Hi guys,
I just improved my connection with an ADSL line via an Ethernet board to have something faster and more reliable (which it seems to be up to now)!!
One of the purpose of this change was that I wanted to host while playing one the (much too) few multiplayer games I play with some friends.
So yesterday I started with a friend and did everything (for starting a new multiplayer game) up to the point where the game asked me to confirm my IP adress: that's where the problems began...
1) the IP it demanded to confirm wasn't mine, but instead the internal IP of my modem!!
2) I then let it like that and had my friend try to join the game on this IP adress: as expected, it failed (timeout: no connection)!!
3) I then restarted, replaced this adress on my confirmation by my REAL IP and had my friend try to connect to that adress. The result was, sadly, the same...
So, actually we were able to play with him hosting (at least, we didn't spoil the whole evening
) but as his connection isn't very reliable, I would prefer to be hosting myself...
So, anybody has got an idea?? Please...