After deleting the file in step 2 and loading with hearlds off, it seems to be working. It didn't happen this way the first time I tried it about 3 months ago.
Civilization 2 (Microprose) Yes W2000 12/00
Received the follow messages:
1) I recently noticed that after installing the compatibility updates for Windows 2000, the movies in Civilization II began playing again with no problems at all.
2) When it comes to the "INSTALLING INDEO VIDEO INTERACTIVE" screen. Hit the EXIT button. DO NOT INSTALL THIS. If you did install it then do this: If you received this error when you run Civ 2: "CIV2 caused a Stack Fault in module IR41.dll at 0002:019D. Choose close. CIV2 will close." Then delete the IR41.dll file in the \winnt\system directory.