Here are my favorite parts of this scintillating Firaxis bull session:
My comments are in parenthesis.
WE-NEED-MP-YOU-IDIOTS has joined #apolyton
(We also need Scenario-building).
Firaxis: Adding units was never supposed to be available. It was possible through the use of hacks and such. We are not quite ready to support it through the editor.
(Why NOT available???)
Firaxis: We're just the developer. Civ is a francise worth millions to many corparations across the world. The development of new features for it is a big deal
(Well. duh. You're going to try to stick it to us for all you can with add-ons and other disks we have to pay for we should have got in the first place).
SOREN-WHY-DOES-YOUR-AI-SUCK has joined #apolyton
(Good question).
FIRAXIS] Well, we're not redoing culture for instance, but tweaks etc are possible.
(Culture Flipping is a load of horse dung).
Question: will we be able to add units in the future?
FIRAXIS] Sorry to keep doing this to you hag...but no comment.
("No comment"??).
Question: what about no scenarios?
FIRAXIS] Well, to be fair civ2's scenario capabilities evolved over numerous products...Matching what civ2MPGE had at launch with Civ3 was beyond our capabilities
(So you DID rush it to market!)
Firaxis] there is nothing in 1.21 which would explicitly slow down expansion, but the AI priorities may have shifted elsewhere...
(Stop the crazy flood of settlers!)
[Soren_Johnson_Firaxis] how about "We Love Firaxis Day!"
(How about a rebate on that $50 we spent in December for a beta product?).
Firaxis] yummz: only if swordsmen become upgradable, and i don't see that happening. that path of the upgrade tree was meant to end.
(WHY?? You jokers still think elephants can airlift! So you know nothing about military history).
Firaxis] the beta testers helped a great deal
(I thought we ALL were unpaid beta testers).
Question: what about future versions of the editor?
FIRAXIS] Hagbart- sorry, no comment at this time
Firaxis] i really need to emphasize, though, that the bad reputation of the previous patches happened because we tried to fix too much, so new ideas have to be OUTSTANDING before we would consider putting them in the standard game at this point
(Hey, Soren. Why did you need to fix anything AT ALL when you sold us a game last FALL for fifty bucks that was full of bugs, flaws, and even typos?? You therefore admit you sold us a defective product.).
FIRAXIS] Sn00py - I was not very involved with the design of the game but if I had to guess I would say because they wanted to tone down the amount of information thrown at the player...
(In otherwords, to dumb it down).
Q: What about a better editor?
_FIRAXIS] Kilroy- sorry can't answer that
FIRAXIS] OK, gotta go now. Good chatting with you.
(Yea, surrre. I'm surprised you didn't give us another "no comment").