Justinian is a Gothmog design, and his work should also be included.
Pitt's war, Brown man's burden, Justinian, just to name three are all fine historical scenarios.
Exile's work should be mentioned, Dawn of the modern era is very accurate depiction of 16th century Europe.
His revamping of the orginal Cross&Cresent, Medieval Dark Ages, is not to be missed, it's one of the best and least heralded scenarios on the net.
Kindal also has a number of excellent historical scenarios.
Two of my favorite historical works are by Kull, from his Anciet empires series.
I would also like to mention Stefan Hartel, who has a fine body of historical work, over a dozen!
For pure historical accuracy, I would go with John Ellis and Jesus Balsinde, it would be difficult to find more historically accurate scenarios then those put out by these men.
The Colonies series, Hellas, Seize the Crown, Bonaparte and soon to be relesed Bonaparte II are all excellent.
Jay has done so many scenarios, one bit of excellence after another, that it's hard to pin-point just a few.
Alba de America, Al Andulas, Of Celts and Iberians, and many others, all fine works of high historical accuarcy, and more importantly, fun to play.
I would also like to mention Nemo/Mor, Red Front is probaly the best historical scenario ever, but 2194 days, while visually stunning, is very poor history.
See FMK's update, as well as Pap's giga-map versions, for better history.