May 23, 2002, 22:49
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May 24, 2002, 12:00
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Well, I have some more ideas besides the refugees.
first off, I've made a world map scenario for WAW with all the cities in place, but building a military is up to you.
I have cast the Romans, Americans, Chinese, Brazilians, Nigerians, Austrailians, Indians and the Russians.
There are some changes to the units, and the Railroad Bridge is available. It's the undersea tunnel, but i'm, trying to make a bridge that doesn't resemble the one from "The Magnificent Samurai". Can only build on shallow water.
Unit changes are:
There are three types of Machine Gunners,
Communist M.G. brown uniform
Democratic M.G. blue uniform
Fascist M.G. gray uniform
If you like, i've pulled some sprites from the Official WWII scenario for the Red Army, Infantry, and Stormtrooper.
Red Army Corp: brown fascist
Infantry Regiment: Blue Fascist
Stormtrooper: Gray Fascist
New feature: Machine Gunner and Mass production infantry have their Attack and Defense values inverted:
Stormtrooper Attack=100 Defense=75
Fascist M.G. Attack=75 Defense 100
More information will be included in the readme that will get more into detail.
Will be ready today or tomorrow depending how bad "Fish Bait" (my sister) nags me.
Emperor Matthew I
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May 25, 2002, 18:35
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World Map - WAW
the file I promised yesterday i am uploading today to Files section of ctp2.
Emperor Matthew I
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May 25, 2002, 18:40
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That's cool  What files section?
May 25, 2002, 20:58
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Cool! :b Will have to give it a go.
June 5, 2002, 01:37
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Nice additions to WaW, Dale. Great work
June 27, 2002, 11:17
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Hey there!!
LOVE the intro movie! Well edited and truly adds to the WaW experience. :-)
I do have one question... According to the readmes and such the game is supposed to run from 1900-1950 (1949), but when I start up the MOD the start date is shown as 1 AD and counts from there. Is this correct?
Also, has anyone else have this happen... Upon first starting WaW, if I build a city with the very first settler that is selected by the program the last settler that is selected will "run home to momma" no matter where you order it to go (I seem to remember reading about this happening somewhere around the forums, but can find it again). If you move that first settler and found the first city with the second settler (or third or fourth) then this running home syndrome does not appear.
I would appreciate any input on this... thanks a bunch!
June 27, 2002, 11:47
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Yes, from what I've read and played, WAW is about the era between 1900-1950. The units, techs, etc are from that era. The problem with the start date being 1 AD, can easilly be fixed by changing the turnlength.txt, to fit those dates. I haven't looked into this, so maybe Dale has it start at 1AD for a reason, or maybe it was just an oversight  .
The problem with the settler is also present in the Super Apolyton Pack, and from what I've read in this forum, a fix for this bug is currently being worked on.
June 27, 2002, 13:03
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Hey there, Centrifuge!
Thanks for the quick reply... I was tempted to change the date in turnlength.txt too, but didn't for the same reason you mentioned... I wasn't sure if there were other connections to the 1 AD date that might cause problems. I may back up the file, try the change and see what happens.
THAT'S where I remember reading about that Settler problem! :-) Thank you... that was really stating to bug me. Gled to hear there is a fix in the works.
Thanks a bunch!
June 27, 2002, 13:23
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No Problem.  I'm always glad to help if I can. The posters on the CTP2 forum are always quite diligent in answering my questions, so it's only fair to return the favor once in a while.
Arktiem, after you change the turnlength.txt, let me know how it works. I don't remember any events in WAW that should be assosciated with dates via SLIC, so I'm assuming that changing the text file is all that should be necessary. Let me know either way, I've been to busy to delve into any CTP2 lately, and I'm kind've curious about the outcome.
June 27, 2002, 17:47
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AFAIK, turnlength.txt only works in scenarios. You probably need to be looking in WAW_const.txt for the beginning and end dates, and the increments between them.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
June 27, 2002, 22:36
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Hey there
Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
AFAIK, turnlength.txt only works in scenarios. You probably need to be looking in WAW_const.txt for the beginning and end dates, and the increments between them.
