As most of you know, some SMAX games do not display the various factions' units and bases using the proper colors. For example, Hive units might appear yellow instead of blue, with the Hive bases displayed with Morganite architecture. To make matters worse, a game so afflicted might well use different colors every turn. It doesn't happen in every game, but when it does, it is annoying at best and downright confusing at worst. I believe that games that are started using the scenario editor are the ones affected, but perhaps someone else can shed more light on this point.
The problem lies in the way that SMAX uses the "Alpha Centauri.ini" file. I won't go into detail here, as others have done a fine job of that already. For example, see johndmuller's explanation in
this thread. In that same thread, Mongoose suggests maintaining a customized .ini file for each affected game, and replacing the Alpha Centauri.ini file with the custom file before playing a turn. Building from these ideas, I have developed a batch file which will automatically replace the Alpha Centuri.ini file with the appropriate customized .ini file and then run SMAX. I will post the procedure and the batch file here in the hope that others will find it useful.
Let's assume that you have a game, which we will call "game_x", which is afflicted with the problem. Here is the procedure to follow.
Step 1: Determine the factions and their order in your game
You could always ask whomever started your game what the factions are, and in what order. But you can figure it out yourself by looking at the bars on the powergraph. Don't use the colors, because they are wrong (that's why we're here

) Use the initials on the bars, as follows:
A: Angels
B: Believers
C: Consciousness or Caretakers
D: Drones
G: Gaians
H: Hive
M: Morgan
P: Peacekeepers or Planet Cult or Pirates
S: Spartans
U: University or Usurpers
Write down the factions in your game, reading the bars in order from left to right.
Step 2: Create a custom .ini file for this game
Make a copy of the Alpha Centruri.ini file. Name the copy using the name of your game, for example "game_x.ini". Now edit that file. There will be a section in that file that looks like this:
Faction 1=CYBORG
Faction 2=PIRATES
Faction 3=DRONE
Faction 4=ANGELS
Faction 5=FUNGBOY
Faction 6=CARETAKE
Faction 7=USURPER
Edit these faction names to correspond, in order, to the names you wrote down in step 1. The faction names to use here are as follows (note that some are plural and some are not):
Step 2b (optional): Set your game load folder
You will also find a line like this in the .ini file:
Latest Save=C:\Program Files\Games\Alpha Centauri\saves\Bdmps\BDMPS-2123Darius
This is the pathname to the last saved game, and when you start the game and click "load" it will open this folder. Edit this line to open in the folder for this particular game.
Step 3: Create a batch file
Create a file called, for example, "game_x.bat". Edit the file to read as follows:
copy "game_x.ini" "C:\Program Files\Games\Alpha Centauri\Alpha Centauri.ini"
cd "C:\Program Files\Games\Alpha Centauri"
In the first line, substitute the actual name of your ini file instead of "game_x.ini". Change the first and second lines to point to the folder where you have SMAX installed. (Mine is not the default directory, so yours will be different.)
Step 3b (optional): Set the batch file properties to close its window after it runs
Right-click on the batch file icon and click "Properties". Click the "Program" tab. Check the "Close on Exit" box. Click "OK". (This closes the ugly DOS window after the batch file runs so you don't have to look at it.)
Step 4: Take the .ini file and the .bat file and put them somewhere
Where is up to you. big_canuk has suggested putting them in the folder where you keep the games saves for this game. Good idea. I'm going to try a different approach: I keep all of the .ini files and .bat files together in one folder, and I have a key on my programmable keyboard set up as a shortcut to that folder. Then by pressing one key, I basically have a menu of all of my games presented to me.
You will need a .ini file and a .bat file as described above for each game which has incorrect colors. Although it takes a bit of work initially to set up each game, I think you will find it worthwhile when the blue guy comes after you and you can tell it's the Hive and not Fungus-Boy.