View Poll Results: What is the best score you've got on civ1
1-40 %
3 |
8.57% |
41-80 %
5 |
14.29% |
81-120 %
1 |
2.86% |
121-160 %
4 |
11.43% |
161-200 %
5 |
14.29% |
201-240 %
7 |
20.00% |
241-280 %
3 |
8.57% |
281-320 %
2 |
5.71% |
321-360 %
1 |
2.86% |
361-1 000 000 %
4 |
11.43% |
May 3, 2002, 01:45
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Civ 1 scores...
For nostalgy's sake, what is your's best civ1 score ever?
Mine is 262 % on emperor.
[edit]: you can also tell how did you do it (if you can remember  )
I was russian, on earth map, 7 civs, had a good start. During first century i conquered a lot (maybe 3 or 4) of opponents, and found 2 or 3 advanced tribes from huts...  I would call that a pretty good start.
Ended up 1865 40,000 colonists to Alpha Centauri...
I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.
Last edited by aaglo; May 3, 2002 at 03:58.
May 3, 2002, 02:27
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275%, I think...
May 3, 2002, 03:28
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I can't really remember. But I don't think I played it that well back then, so I'll guess moderately
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
May 6, 2002, 21:07
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I think I usually got 100 + but just after I voted I remembered a time when I got around 200
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May 7, 2002, 14:51
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999,999% if I remember exactly  To be hornest, I have no clue, since I never saw which score I got in (all kinds of) games before I got Civ3...And that is still the only game I notice the scores!
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May 9, 2002, 04:37
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I can't remember. funny, I played it quite often but can't remember the score. This seems to be quite common, so I think the score doesn't mean anything.
May 10, 2002, 10:18
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200+ definitely but I can't remember my exact score. Never finished the game as an Emperor though.
May 10, 2002, 11:55
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In fact I didn't finish the most games. Once it's obvious you're going to win it became a little boring, just hunting for the score. The interesting part was the first hour of a game.
May 12, 2002, 05:52
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130ish on Emperor, conquering the world... Bbablyonians often start in Venezuela or Indonesia once you destroyed the Zulu. The starting positions for restarts are repetitve, despite being "random", which makes conquest games easy
ít's still a shame building gets a higher score than conquering
May 12, 2002, 07:05
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A good game doesn't depend from the score. I had quite easy games with a good score in the end,and I had tough games I finally managed to win - ending up with a lousy score. So I think that the score really doesn't matter
May 12, 2002, 07:24
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I 2nd that
May 15, 2002, 17:48
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132% at king level. I like to play pure conquest so I only build units and nothing else.
May 16, 2002, 07:37
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I have got absolutely no idea what my highest score was, it's been ages since I last played it!
Does anybody remember the names of the leaders that go with the score? I remember being better than Dan Quayle  and Neville Chamberlain. I believe Ottoman and Eric the Great were in there too. Any more names??
May 16, 2002, 07:39
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I think that solomon the wise was the highest
I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.
May 19, 2002, 05:50
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You get score by many citizens, wonders of the world and future techs or by world conquest.
June 23, 2002, 11:59
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I'm not sure about my score, but it must have been enormous and on Emperor. I remember that I conquered all the world except for one tiny sh*thole and had several cities with 32 (I think it was 32) people inside.
But I remember my fastest conquest victory on Emperor level: 900BC
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"Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.
June 23, 2002, 12:25
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So tough to remember, but I remember it was over 300%. IIRC, 352%.
Of course, I could now run Civ 1 on Emperor, and have 10^10^10 score  .
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July 17, 2002, 05:24
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It was about 280ish... just a dream run, but had to end the game far to quickly than I'd liked to.
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July 17, 2002, 05:46
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Solver, you are just trying to brag
I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.
July 19, 2002, 00:48
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The score I remember is bound to be higher than my score was in reality. My goal was always to conquer all asap and I remember doing it well and truly BC, but can't put a number to it. I used some pretty heavy ICS knowing that I would finish early so I mostly wanted to make sure I cultivated all squares. I also helped many of my opponents so that taking their cities would give me more.
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July 26, 2002, 19:24
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Whats your highest score by conquest?
I once conquered the world by about 1200bc (7 on emp) which gave me a score of 178. That was my highest ever score cos I never bothered with space ships although if I'd known you could get scores in exess of 300 I would have tried.
Also due to a bug in the game I once had a city size 83.
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July 27, 2002, 02:13
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I once conquered the world by about 1200bc (7 on emp) which gave me a score of 178. That was my highest ever score cos I never bothered with space ships although if I'd known you could get scores in exess of 300 I would have tried.
That sounds just like how I remember my last couple of really good games before I called it quits. Same scores and maybe not so early finish. Usually had a few strong cities and many many size 1 & 2 cities eternally supporting settlers. Used Chariot rushes a lot for early encounters.
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July 31, 2002, 17:56
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I can vagualy Remember the Name Bismark as my usual score then.. I even tried to list the Score then.. but hey i was a too lousy player to get the Top ones
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August 8, 2002, 19:06
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Best: 8%...
2 Nights ago, I exceeded even Emperor Nero  with 2%  in 1800
Bismark- was that 70% or higher?
Does anyone have a complete list of all the levels?
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August 11, 2002, 03:10
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civ 1 scoring
i dont know about u guys but i still have the original in the box and i still play it for nostalgic reasons...its nice to go back to basic every once in a while...if anyone would like a copy, let me know im sure we can arrange something
August 22, 2002, 04:42
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Think it was around 150 how's this compared to the other players here?
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November 25, 2002, 02:30
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over 300% easily, bigger games gave great scores, i remember conquering a small world map in about 8-10 turns or so.....it was funny how many civs you could take out by playing the germans....
i suspect my best score was alot higher....i recall games that had so many citizens it was uncanny lol
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February 6, 2003, 07:34
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Think it was something between 200 and 300.
But I can exactly remember the days that I always was enraged to see that no matter how hard I tried never could jump over the 300 ladder
February 13, 2003, 20:11
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how do you people remember your percentage after all these years? I haven't played civ1 since grade school, maybe, MAYBE in junior high. I'm a sophomre in college now, it's been that long since I played
September 21, 2005, 03:23
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i had to look thru' some 100 savegames but most of the times i did play 'chieftain' or warlord so the score was never that high.
with prince or king maybe up to 200% - sometimes with luck.
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