April 25, 2002, 20:39
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Monarchy or Republic
Which early government is better, and why?
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April 25, 2002, 20:45
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I always seem to end up getting them around the same time, and I always go to republic, though I'm not exactly sure what advantages it has...I do know that republic doesn't give you free support for military units while monarchy does...
April 25, 2002, 20:50
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Republic is a must if you want to stay competitive for tech with the AI. Monarchy's trade is just too poor to pay for science and all that other stuff you need money for.
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April 25, 2002, 21:13
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I always work towards Monarchy right away. Not only do I get the government, but I also get the Hanging Gardens.
When there's still land available for expansion by that time, Monarchy functions better than republic, as it is less expensive to build up extra military to allow greater stretching of military resources.
Once I get to the middle ages, and have discovered Chivalry, I'll go off and annex one of my neighbours. By this time, my settlements will have grown into cities, and have plenty of free unit support, making war less costly. As well as that, there's no problem with war weariness, making it possible for you to wage a war that lasts centuries. You could be at war the rest of the game, and none of your citizens could give a damn.
Of course, by the time I've swept across the entire continent and hold an empire that spans from coast to coast, north to south, east to west, I'll be ready to switch to Democracy and build up infrastructure.
In my strategy, republic has no place. I just find it easier to expand both through settlers and conquest under Monarchy, and then build up my infrastructure under a democracy so I have a strong base with which to build up my forces to invade overseas when I decide to switch to Communism (or even back to Monarchy).
Last edited by Jethro83; April 26, 2002 at 07:18.
April 25, 2002, 21:36
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Since I'm a builder I go for republic. I dont research anything heading for monarchy, why bother. Besides better production I think that there is a culture benefit that promotes flipping to republic (although this seems diminished with 1.21).
April 26, 2002, 01:02
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I go Monarchy, set Science to 0, buy and trade to get Techs, conquer as many neighbors as possible until I get Democracy. Then I finish my conquests, make peace, and switch to Democracy.
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April 26, 2002, 01:14
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I sometimes stay in Monarchy my entire game.
Just keep warmongering around build up military by tech from the few independent AIs.
Than in the early/middle Industrial Age I have so many cities and slaves that i made up the extra trade of Repubblic and speedy workers Democracy have.
If you are builder just go straight for Repubblic and than Democracy.
April 26, 2002, 02:47
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Maybe the most important aspect of this decision is whether you're a religious civ, or not. If you're not, you probably only want to make one government switch, and that is most likely going to be republic, since it's the most flexible government, and effective once your civ has some infrastructure.
If you're a religious civ, however, and playing on a higher level, you may not want to wait until your civ has built all that infrastructure to lose some of despotism's handicaps. In that case, as Ethelred said, monarchy makes an excellent interim government before republic (or democracy, if you're not warring too much).
April 28, 2002, 21:42
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The problem with republic is that you can't be fighting with anyone, and I usually use the ancient and early middle ages to have wars, especially if playing Rome, Persia, or the Iroquois. I've found myself staying in monarchy until Democracy comes available. By then I've got a big lead in cities and workers, and switching to Democracy just lets the commerce explode.
April 29, 2002, 00:12
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Monarchy. Republic I don't really like, mainly because of the lack of Martial Law.
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April 29, 2002, 00:54
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Both Monarchy and Republic are good and each have their place. In general, for a Republic to be viable, a player needs three or more luxuries and marketplaces in the core cities, and expect some time at peace. Monarchy is a good war time government because there is no war weariness. Monarchy also allows the use of three military police per city to make up for any lack of luxuries. Despotism is an alternative when a player needs to field as large an army as possible and has few large cities (pop 7+).
Communism, and Democracy are relatively weak governments and are more suited for special situations and religious civs. Otherwise the additional turns of anarchy and other negatives of each make Monarchy and Republic preferrable (Monarchy for war, Republic for peace).
Democracy is a fragile government on competitive difficulty levels (Regent and above). An unexpected war can collapse a Democracy in a few turns. The only real benefit of Democracy is faster workers to build railroads--not worth the problems associated with increased war weariness. The difference in corruption sounds significant (4/9 vs. 2/3 for the distance factor), but in practice usually only yields one more shield to a handful of cities.
Communism dilutes the production power of core cities. Again on lower difficulty levels, this is not as big a deal, but on Regent or above it can be. On Emperor level, the industrial core might go from 10% waste to 40% waste after a switch from Monarchy to Communism. A potentially huge price to pay for better spies, one more military police and a few shields in outlying cities.
April 29, 2002, 12:18
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I disagree that you cannot fight in Republic. More accurately, you cannot fight constantly in Republic.
On Emperor, I switch from despotism to monarchy as soon as possible if playing a religious civ; otherwise, I wait until I have temples and either enough luxuries or a happiness wonder, then go to republic. I almost always play for a space-race win, but engage in enough fighting to usually have the largest civ by mid- to late-game. The very fact that you're fighting ought to mean that you have enough of those critical luxuries that keep a republic happy during wartime - I've never fought a war where I had to raise my luxury tax past 30% while in republic. I suppose it might be different if your goal is a domination victory, and intend to achieve it by fighting every single turn. But my only domination game - won in 1415 - was played in republic. I had all of the happiness wonders and all of the luxuries and... more importantly... each war didn't last that long. Why? the tech lead I built up not playing in monarchy.
All of the above refers to playing Emperor, standard everything, including the map - larger maps may require a different governmental strategy.
