May 13, 2002, 13:26
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yeah, it can be a pain in the tuckus if you BOTH play. my BF and i live together, and we have to time ourselves to make sure it's fair. hotseat games are so, so fun, though! we're patiently awaiting the expansion pack for civ3.
drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang
May 13, 2002, 13:30
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Yeah, hotseat is the way to go!
May 13, 2002, 13:31
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Originally posted by Bella Hella
yeah, it can be a pain in the tuckus if you BOTH play. my BF and i live together, and we have to time ourselves to make sure it's fair. hotseat games are so, so fun, though! we're patiently awaiting the expansion pack for civ3.
hi ,
buy a MAC , this way ya can play both , .....
have a nice day
May 13, 2002, 14:52
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Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
Let me first start off by saying this regarding this topic. I think women who play TBS games are the sexiest!
Now anyone out there have any advice for getting ones significant other interested in playing civ?
It is easy. After you start a civ 3 game, you get your significant other to fantacize with you about you being a Barbarian and she a settler in hilly top sourrounded by forests. Next time you are an immortal and she is a spy.. Few rounds like that over two weeks and she will get interested in the game. If not, she will get interested in fantacising. In both cases, you are a winner!
May 13, 2002, 16:01
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Folks, sometimes I have to fight my wife to get CivIII time. She likes the game as much as me.
As for her play, she tries to stay at peace but if someone wants to go to war she is happy to oblige.
May 13, 2002, 16:11
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Originally posted by Bella Hella
i guess the only typically "female" thing i do in my games is pay a little more attention to how things look instead of mining the crap out of everything or placing farms on random tiles. i like things to look organized and make sense when i place cities and do terrain improvements. other than that, i just play the friggin' game.
I actualy like things to look nice too, but i do make alot of mines, but i try to put them in their own little corner of that citys zone.
hehe, anybody tryed changing the music files around? I've got the starwars imperial march playing now! haha
May 13, 2002, 17:49
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Bella Hella!
I've read a lot of threads on various boards regarding this subject. Your advice by far is the best I've ever heard in my life!
I'm definately gonna try some of these tactics. However I fear that your first statement suits my wife the best. The one where you said some people just aren't interested in computer games period. A tough challenge but worth the effort.
BTW, I'm am the type of guy who is very patient, but I'll take your advice of hands off the mouse to heart!
Thanks to all for your input.
As panag would say, "Have a nice day"!
May 13, 2002, 20:36
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I tried to get my GF addicted to civ, but failed miserably. 
OTOH I did get her addicted to computers, so its not a total loss.
I could never share my comp with my GF tho, cuz if I'm not with her, then I'll be on the comp. The only solution was to build her her own computer. Its a tough life.
I estimate that there are about 15, maybe even 20 female civers on this site. I might just try again to get her addicted to civ - it been done before obviously
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
May 13, 2002, 20:37
Local Time: 16:16
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So, I say to my GF: "earest, I _know_ you want to play Civ3" and she says to me "Yes, but if it is as engrossing as you say, I'll never see my Homework again, or my work work, for that matter". And I say "so?" And she says "or read books." And I say "right, that reminds me, are you still reading that Callahan's, or can I borrow it?" And then she grimmaces and brings me flowers for accidently destroying a book I lent her...
*sigh* I am a _lucky_ man...
Oh, and my 19yr old sister (who _loves_ sci-fi) plays a mean game of Civ2, so you guys can drool all you want...
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May 13, 2002, 23:40
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I guess I'm lucky too. My wife likes Civ 3 a lot more than I do, but then she doesn't mind sarting over and over and over again.
May 13, 2002, 23:44
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Originally posted by Civ Old Timer
I guess I'm lucky too. My wife likes Civ 3 a lot more than I do, but then she doesn't mind sarting over and over and over again.
hi ,
now that has to do with , one persistence and two , the great woman surviving instinct , .....  , ....
have a nice day
May 13, 2002, 23:47
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Originally posted by Civ Old Timer
I guess I'm lucky too. My wife likes Civ 3 a lot more than I do, but then she doesn't mind sarting over and over and over again.
