May 8, 2002, 23:52
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Super Apolyton Pack! The Fan's Unofficial Patch.
The Super Apolyton Pack! has been uploaded to my site.
Current Version 9th May 2002:
The current version is V2.0 and is a complete overhaul of V1.02's AI engine. It contains 12 months worth of updates, discoveries and SLIC. Most notably it contains nearly every Cradle and World At War AI enhancement.
If you are running V1.02 you only need to download the file from my website, otherwise you'll need all 6 files.
Download site:
Please read the readme.txt first.
The Fan's Unofficial CTP2 Patch!
Play CTP2 the way it should be....
May 9, 2002, 06:29
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Two critical bugs have been found where the AI builds hardly any sea transport, and the game finishes after 600 turns (I used WAW's const.txt for AP2). This restricts the AI massively on anything other than large land mass maps. An update has been made, and now the AI loves to build sea transports. This now allows the AI to:
- explore the map.
- make contact with other civs.
- move troops from land mass to land mass.
- settle on more than one island.
- engage in naval battles (I saw purple pitch 4 fire triremes against orange's main fleet of 5 fire tri's and win).
"I've already downloaded the new V2.0 Apolyton Pack?"
If you have already downloaded the V2.0 Apolyton Pack, please download the attached 8kb file.
"I haven't downloaded the new version yet, after downloading it do I then need to use this bugfix?"
No, if you haven't downloaded V2.0 AP you only need to download the website version, which has been updated to include this bugfix.
May 9, 2002, 07:48
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Maybe you like to do some more bug fixes:
I made a small *.zip file. It contains:
The fixed scenarioeditor.ldl for the German setup.
I added for both language versions player1's fixed battleview.ldl.
I fixed some Civ names in the German version.
And finally I added the latest version of the New City Capture Option v.1.4.
The last think required a little bit of work with the Strings. I removed the APOL_slicstrings.txt from the APOL_strings.txt import list in the English version and added all the necessary strings to the APOL_main_str.txt. I did not included the DIPLOMOD_START_TITLE, DIPLOMOD_START and all the GOV_SELECT strings as these ones are WAW strings and not used in ApolytonPack, obviously.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
May 9, 2002, 11:38
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After many hours on the original Mod, I can't wait to get my hands on this.
Thanks Dale (and others who assisted)!
"Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"
May 9, 2002, 13:09
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Thanks for your efforts Dale. I played the 1.2 version, and it was very good. So this new version should be a lot of fun. . .
May 9, 2002, 22:13
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Thanks heaps for that!  Website updated to include new fixes in "". Sorry mate, but I had to make a couple of grammar changes to the English strings for KillCityOption.
If you've already downloaded AP 2.0, then just update with from the website. Otherwise, enjoy.
TheArsenal & Leonidas:
Hope you guys enjoy it. It's all about the fans.
May 10, 2002, 12:08
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Originally posted by Dale
Sorry mate, but I had to make a couple of grammar changes to the English strings for KillCityOption.
Actual you are the first one who cared.  Just copied it to my stand alone version.
Very interesting is that no one noticed that I forgot to translate one word.  Fortunatly it hadn't any deep inpact on the meaning. Another interesting thing is that you didn't like Ben's addition. But I agree with the replacement of the string for the Disband-Button, I replaced it now with some more meaning in it for the German version, here is the string i case you want to change it:
EVACUATE "Umsiedeln"
Alternatively you can welcome the citizens and their city into your Empire."
Another thing for the English version is that the advisor should speak about "our Empire" and not about "your Empire". You have to consider that he is also a part of this Empire and the text started already with "we". In the sentence above it is ok that it starts with "you", because it only the decision of the leader and not the decision of a whole group of people.
So far I don't think this two small corrections aren't worth another update but I am shure the time will come when an update is needed.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
May 10, 2002, 12:40
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Goooood news, Dale!
I can hardly wait to get home and try the new version!
But I have a question: do I have to start a new game or can I load my saved Apolyton Pack game upon installing
May 10, 2002, 14:49
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Originally posted by Alexnm
Goooood news, Dale!
