May 5, 2002, 07:45
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Nominations for Constitution Committee
We are assembling a committee of three (non-Ministers) to help decide on our Constitution, or lack of one, and any other rules we may need for this game. As our tech and position in the game advances, there will doubtless be opportunities to make decisions for which we have not allocated repsonsibilities yet, or maybe even thought about! If you like the idea of telling the Cabinet what we can and can't do, then this is for you! (Of course all decisions will have to be polled upon.  )
The esteemed adamsj, our illustrious well-spoken Foreign Minister will chair this committee, and this thread is for nominating yourself or others to be on this cabinet. I will leave this for something like three or four days and then whoever is nominated will be placed in a poll, open for another few days. The top three placed names will be in the committee.
That is all.
May 5, 2002, 08:54
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so you can't be in it because your VP? OK, then I nominate myself.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
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May 5, 2002, 14:22
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I´ll nominate myself too
May 5, 2002, 14:30
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I hope those laws will go through a vote before instated?
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May 5, 2002, 15:01
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It had better be through a majority vote of the Citizens... Up or down in whole, not by part.
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May 5, 2002, 16:25
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Naturally. And the first poll after the Committee is formed will be on how many need to vote to pass a guideline/rule.
May 5, 2002, 16:50
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I'll second Shaka.
and nominate CannonFodder.
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May 5, 2002, 17:08
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How are you going to nominate me? I'm minister of Imperial Expansion, for Chrissakes!
May 8, 2002, 14:50
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someone working on it, and once is ready we´ll ask the citizens
thanks DarkCloud
so is this commite going on or what??
May 9, 2002, 03:37
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Right! Although I originally suggested 3 in this Committee, adamsj (in whose province this will be) would like 6-10. Thus, for anyone who is interested in clarifying rules for the game, especially since new things will crop up all the time, especially with our rapid technological advancement - speak now and become a part of the decision-making game!
Shaka, civman2000, CannonFodder - if you're all interested; you're in.
May 9, 2002, 11:56
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ok i'm in
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
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May 10, 2002, 14:31
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yes, I´m in, but as CannonFodder said he can´t be in, he is a minister
6 or 10 is just too much
May 10, 2002, 16:36
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"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
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May 10, 2002, 19:18
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Sounds like you want in, Uber - is that right? You don't have to believe in, well, anything .
May 10, 2002, 19:22
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Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
Sounds like you want in, Uber - is that right? You don't have to believe in, well, anything .
good, i believe in nothing.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
May 11, 2002, 17:37
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Originally posted by CannonFodder
How are you going to nominate me? I'm minister of Imperial Expansion, for Chrissakes!
Oh, I aplogize, I misread that and thought it asked only for ministers... dang... I was looking forward to being on the committee :rollyeyes: I am too late
oh well
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May 11, 2002, 20:42
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We do need more ppl, DC if you want in (along with Shaka, civman and UberKrux - headed by adamsj), let us know!
May 12, 2002, 09:13
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I don't see any reason why a current Minister could not be on the committee. Adamsj is one and is leading this project. A member who is not a Minister now might be one next month. And a member who is a Minister now won't be one forever.
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
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May 12, 2002, 12:54
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Okay, yes please, I would like to try to be in on it.
The only problem I may have is finding the rules threads unless they are marked by "Rules:" because too much is posted in this section of the forums for me to see it all
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May 12, 2002, 16:06
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I hope adamsj will construct an email list of interested parties...
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May 12, 2002, 18:20
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Aren't we doing a poll?
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May 12, 2002, 20:15
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A poll would be OK, too. I'm not trying to direct how this process goes since I am staying out of it...
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
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May 13, 2002, 06:49
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Need more members!
Originally posted by cavebear
I hope adamsj will construct an email list of interested parties...
I will if I can and when the committee is being started!
Play the Demo Games!!
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May 13, 2002, 08:00
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OK, this has gone on long enough. Screw what I said about three members and no Ministers allowed! We have, AFAIK, Chair adamsj, members civman2000, Shaka Naldur, DarkCloud, UberKrux and CannonFodder. I will oversee and help prod everyone in the right direction (and probably stay a member after my VP term is up). Thus we have 6 + me - I think that's enough. Anyone else want in, you must contact me or adamsj (or post here, I guess).
Now, to business - we will be examining the current rules as I reported them and polling if we believe some of them are potentially problematic. I will also make a thread (and maybe top it) where ppl can post questions on the rules, or concerns about existing/nonexistent rules that need to be looked at.
May 13, 2002, 10:59
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when and how are we going to actually make the constitution?
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
May 13, 2002, 11:00
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never mind, I just saw the pm
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
May 13, 2002, 22:51
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Thank you MrWhereItsAt
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May 14, 2002, 01:36
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I am hoping to set up a topped thread for us (if everyone is OK with that) to discuss. I expect PMs will be frequent, though.
But first we need a few less topped threads! I am looking into this now.
May 14, 2002, 05:23
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Great, but we have too many topped thread already! If you want just PM Ming!
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Running for Foreign Minister in the 3rd Civ2 Single Human Play game!!
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May 14, 2002, 20:51
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I thought we already had a thread-
hmm... seems I posted in the High Council thread by accident
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