"Da,Da,Da, here comes the newest king of our Great and Humble Nation of Babyolon JON!!!!!!! Da,Da.Da"
We get 3rd floor for palace
Leipzig(Germans) get Smith's
Arbela(Persia) gets Newtons
set Tamuin to temple so we dont' get swallowed
Get 10 gpt for wines from america
get 5 gpt for gems from germany
get iron for gems and 100 gold from persia
Iroquois declare war on Persia

decide to take advantage and obtain silks for us and a extra silk for trading
i lose 2 knights

but obtain canterbury and 2 silks/1 extra
for about 10 turns we are at war with Iroquois, they then sue for peace cause Persians kicked their asses(i could tell cause i saw 20 rifleman head for Iroquois territory
I set ashur to fp as placeholder for future leader
we discover source of saltpeter in North Tula Desert
obtain Metallurgy Education Military Tradition and Theology
our treasury is now around 187
Persia now Gracious cause i traded rop for silks
canterbury and tamuin both set to temple