April 29, 2002, 12:39
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If you want to be a warmonger, Monarchy is much better than Republic. Mainly due to martial law I'd say.
April 29, 2002, 15:51
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republic warmongering
Only if you're playing non religious civs, monarchy really matters, especially for long warring purposes.
But as a religious civ, you'd want to enjoy the richness of rep/demo as long and as much as you can, only switching to mon. when war weariness increases 20% luxuries. (I almost never give lux. though)
Warmongering and playing republic? Of course you can and should, on any level. You just have to time your attack moments and goals (conquer civ or major part of it in a short war) and be aware of the diplomatic consequences of your actions.
April 29, 2002, 16:05
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I play Babylonians and I´m a builder (with the occasional warmongering fit  ) so Republic it is...
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April 29, 2002, 17:03
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Republic, even when war mongering. I'll go Demo when warmongering too, but expect to have to dump 20% into lux. Of course, I am paying plenty of "hidden costs" in entertainers too, but I usually don't notice or care until it gets to more than 2 in each city (or starvation, whichever comes first), at which point I up the lux slider. I don't think I've every used the lux slider in Rep, or gone above 20% in Demo, and I haven't slid into anarchy since my first game despite 20+ turn wars.
Is it just me or does war weariness eventually top out? Seems like I can stop worrying about it after about 10 turns.
Course I'm not playing on Emporer/Diety <--- *Fitz points out he's still a wuss  *
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April 29, 2002, 17:51
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Originally posted by Fitz
and I haven't slid into anarchy since my first game despite 20+ turn wars.
Is it just me or does war weariness eventually top out? Seems like I can stop worrying about it after about 10 turns.
Course I'm not playing on Emporer/Diety <--- *Fitz points out he's still a wuss *
No, it doesn't. As the war drags on, they get more and more unhappy. Under a Democracy, I've had to crank the lux meter to 60% and even then my people eventually revolted against me (so I gave them a communist regime  )
Although, it might have been the draft that finally pushed them over the edge.
April 29, 2002, 19:10
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Monarchy or Republic?
I always chase monarchy tech and buy republic later. (I get Gardens first)
Usually in that time I'm not jet ready for Republic, so I go fro Monarchy.
But it all depends.
Do you have 4+luxuries or not?
If answer is no, try to stay in Monarchy. (it doesn't pay off to go in Republic with 30% luxury rate)
If not, and you're not in some war, and you don't have HUGE military, then go to Republic.
April 30, 2002, 19:00
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Originally posted by dawidge
No, it doesn't. As the war drags on, they get more and more unhappy. Under a Democracy, I've had to crank the lux meter to 60% and even then my people eventually revolted against me (so I gave them a communist regime )
Although, it might have been the draft that finally pushed them over the edge.
Don't draft, in a winning game you'll never have to.
(it's never always a winning game of course, but drafting? Why should you? Never did it, never will, playing 60th game I suppose, ...)
April 30, 2002, 19:42
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Originally posted by AJ Corp. The FAIR
Don't draft, in a winning game you'll never have to.
(it's never always a winning game of course, but drafting? Why should you? Never did it, never will, playing 60th game I suppose, ...)
There's always a first time, isn't there.
I use it extensively during peacetime to build up my defensive forces and allow the veteran infantry to prepare for battle while cranking out tanks. I draft because in the "just one more turn" game I get into a "oh, that was easy, just one more city" mood and get a little overextended. In order to keep my "allies" form getting any wise ideas, I need to keep my defenses strong. With the draft, all I have to produce is offensive units, and I can keep them on the offense.
Drafting allows me to dump enough troops into a newly captured town that I never lose one to cultural reversion. I never raze the cities I take. Consequently, I get to domination victory pretty quickly after I get tanks.
The unhappiness hit isn't too bad if you keep them on a schedule. In the thick of a drawn out war, I try not to draft more often than once every 10 turns or so. That gives them time to recover the lost population and to keep the draft unhappiness at a fixed level,
easily offset by luxuries.
Remember, that AI doesn't pause to consider the strength of the units you have, just their number, and I've found that draftees on the defense are reasonably strong. Park them on mountaintops on the front line and they become veterans very quickly.
April 30, 2002, 19:45
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If your industry and cities are strong enough, you'll always build instead of draft. I never draft  .
April 30, 2002, 19:49
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Draft is good from time to time if you want to move your veteran defense units in new conquered cities and guard your homeland with drafted units.
Of course this shouldn't be used too often.
April 30, 2002, 19:52
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Originally posted by player1
Of course this shouldn't be used too often.
Never  .
That's IMHO.
Kind regards to you player1,
April 30, 2002, 19:59
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Originally posted by AJ Corp. The FAIR
Never .
That's IMHO.
Kind regards to you player1,
Actually, if city has maxed out population or starts starving, it's realy better to sacrifice one taxmen to get one extra unit.
I usually do that in peacetime.
Or when having Longevity.
April 30, 2002, 20:10
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I never drafted.
Usually by the time I have nationalism my core cities are big enough to build up defensive and offensive units to supply all my Roman Empire.
Than once i build a Factory and the Hoover Dam in there I really find no need for drafting (assuming that i have already railroad connected every city, but with all my slaves and workers that is a quick job)
April 30, 2002, 20:46
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I never draft as policy, but then I don't build defensive units as policy either... sometimes not even spearmen... until my cities have nothing better to do in the late industrial age. So what happens on that rare occasion when somebody attacks and my cavalry is out of reach? I draft.
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