Now, let's all go to our S/Os and tell 'em we love them...
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May 13, 2002, 23:54
Local Time: 02:16
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Originally posted by Andrew Cory
Now, let's all go to our S/Os and tell 'em we love them...
hi ,
its to early ,........
surprise , it seems that there are some woman here who are shy , ....yet they can play the comp at deity , why will they just not talk about it , that remains a Q .
most just read the forums , they do not interact , ....maybe that's because they focus on the main thing , playing the game , in the place of talking about it , ....
have a nice day
May 14, 2002, 03:35
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Yeah, this is sooo like us men. Instead of focusing on the main thing, we just talk about the main things we did so far.
Hey, did I tell you 'bout the blonde I met yesterday. Man, she did make this unhappy citizen content...
I assure you Mr. Ambassador, we're not building a Doom's Day Machine
Our source was the New York Times
May 14, 2002, 04:30
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My girlfriend loves to play Civ 3 and she used to play Civ 2 before that. Though she never looks at the Civ web sites
I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.
May 14, 2002, 07:36
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My sister has played civ2 for a while, but she likes adventures better.
Getting my wife to like civ3 is a mission impossible....
Getting her to let me play civ is difficult enough....
May 14, 2002, 08:33
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Where do you people find these women.
I haven't yet met a girl who enjoys playing games of any type yet. 
Maybe I need to find somewhere else to live.
May 14, 2002, 10:30
Local Time: 18:16
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I'm a girl and I play Civilization.
But I don't take the peacful route. War is much better.  Much, much better.
And I managed to find more girls who like Civ too.  I frequent another forum specifically for women, so I decided to see how many of them played Civ. I started a thead about it, and lo and behold, there were numerous Civ players there.  I wouldn't be surprised if some of them a.) were here at Apolyton or b.) had husbands/boyfriends who visited Apolyton.
May 14, 2002, 11:09
Local Time: 02:16
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hi ,
one ; on , .......  , .....
two ; ya could always move to Alpha Centauri , .......
have a nice day
May 14, 2002, 11:20
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So we've already 'gotten'  Bella Hella, Playa del Carmen and lots of player's girlfriends.
I have a girlfriend who lets me play, but never plays herself.
Any playing Belgian beauty out there?
Mind you Alva, you're not on my list!
May 14, 2002, 12:11
Local Time: 18:16
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Originally posted by Raion
I think her name is MoonSlinger.
I can't believe that you mis-spell my name.  It's Moonsinger.  And yeah, I'm leading the most peaceful civ in the galaxy.
May 14, 2002, 12:24
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Originally posted by Trip
I think there are a couple girls over at Infogrames, but shhhh. 'Tis my home.
Did you know that Miang and Wowbagger's girlfriend are also civ players? I got my inspiration from them.
Moonie was the one that brought me here, you can thank her.
I hope you don't forget us there.
I think she's trying to win the high score on every game setup too. Bahhhh, I don't even have the patience to finish a game, screw getting the high score of the world.
No, I wasn't trying for the high score. I just recently realize that I could win the high score if I don't win the game too soon.
May 14, 2002, 14:18
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Originally posted by Bella Hella
i guess the only typically "female" thing i do in my games is pay a little more attention to how things look instead of mining the crap out of everything or placing farms on random tiles. i like things to look organized and make sense when i place cities and do terrain improvements.
What does that have to do with being female? I'm a guy yet I do the same thing, I just like having my game world look good. I even removed mines from all grassland etc. because I thought it was ugly having these square blocks all over the map. Plus I've been grabbing Sn00py's graphics etc. and fiddling with the colours, too much of a yellow tint for my liking. Now if only could do something about those railroads! Aesthetics is a cross-gender thing.
