our defenses stay as thin as parchment. BUILD CITY WALLS!!!"
I had to chuckle. sometimes I do things I know will piss them off. not always intentional. I played a deity game where I was very pathetic, and my science advisor tells me "the stones on the street have more learning than we do..."
The only one who never turns me on is elvis. even the "the people call out your name and praise" line doesn't inspire me.
The only one who never gets annoying is the trade advisor. and I never tire of hearing how "Rich, Rich, RICH" I am.
April 21, 2001, 13:08
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OK, it's been a VERRRRY long time since I've played Civ1, but I recall animations of your citizens marching with torches and pitchforks whenever there was rioting in a city.
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