Elite troops
I don’t know if Fascism is going to be introduced in the CIV-III techtree. Though there is something to be said for it being in, we do have communism and labourunions, I wouldn’t miss it if it wasn’t. We don’t have Liberalism and Christian-“democraticism” (is that correct anglo ?!) in too.
When you’ve developed Fascism in CTP and you turn to Fascism as your style of government (only then !!) you’re able to build a stormtrooper unit, (an elite infantry fighting-unit). Turning to Fascism all your troops are given an offensive bonus, but as specially the stormtrooper gets formidable strenght.
Historical perspective.
I think it’s a strange notion that fascism (and why doesn’t CTP call it national-socialism for all their reference to this subject, whether graphically or textually, is moreorless to Germany and not to Italy) is associate with superior military strenght. And therefore it should only be possible to build such a unit under a Fascist government.
Fascism and NS manifestated themselves militaristic. At the start of, and yes (!) they started it, WO-II the Germans and Italians had the advantage of having prepared fully for war where others hadn’t. And that goes specifically for where it comes to using new tactics for new materials (especially tanks !! and bombers) which really were at that moment available to all parties.
It is true that in WO-I the germans, late 1917 just before the Americans entered the war, formed special storm-trooper units which almost shifted the balance of power towards the germans. But that was before the germans had gone fascist !!.
As far as I’m concerned, CTP is utterly wrong when it comes to this whole subject.
All the fighting armies (even the Italians which usually are considered to have been “weak”) showed during WW-II to have formidable fightingforce not only because of numbers but also because of fightingskill. All armies had somesort of special units, just like the german SS, which exceeded in fightingforce. (Seen ? “Saving Private Ryan” one of the first troopes to land were american Rangers)
Coming down to the game
Actually, with the crusaders, fundamentalists, marines- and alpines-units in CIV-II we already have a kind of special forces.
But what about one special really supreme unit.
Or a way to turn a common unit to a supreme fighting unit, with more attackpoints than veterans now already have. And maybe this transition should only be possible with veterans !?
I think the latter is the best option, because then it would be a feature which (from a certain point on) would be at hand much longer then only in the endgame. Elitetroops is something which should come with the building of some sort of military academy or college (this has been discussed in other threads in oktober and november last year) and should not be something which comes exclusively with.
It would be nice to be able to throw in some sort of elite-unit to force things during battle your way. You might need such a thing at higher levels, where the AI seems to have all the advantages. Though I wouldn’t like it, if this unit, if its graphical appearance would also change, somehow would look fascist. And most certainly not like SS, like you have now in CTP.
[This message has been edited by Vrank Prins (edited May 01, 2001).]