May 14, 2002, 14:41
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Originally posted by Willem
What does that have to do with being female? I'm a guy yet I do the same thing, I just like having my game world look good.
you're right, it's totally not a "female" thing to do, and i know a lot of people feel the same way. i guess i was just using that as an example of something i might do that other people might not. *shrug* bad example, i guess.
so basically.... sounds like there are no differences in the way that girls play and the way that guys play! go, equality!
ok, i shut up now.
drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang
May 14, 2002, 15:05
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Well, I once dated this girl in Co Springs...
But she is taken these days...
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May 14, 2002, 15:12
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Originally posted by Bella Hella
you're right, it's totally not a "female" thing to do, and i know a lot of people feel the same way. i guess i was just using that as an example of something i might do that other people might not. *shrug* bad example, i guess.
so basically.... sounds like there are no differences in the way that girls play and the way that guys play! go, equality!
ok, i shut up now.
About the only difference that I can see is that there tends to be more guys than girls who find the game entertaining. Playing style is irrelevant for those that do play. After all, Joan of Arc was just as ruthless and cunning as her enemies, who just happened to be mainly men.
May 14, 2002, 15:33
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Originally posted by Willem
About the only difference that I can see is that there tends to be more guys than girls who find the game entertaining. Playing style is irrelevant for those that do play. After all, Joan of Arc was just as ruthless and cunning as her enemies, who just happened to be mainly men.
I read a newsweek artical about games about 6 mo. - 1yr ago. It had the stat that 54% of all gamers are women. They tend to play more MP games, but less shooters. Hearts and bridge, yes. Sims, yes. Quake 3 no...
I'd bet that Civ has a fairly high level of female players...
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May 14, 2002, 15:48
Local Time: 17:16
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Originally posted by Andrew Cory
I read a newsweek artical about games about 6 mo. - 1yr ago. It had the stat that 54% of all gamers are women. They tend to play more MP games, but less shooters. Hearts and bridge, yes. Sims, yes. Quake 3 no...
I'd bet that Civ has a fairly high level of female players...
Yes, I guess that you'd have to look at the nature of the game. Civ kind of falls somewhere in between really. You can be aggressive or not. I tend to play peacefully myself, though I don't mind kicking butt if I have to, or I figure can get away with it.
And heaven forbid if someone starts encroaching on my territory! As long as I have lots of room to expand, I'll be a nice guy, and I expect the same in return.
May 14, 2002, 17:28
Local Time: 19:16
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Posts: 302
Originally posted by Andrew Cory
I read a newsweek artical about games about 6 mo. - 1yr ago. It had the stat that 54% of all gamers are women. They tend to play more MP games, but less shooters. Hearts and bridge, yes. Sims, yes. Quake 3 no...
I'd bet that Civ has a fairly high level of female players...
wow, that seems like a really high percentage to me.  was it strictly computer games, or were they including all kinds of games (monopoly, card games, etc.)? i wonder if they've done a recent study? it would be interesting to see the percentage of computer/video game players who are female.
i noticed a few female diablo 2 players, but they were still WAY in the minority, like 6% or so according to an unofficial poll.
anyway, thanks for the info. that's definitely food for thought...
drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang
May 14, 2002, 17:34
Local Time: 16:16
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Posts: 198
Originally posted by Bella Hella
wow, that seems like a really high percentage to me. was it strictly computer games, or were they including all kinds of games (monopoly, card games, etc.)? i wonder if they've done a recent study? it would be interesting to see the percentage of computer/video game players who are female.
i noticed a few female diablo 2 players, but they were still WAY in the minority, like 6% or so according to an unofficial poll.
anyway, thanks for the info. that's definitely food for thought...
Again, it has been a while, but i belive it _does_ include every woman who plays yahoo games, but _does not_ include every woman who plays solitaire while the boss isn't looking. But then, I may be wrong, it might include _all games_ that _every woman_ plays...
Your 6% figure for diablo seems about right, though...
It has been my experience that women are _just_ as agressive as men are, though they ususaly channel it into other directions. So I wonder what the Civ3 men/women ratio is. I wouldn't be shocked to learn that it is at least 70/30...
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