It's so cool to come back online and find two responses. :-)
You are absolutely correct... well partially, I think. I was looking at the WaW map/scenario and wound up thinking turnlength.txt which is only a part of a scenario. But if I am thinking clear again (which is probably not very likely) the const.txt file lists the game end year and the warning before game end year. Isn't the beginning date (and the year increments between turns) a part of the DiffDB.txt file? (In this case in WAW_DiffDB.txt) I will give that one a shot (after backing it up, of course) and see if that corrects the year problem (without creating new ones)
Thanks again, and I will let you know as soon as possible if fiddling with the WAW_DiffDB.txt file does the trick. Probably won't be until tomorrow though as these thunderstorms around here have forced me to keep shutting down.  Hopefully they are on their way out for a few days.
Take care!!
June 27, 2002, 23:26
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Yep it is the WAW_DiffDB.txt for sure.
If you have problems let me know.
I could fix it to you.
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June 28, 2002, 10:09
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Thanks a bunch for the confirmation! I changed the start date to 1900 and it worked... partially. It still shows 1 AD for the first turn, but the next turn shows 1901 and goes one year per turn thereafter (any idea as to where to change the first turn's date from that 1 AD one?).
As you may have read above, you need to change the start date to 1900 for each of the difficulty levels in the WAW_DiffDB.txt file.
June 28, 2002, 14:09
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Thanks for the info guys
August 8, 2002, 13:36
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I feel like a total moron, but I just can't get WAW to work. When I start it up I get slic errors in the WAW_script.slc:2700 TRUST_LOSS_UNPROVOKED_ATTACK not found in string database and following lines. I go over them and the game crashes. I do have DebugSlic=No and I've got the german version of the game - I copied the files in the English folder over to the german one but that didn't do it. Am I missing something here?
August 22, 2002, 19:15
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About the "turnlength.txt" thing, I didn't oversight it, and I did try to get the date to work properly (it's mentioned in the readme actually.  ). WAW runs on a month-by-month basis, unless it's a scenario there's no way to do 12-turns per year by using the standard config files. I also found no way to use a turnlength.txt for the MOD either. Believe me, I tried.
Check your strings folder, and make sure that all the WAW string files are in there. To be doubly sure, check WAW_strings.txt for the files it uses. If desperate, backup your old strings.txt (rename to .bak or something), rename WAW_strings.txt to strings.txt, and change WAW_gamedata.txt (is that the name of the file?) in the SLIC folder to point to strings.txt.
August 26, 2002, 02:41
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Well, found the problem:
The WAW strings are all there, the pointers are allright but what's missing is the strings mentioned in my previous post. I found a section of ###Trust Warning Messages at the very end of the original info_str.txt, right after the PBEM messages. The WAW_info_str.txt just ends there. So when I include the missing part, WAW runs as it should.
So why was the only one to encounter this problem? Is the German game the reason? Martin, any experiences?
August 26, 2002, 12:01
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Originally posted by mapfi
Well, found the problem:
The WAW strings are all there, the pointers are allright but what's missing is the strings mentioned in my previous post. I found a section of ###Trust Warning Messages at the very end of the original info_str.txt, right after the PBEM messages. The WAW_info_str.txt just ends there. So when I include the missing part, WAW runs as it should.
So why was the only one to encounter this problem? Is the German game the reason? Martin, any experiences?
The oriiginal version of the English info_str.txt doesn't contain these strings they where added with patch to the English version, but where included in the German version right from the beginning. In the English version you find these missing strings in a file called add_str.txt in your ..\ctp2_data\englisch\gamedata\ folder that was created with the patch.. I wondered why noone cryed as I released CityMod2, so I added them, but it hasbn't no effect, although these strings were dublicated the game ran without any problems.
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August 27, 2002, 03:16
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Aha, so that's it. Well, Martin, why don't you just take all the mods so far available and translate them for all German speaking people (like with SAP)? - piece of cake...
August 27, 2002, 07:17
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Originally posted by mapfi
Aha, so that's it. Well, Martin, why don't you just take all the mods so far available and translate them for all German speaking people (like with SAP)? - piece of cake...
