April 28, 2001, 23:02
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I can't believe civ-specific units are in!?!?
After all the discussion on threads about civ-specific units revealed that most civers didn't want civ-specific units, I can't believe Firaxis still decided to go with them! Have civers changed their minds since the last thread on this topic, or do Firaxis believe they are on to a winner that will convert even the most diehard opposition!?!
April 28, 2001, 23:07
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NOOO! Civ specific units, I say now and forever, will be the downfall of this game if implemented! We have talked and talked about how bad an idea is this, but why are they not listening? Are they really going to do this, Fan? Who said they are? Are you sure? I certainly hope not...
- Cyclotron7, "that supplementary resource fanatic"
April 28, 2001, 23:17
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Please now. I was enjoying a beautiful ice cream and I see this about unique units and it ruined my taste.
Are we 110% sure there will be unique units?
Firaxis RECONSIDER. Everyone will play the Germans because of the advanced tanks (or something).
No unique units uber alles.
Don't ruin it now.
April 28, 2001, 23:19
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I think the civ-specific units would be cool if it is balenced out well, it will make it have a AOE II feel to it as long as it is balenced well.
April 28, 2001, 23:23
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Yeah, right. If I wanted AOE II I would buy it. Why would I ever want the same "feel" of a game in a completely different game? Civ-specific bonuses are tried and false, from what I hear of SMAC. More and more, I am beginning to piece together a terrible truth. 7 civ limit... civ-spec bonuses... From what I gather, we may be dealing with the old SMAC engine in a new body... Civ3!
- Cyclotron7, "that supplementary resource fanatic"
April 29, 2001, 00:54
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Originally posted by paiktis22 on 04-28-2001 11:17 PM
Firaxis RECONSIDER. Everyone will play the Germans because of the advanced tanks (or something).
If playing the Germans makes them happy, then does it really matter?
I do understand what everyone's saying tho. Maybe civ-specific units could be an OPTION.
"We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything."
-Thomas A. Edison
[This message has been edited by Sabre2th (edited April 29, 2001).]
April 29, 2001, 01:02
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As I said I have nothing against playing the Germans (tanks) or Americans (planes).
But not because Firaxis screwd up
April 29, 2001, 01:04
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You must be joking.
Firaxis, please make these units optional. I think they would be fun in scenarios, but I don't want them in the main game.
April 29, 2001, 01:05
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Originally posted by paiktis22 on 04-29-2001 01:02 AM
As I said I have nothing against playing the Germans (tanks) or Americans (planes).
But not because Firaxis screwd up
Fine, then.
"We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything."
-Thomas A. Edison
April 29, 2001, 01:10
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Originally posted by Sabre2th on 04-29-2001 01:05 AM
We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything."
-Thomas A. Edison
All I know is that I don't know anything.
April 29, 2001, 01:33
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"...whereas I am aware that I know nothing"
is Socrates, not Plato.
Plato quoted Socrates during Socrates' defense/trial
April 29, 2001, 01:39
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Originally posted by Nemo on 04-29-2001 01:33 AM
"...whereas I am aware that I know nothing"
is Socrates, not Plato.
Plato quoted Socrates during Socrates' defense/trial
You little smart ass  , you should know that Socrates did not existed but was a fictional character for Plato's philosophical theories
Edit: «We do not need unique units»
Paiktis22, 2001.
[This message has been edited by paiktis22 (edited April 29, 2001).]
April 29, 2001, 05:32
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Gawd this is retarded. Might as well not let certain civs research certain things. Like the mongols are ever going to get planes. This is HORRIBLE. I can't believe the people at firaxis had so much to work with and ****eD it up so bad =( This was a bad decission. Does it matter that it isn't what anyone wants? nope. will they change it? nope. i was so excited about this game for so long, and now i won't even buy it...
April 29, 2001, 06:57
Born Again Optimist
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Man, I really HOPE this is TRUE!!! You see, I was one of those guys in the minority who WANTS unique units. It's a GREAT IDEA! Now, I haven't seen this confirmed anywhere, but if it's true, I'm beginning to really like the way Civ3 is shaping up. Fewer civs but more unique civs. Love it love it love.
All this assumes incredible game balancing etc. But I'm starting to really like these rumors...  O.K. You can all hate me know, but wait until you see how much you'll like this stuff.
April 29, 2001, 07:04
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Originally posted by yin26 on 04-29-2001 06:57 AM
You see, I was one of those guys in the minority who WANTS unique units. It's a GREAT IDEA! Now, I haven't seen this confirmed anywhere
I hope you will become the subject of the tyranny of the majority yin26
But is it confirmed that there will be unique civs? Anyone knows for sure?
April 29, 2001, 07:20
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April 29, 2001, 07:24
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Originally posted by paiktis22 on 04-29-2001 07:04 AM
But is it confirmed that there will be unique civs? Anyone knows for sure?
