Now I know what all the workers were for. The top of your palace is an Aztec temple. So how many did you sacrifice and did it keep the Sun from setting on your empire.
After my railroads were laid down, all but 50 or so of the workers were sacrificed! I added them to my cities, gave them guns (drafted them), and made aquaducts (most likely carrying their blood) and marketplaces (selling their organs?) out of them.
A sick, twisted view on Worker->Draft->Disband process.
3) Domination victory turned off?
Sir Ralph is correct. I was ~300 tiles below the domination limit when that screenshot was taken.
As for 'undefended' consider that I had roughly 300 cities that on any given turn could have drafted an infantry unit. The border cities I had I considered 'buffers', and used them as such. The western border was almost purely jungle as well, only the Chinese (pink) could have done any real damage, and because of road movement (no rails near the borders at that point), they would have been limited to 5-10 cities. Once I had railroads in place I kept a standing military of about 30-50 infantry. That was more than any of the other AI could have mustered in offensive forces at the time.
In a week or so I should finish off that game. Been working on it off and on for several weeks now.
Here is a screenshot of me 40 tiles under the domination limit (~20 turns later). I have *2* Workers! Although about 500 captured workers are waiting to be sacrificed now that their parent civs won't cause cultural/happiness problems. Notice that the Chinese and Aztecs are gone... They thought it would be a good idea to join forces and take some of my 'undefended' cities.