April 17, 2001, 09:26
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Fiber optic cable
I think that you should be able to dig down fiber optic cables after the development of Internet and the laser. They should increase the trade based on the number of cities connected.
April 17, 2001, 09:49
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Why not. Perhaps you'll get some luxury-advantage from it too?! I usually don't have problems in finding work for my engineers, but for those who do: Why not also be able to build a power-grid, highways and canals (Suez, Panama).
April 17, 2001, 09:50
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Originally posted by vgriph on 04-17-2001 09:26 AM
I think that you should be able to dig down fiber optic cables after the development of Internet and the laser. They should increase the trade based on the number of cities connected.
Good idea! Furthermore, it will increase the likely hood that spies are able to steal your technology.
April 17, 2001, 11:52
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Or even just plain random tech leaks to other civs who are connected to your network.
April 17, 2001, 14:00
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Prior to fiber-optics and internet, I'd like to see a trans-oceanic telegraph (a Wonder?).
It was the first time ever that communications between Europe and the Americas took less then a week if not more (War of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans for example, the last battle was fought 2 weeks after peace had been declared). People can proclaim the internet as being the end all be all of communications, but the fact is that no other bit of technology has ever shortened so dramatically communication time (other then maybe peace).
[This message has been edited by SerapisIV (edited April 17, 2001).]
April 17, 2001, 14:20
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Originally posted by Zardos on 04-17-2001 09:50 AM
Good idea! Furthermore, it will increase the likely hood that spies are able to steal your technology.
Why not add a Hacker unit specialized to spy on Cities connected to the net. Plant computer virus should be an attack. Thre virus takes the trade production down to 50% for x turns.
April 17, 2001, 22:19
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That sounds like some of the CTP units. I never played it, but I heard it was big into non-conventional units and it pretty much sucked, at least how they were implemented by Activision. Maybe someone who played that game could comment on it or similar units.
April 18, 2001, 07:40
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Why not have virus attacks as a random incident too... Of course this implies that there are randome incidents...
April 18, 2001, 07:46
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Just had another idea about this....
When you get hit by a virus (your Civ, not your computer!) maybe a message would come up saying "Wanna See some cool Picutres... click on attachment" which is then automatically clicked by the copmputer for you, and then you get the message saying 'City X has been hit by a computer virus, blah blah blah....'.
There could be a whole stock of these Virus messages too.
It's eye candy I know, but it work out allright...
Somputer Viruses shoudl spread down trade routes too...
April 18, 2001, 09:12
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Originally posted by SerapisIV on 04-17-2001 10:19 PM
That sounds like some of the CTP units. I never played it, but I heard it was big into non-conventional units and it pretty much sucked, at least how they were implemented by Activision. Maybe someone who played that game could comment on it or similar units.
No, there were no hackers, but there were many units that were regarded as non-combatative military units. For instance, there was the spy (almost the same as Civ), slaver (one of the more used units), infector (cool idea -- bad implementation), eco-terrorist (too powerful) and perhaps a half dozen more, whose names I forget.
The infector was a cool idea but poor implementation, as noted above. If I remember correctly, when the infector, infected a city that city became unhappy (5 discontent citizens, I believe) for a certain number of turns. The cool idea was that any city that city was trading with also had a chance to be infected, including the civilization that spawned the infector. In my opinion, an infector should cause population loss with the same idea of the virus spreading to other cities, but that is for another discussion.
Overall, I found myself using a few of the special units, but by no means most of them. Most of them were too limiting with what they could do. But I still like the idea of non-confrontational warfare (I guess its the passive-aggressive side of me  ).
April 20, 2001, 07:51
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Originally posted by SerapisIV on 04-17-2001 02:00 PM
Prior to fiber-optics and internet, I'd like to see a trans-oceanic telegraph (a Wonder?).
People can proclaim the internet as being the end all be all of communications, but the fact is that no other bit of technology has ever shortened so dramatically communication time (other then maybe peace).
[This message has been edited by SerapisIV (edited April 17, 2001).]
A very good point! Not sure about fitting it in Wonder (for game effects, late appearance, etc.), but surely a great achievement.
Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
April 20, 2001, 11:17
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I like the idea of a virusattack.
Being able to attack means also that you will have to be able to defend yourself, how are we going these two things ??? Would it mean extra units or city-"improvements".
I don't think the idea of having to dig cable's is realistic. And It would mean a lot of extra micromanagement.
all in all the internet isn't such a big deal. We take them for granted now, but the telegraph and telephone in their time of introduction in the society had as much an impact as the internet has now. But does that mean we should start digging telegraph/-phone cable's too ?!.
I think all this should be included into two advances electronics and computer. A new effect of these advances could be an moderate economic bonus, of about 5 %.
[This message has been edited by Vrank Prins (edited April 20, 2001).]
April 20, 2001, 14:19
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April 21, 2001, 17:27
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Pardon me, but I think suggestion about datawars (hackers, firewalls, computer viruses etc.) are a bit out of announced Civ III timeline limits.