Translation no problem I just need a volunteer  who will go to the whole Great Library and translate all the new entries with the highest accuracy. In the case of Apolyton Pack I already had the most strings from CityMod2, only the APOL_str_loc.txt was a monoious pain.
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August 27, 2002, 09:43
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Question is, if besides you, me, Jesper and another 1-5 people anybody even uses a German version of the game modded? No sense in doing a lot of work for just a few.
well, if it's not that difficult to do one should probably start with cradle - I could volunteer for some translation work, if that's what you wanted to hear
August 27, 2002, 11:51
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Originally posted by mapfi
Question is, if besides you, me, Jesper and another 1-5 people anybody even uses a German version of the game modded? No sense in doing a lot of work for just a few.
Actual it is not the question to do the work just for a few people. Otherwise I wouldn't have translated. CityMod2, ApolytonPack and GoodMod, although I wrote the GoodMod readme only in English. But it doesn't matter for how many people you do a translation, it just matters that you do the translation for yourself. The same is true for mods, but most important is that you do it for yourself and if a lot of other people there are, too who like it then it is great.
Originally posted by mapfi
well, if it's not that difficult to do one should probably start with cradle - I could volunteer for some translation work, if that's what you wanted to hear
I think Craddle is a good start, IIRC the Great Library isn't not so full with new entries. I recommend first to search for strings that are already translated. For instance you can just use the German entries for the goods of GoodMod for Cradle, I just copied the English ones to the Cradle Great Library. No need to translate the stuff twice espeacily the history entries. Maybe you have to modify some of the given values, but that shouldn't be too hard. You sould also search for other stuff like the New City Capture Option. Or the ones from CityMod2.
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August 27, 2002, 15:44
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September 14, 2002, 19:27
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I got an error trying to run the WOW scenario, posted in the Directory, and loading it up, I got this error:
"SPRITE_STORMTROOPER not found in Sprite database"
What's the problem?
BTW, I can't seem to play very far, as the mod just randomly crashes(without the scenario), with no warning or explanations.
September 15, 2002, 18:42
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Hey, folks.
I downloaded the WAW scenario that is in the Apolyton directory, but I'm having problems loading it. When I try to, it plainly says, "Cannot find sprite STORMTROOPER, RED_ARMY_CORPS" etc.. Anyone know how I can fix this?
I'll be using that scenario is my base for the Cold War scenario that I'm just itching to make.
September 16, 2002, 03:34
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you need WAW MOD before the WAW scenario works.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
September 16, 2002, 08:37
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(Test post, please ignore - this thread seems to be as buggy as an unpatched Civ-game  )
September 26, 2002, 16:57
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Hey I'm playing the Scenario and about 20 turns into the game I got a gu_100.(something) not in asset tree. Then the game crashed. Any ideas?
September 28, 2003, 03:21
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Thank you
Dear Dale, Thank you for bringing this WAW mod together. My sons were watching me play, and are itching to get their own game started. I finished up a Cradle 1.32 game, and found it strategically challenging (with interesting improvements that make a great game better), but long. WAW has more immediate action and a stronger sense of getting down to business. At this time in my life, I have a hard time remembering all the nuances developed during a game. Coming back to a WAW game, I feel like I can check the diplomacy to see who (if any) is friendly and who is my strongest opponent. That is enough to get the turn started. I may have a week or two go by between sessions, and may only be able to play 5 turns per session. I am enjoying your faster paced shoot-em up strategy mod. It is interesting to see how different people interpret CTP2 and develop the mods. I appreciate your work and look forward to trying other mods.
I am sure that you know that Hexagonian named one of the cities for the Hexagonian race after you in Cradle. I found it hard to go against the Hexagonians and to conquer the city of Dale; So I lived in peace side by side with knights stacked on every border square to keep the prophets out and intimidate Hexagonian into fighting someone else. Cradle is, by far, the best mod that I have completed yet. WAW is next on the list to try and complete. We will see if I can complete it, (or will I have the Nazi's trampling my flag?) We shall see...
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