No, it isn't confirmed, yet. There will definitely be different graphics for units of different civs, but whether the units will actually have different stats is as yet unknown.
April 29, 2001, 07:35
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I think the idea with civ-specific units is ok.
I just wish they will make them very balanced, so people won't play with just a couple of civs.
One important thing though: having civ-specific units in the main game HAS to be an option that you can either ENABLE or DISABLE.
April 29, 2001, 08:24
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Originally posted by yin26 on 04-29-2001 06:57 AM
Man, I really HOPE this is TRUE!!! You see, I was one of those guys in the minority who WANTS unique units. It's a GREAT IDEA! Now, I haven't seen this confirmed anywhere, but if it's true, I'm beginning to really like the way Civ3 is shaping up. Fewer civs but more unique civs. Love it love it love.
All this assumes incredible game balancing etc. But I'm starting to really like these rumors... O.K. You can all hate me know, but wait until you see how much you'll like this stuff.
Well, Yin26 - I was one of those who voted against "civ-specific advantages" (by the way; only "units" - not SMAC-style civ-specific pros/cons in general?), and im still not that keen about it. However, there ARE more important issues at hand, and I guess this feature can be swallowed, particulary since....
- There are 16 unique civs to choose from the very start, comparing with only 7 default factions in SMAC. More added in upcoming scenario-packs.
- Besides a recommended default set of opponents for each civ, Im sure we also have the option to pick-and-choose which ones we want to include/exclude as opponents (not possible in SMAC).
- Just as in AOK; theres probably an "No unique Civs" checkbox option available in some multi-optional in-game preference-menus in Civ-3.
The latter would be crucially important because it gives me the opportunity to nullify this feature, or perhaps check it out, with a click of a checkbox option.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited April 29, 2001).]
April 29, 2001, 08:33
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I like the idea of Civ specific units as long as they are balenced because it gives units to a civ that no one else really had, like a British Longbowman or the German Tank, or the American F15. As long as it is balenced it should work out good. I do agree that it should be an option whether to have it or not, besides, if you don't like them, it shouldn't be too hard to edit the game to take them out.
April 29, 2001, 10:15
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Notice how the only people who want something as RETARDED as civ specific advantages are Settlers or Chieftans?
This is seriously the single stupidest thing firaxis could do for the game, although the "great leader" bullsh*t comes close. Isn't the whole idea of civilization to make your own history, not have it dependant on pre-sets and luck? I don't want some starcraft style retard fest, let's please have equality of opportunity in this game.
A very disgruntled Zylka
April 29, 2001, 10:19
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Everyone should take 30 seconds to e-mail them and at least ask for a "no unique civs" checkbox
April 29, 2001, 10:51
Born Again Optimist
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Dude, I've been around here for ages...don't remember you helping to make the List, either version.
April 29, 2001, 11:41
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I am against unique Civs too. I don't play on earth, I don't play in time periods where any of the civ exist and I don't play with certain civs. I consider them just random civilizations. When I played SMAC I always played random. I want the feel of a unique world, instead of a preset one.
Jon Miller
April 29, 2001, 13:27
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I fully support civ unique units 100%. GO FIRAXIS!
Can't you people see that unique civs if balanced will make the game better because the civs will have REAL personality and style. The game will have character.
Why do you folks stubornly keep asking for dumb, bland civs?
[This message has been edited by The diplomat (edited April 29, 2001).]
April 29, 2001, 13:40
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What we English get a longbowman what a crap unit.
April 29, 2001, 13:58
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You guys want every civ to be the same? Is that how it is in reality? I'm all for civ-specific unit/abilities. Most of you say you want it to be historical, but you want every civ the same.
Plus many of you want a higher difficulty level. Well wouldn't it be hard to pick a civ that is at a dissadvantage, and try and win with them? Its like playing a football game, and you pick the bears.
Unique civs will add a whole new dimension to the civ franchise. It won't be like SMAC. Along with all the other improvements, I can't wait!
April 29, 2001, 14:15
It would be OK if the civ's units LOOKED different, (Vikings have longboat, Souix have canoe, etc.) as long as they all had the same stats.
April 29, 2001, 14:30
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I'm shure Firaxis will have an option to take it unique civs off. Unique civs will be fun to try out sometimes, but still isnt the point of civ to take a people and chouse there destany. It just goes agenst what this game is saposed to be all about, you should decide what your civ is good at and what units they like to build.
Still I think it wouldn't harm anyone as an option, it would probably be fun and would be great for senarios.
April 29, 2001, 14:32
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I don't like it. I think It would be best if Firaxis let it be up to each player to develop their civ on equal terms with the rest, instead of making artificial differencies that might push us toward certain strategies/tactics.
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