
Originally posted by yin26 on 04-30-2001 10:13 PM
I understand your point. But how often does the COMP play a different strategy? For the most part, those 64 civs are played by the COMP exactly the same way most every game.
Firstly, it's not completely correct as different civ had different agendas (militaristic, expansionist, rational etc).
Secondly, look at my suggestion below.

Sure, if we all played against each other, I'd be on your side. But I want computer opponents with different tactics AND different units (to a reasonable degree) to keep ME working to watch them closely and adjust my tactics accordingly.
Sure, but then, if there are hard coded civ specific traits it'll be boring, as you will always know that if the germans are playing, they will ahve a panzer unit, and the americans will have a F16 and the russians will have a big tedy bear which chokes you to death
This will always repeat itself.
My suggestion:
What I have been suggesting is that we have a big pool of historical leaders, say 5 for each civ, which will be randomly chosen for each AI civ, and will lead the civ according to thier characteristic.
To prevent further boredom, every once in a while, a leader is overthrown and another leader comes instead with different tactics and agendas. It will often happen unannounced. This will create the big / small civs gameplay, as civs will rise and fall according to their leader's strategy, which will change a couple of times through out a single game.
This is what will make the game interesting, non repetitive, a challenge etc.
If each leader will bring specific units... i'll cope. But to have the germans ALWAYS stick to the same strategy is extremely boring.
And look at your own style of gameplay. Suppose you're going for total conquest. And around 1000 AD ou notice you're not large enough (of course it's the game's fault as you were on a far away island and your special unit is panzer tanks

) and

Now, if you never want YOUR civ (or COMP civs) to have any unique bonuses or units, I am more than sure Firaxis will give you the option to turn it off. If they don't that would be a mistake considering the majority opinion.
I agree.
Mainly I think, that if they implement leaders, or civ-spefcific traits / strats, they should only affect AI. The thing I hate most is when I'm told what to do and I am being limited. That's why SMAC didn't servive the demo and later warez version and was quickly deleted.

I still venture to say, though, you might darn well enjoy the way Sid pulls this off. Only time will tell...
Bah... I won't buy anything as silly as out-of-the box civ-specific traits.
I'll probably download it illegaly, prove to myself it sucks, and delete it.
Forever will i mourn for Civ 3.