Originally posted by Skanky Burns
Newbies that could otherwise be valuable to the site might wander down to the OT accidently, maybe even post something. You see how people react to newbies in the OT when we have mods, imagine if they were unrestrained.
Them newbies would be gone quickly, and spreading bad word about 'Poly.
hi ,
that is a good point !
maybe after a while all the people start to become "infected" with the good that aploton does , and after while , (maybe 200 years

) no-one becomes agitated or gets angry , ....
a lot of newbies are also afraid to post something because when they do ask or post something they "get it" , ....and it aint funny , ..example ; a person ask's for a Q , maybe the whole world shall now the A but for the person asking its a sincere Q , and then some people jump the guy and , well , .....there is no need at that moment as to say to the guy , ya stupid , ya dint know , where are ya from , .....
just an other reason we should keep mod's .
Dan and Mark , are the FAQ's changed lately , ..???
have a nice day