I know Firaxis is probably to far into production to change much, but I think Civ3 should have as much customization as possible. SMAC was onto something but it was set in to much of a sci-fi realm. I always hoped that you would be able to customize government and units in Civ 3 like you could in SMAC. When you put together the differant parts of your government it could catagorize you as democracy or communist, or whatever fit you best. I also think other civ's should not only react to you by the kind of culture you've adapted but by what goverment your under, just like how the communists hated the capitalists during the cold war.
I agree about the like-by-gov't feature you mentioned.
Unit customization and such is what modmakers like me do , so if you wanna edit any part of the game, you go to the files(copy them) and edit them to suit yourself(and hopefully destribute the mod around Apolyton .
I want a ridiculously huge number of technologies and units, and the ability to create new city improvements and wonders with new game effects. For techs and units, set the limit at something silly like 256. Then give us around 50 slots for new wonders and city improvements, and give us the ability to define (and redefine) their game effects.