Originally posted by SMIFFGIG
Will you make a small update to include the diamond or genetic styles ? seems such a waste
I will make an update, unfortunatly I have no idea if I will be able to do it next weekend.
Originally posted by SMIFFGIG
What is the actual problem with sea cities (i know they dont display) but why what is causing this, is there anyway to get them to display. If we had the source code could we get this to work? Its quite upsetting to hear this about the sea cities, cant believe craptivision could overlook such a massive bug (actually wait a minuet, yes i can)
The problem here is that you get an Undersea Tunnel on the city tile automaticly, this tile improvements allows land units to move on sea tiles, the problem now is that the game threads all tiles on that land units can move as land tiles and every city on such a square is for the game a land city, too. Of course it can be fixed if we have the source code. I think this kind of bug could be one of the typo bugs, just one typo and you have a bug, if this is true then this problem could be also solved with a hacked ctp2.exe, but to hack the ctp2.exe in this way is much more difficuilt than the the sprite problem. There we have at least a number to search for.