They announced that the game will end in a very near future, around 2020AC.
In game terms, it will leave a very short time where to discover, build and deploy any special unit like "hackers" or to wage "datawars".
Back to transoceanic telegraph, I surely don't think we must lay down any communication or power grid, a la SimCity.
I support the concept that before Internet that was one of the greatest advance in global communication, hence it should have a place somewhere in the game, at least an entry in tech tree and Civilopedia.
Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
April 21, 2001, 21:02
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I totally agree. I think that the netstuff and hacking is way too scifi and doesn't add any additional layer to Civ. It comes too late in the tech tree to be of much use, at least too late if the AI is actually competition otherwise you're competing for end game victories like the spaceship which is more production then science/information.
About the transoceanic telegraph, I also don't want wires to be laid all across the map. However as a wonder or tech advance would be perfect. A possible feature is that it could allow for more efficient government thereby allowing your empire to expand in end game conquests without causing huge efficiency problems.
April 21, 2001, 23:09
You people are crazy! How can you want to play a game about laying cables! Seriously though, more tile improvements of this sort are not called for. Sensors (ala SMAC) are the only necessary addition I can think of. BTW, anyone who really has a burning need to lay cable I got a "game" for you over at my office.
April 22, 2001, 00:41
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Originally posted by Pingu: on 04-18-2001 07:46 AM
When you get hit by a virus (your Civ, not your computer!) maybe a message would come up saying "Wanna See some cool Picutres... click on attachment" which is then automatically clicked by the copmputer for you, and then you get the message saying 'City X has been hit by a computer virus, blah blah blah....'.
I like that idea!
April 22, 2001, 01:09
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I think you missed our idea. The invention of the telegraph was too important to communications worldwide to be skipped. We did NOT say it should be cables strewn across the map, instead, we believe it could be a tech advance or a wonder, not an actual terrain improvement. Too much micromanagement for not enough return. A transcontinental railroad took time to build, telegraph wires sprung up quickly once invented, so again, they should not be on the terrain itself.
About the fiber-optics and internet stuff, well, I'm against that all together. Too late in the game to do any good. There's actually a lot of decent near-term stuff between 2020 and SMAC that would be good, but there isn't a game currently for those ideas.
April 22, 2001, 15:26
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I think Data hacking wars would fit well into Civ3, they are available now in 2001, and we've had computer hacking since the mid 1980's with computerised bank systems.. not just with the internet.
Hacking and computer wars (techno spying) would fit in with the new ways of winning in civ3.
I'm planning to put some interesting Data war elements into my computer game (which is a science fiction civilisation style thing but more)
its good having spy Satellelites and sophisticated anti hacking improvements and allows smaller countries to fare better against big ones (they just knock out all the big advanced wired countries naval communications with a virus in their satellites)
Admiral Pete
of Camelot
April 23, 2001, 08:49
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Originally posted by Admiral PJ on 04-22-2001 03:26 PM
its good having spy Satellelites and sophisticated anti hacking improvements and allows smaller countries to fare better against big ones (they just knock out all the big advanced wired countries naval communications with a virus in their satellites)
Admiral Pete
of Camelot
Do you really think that small country can balance their power against major Civ thanks by a bunch of techno data warriors? Aren't you reading too much of good Cyberpunk Fictions?
They can have small tactical success, maybe sometimes as a large success as the Japanese attack to Pearl Harbor in WWII, but in Civ III strategical scale it shouldn't be so relevant, IMHO.
Let Datawarriors for futuristic scenario, hoping that Civ III engine will be able to manage these kind of advanced mod.
Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
April 24, 2001, 23:42
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I like the idea of transoceanic cable. It makes sense to increase communications. But how would it make a difference? An advantage in diplocmacy?
April 25, 2001, 00:10
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I think it would be a wonder (or one of those CTP feats or something like that). It would boost trade or science as information exchange becomes more rapid.
April 25, 2001, 07:39
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Originally posted by SerapisIV on 04-25-2001 12:10 AM
I think it would be a wonder (or one of those CTP feats or something like that). It would boost trade or science as information exchange becomes more rapid.
I don't think i'd ever build such a wonder. Though in real history it took about a century before cables became obsolete because of wireless communication, in the game that will take just too short a span of time to be of any interest for me winning the game. Let an other civ build it, and then I "just" take over the city in which it is build.
April 25, 2001, 19:03
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History is never truly shown in the Wonders. The Hanging Gardens only existed for about 50-100 years, the Collossus even less. Also, did the Pyramids actually give granary's to the Egyptians? It was a tomb, not a grain silo. The idea behind a trans-ocean telegraph wonder is the revolution in communications that it brought, something that has only today finally been matched in scope by the internet. And what exactly is the internet/phone/fiber optics, but high tech telegraphs. They relay info over glass fibers instead of by copper and just more of it. Telecommunications wouldn't of happened without the telegraph. It was the building block for the whole deal
April 26, 2001, 16:38
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