But I have a question: do I have to start a new game or can I load my saved Apolyton Pack game upon installing
Dale didn't add any new terrains, tile improvements, wonders, techs, goods, buildings...just new slic files.
Therefore just install the update, load your save game and open the chat window by typing the apostrophe (') and enter /reloadslic
That's all and have fun.
PS: Maybe it is better for the challenge to start a new game or at least to start from the beginning again to give the AI a bigger chance to be a problem. The later suggestion would be interesting to compare the AI before upgrading and afterwards.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
May 10, 2002, 19:56
Local Time: 10:24
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Originally posted by Alexnm
Goooood news, Dale!
I can hardly wait to get home and try the new version!
But I have a question: do I have to start a new game or can I load my saved Apolyton Pack game upon installing
Martin's got it right there, you don't need to start a new game just reload slic. But for the sake of fairness (a lot of the new slic relates to improving the AI's strategies and unit builds) I'd suggest a new game from the beginning.
May 11, 2002, 12:24
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OK I found another thing that should be in every mod as I was on Civfanatics and read your WAW thread: A code that prevents every player from pillaging tile improvements without any owner. If you try ro pillage an tile improvement that doesn't belong to one Civ the game will crash. Actual no fix but better a crash without any warning. I put the necessary code into the APOL_slics.slc. To install it just overwrite the file in the ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ folder with the version included the *.zip file in the attachment.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
May 12, 2002, 17:14
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thanks very much Martin, its little things like this that can make a big difference. I'll download it as soon as i can get to my harddrive!
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May 12, 2002, 20:36
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Erm... I can't install the zip file. WinZip keeps telling me that the file is not a valid zip file. I'll try to download it again, maybe the download was corrupted on the first try. I wonder if someone has this problem too...
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May 13, 2002, 12:50
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Never mind the above post. I managed to install the update and started a new game last night. I did not have much time to play, though.
One weird thing: I started the game with two settlers (playing as Romans, Medium difficulty and standard map); the first one moved ok, but the second one would not accept my movement orders. When I moved it north, for instance, on the next turn he automatically moved south! That was the only bug I could find.
More later.
May 15, 2002, 09:25
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Got the same problem. Downloaded twice but each time it told me it was an invalid zip.
May 15, 2002, 10:39
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Lou: did you download it using some download manager? The first time I downloaded the file, I used getright and got the error message. On the second try, I disabled getright and then I could install the file with zero problems.
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
May 15, 2002, 17:01
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Hi Dale,
Thank you for the Apolyton Pack v2.0, I've installed the pack yesterday but won't have the time to play it until a few weeks as I'am working on its translation.
After a quick look at the "APOL_str" files I've noticed a few differences with those included in the Apolyton pack v1.02.
- The file named "APOL_main_str" holds two new parts which have to be translated ("New City Capture Option strings" and "Unit Updater strings").
- The "APOL_slicstrings" file is a new one, the greatest part of it seems to be identical to the "APOL_main_str" but I've noticed a few differences and will have a closer look at it later.
- As in the previous version of the Apolyton Pack, there is a file named "APOL_Strings", I've read both of them and it seems that these files don't have to be translated... Am I wrong ?
If you think I have forgotten something or if you have modified or added something elsewhere, let me know.
Best regards.
P.S : thank you Martin for your APOL Patch, I experienced the tile pillaging crash the first time I played CTP 2 (unmodded at this time), I have since carefully avoided such foolish acts. Revenge !
"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
May 15, 2002, 20:58
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Yeah, there's a few language changes needed. For instance, the stuff in APOL_slicstrings, are all the strings I needed for the slics I've used. I've tried to put all the new stuff in one file (and most of the old stuff too). You'll probably find that APOL_main_str is not even used (check APOL_strings for definite clarification on that).
May 16, 2002, 12:00
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Hi Dale,
Thank you for your reply.
I've looked at the Super Apolyton Pack's "Read me", it states there are some minor changes in the APOL Great Library. Are they concerning some APOL concepts (like new requirements for the "fascism" government) ?
It would help me to know what have changed in the "APOL Great Library" (if it deserves a new translation of course), this way I could update the translation accordingly without any delay.
Best regards,
"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
May 16, 2002, 20:17
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Yeah, it's to do with things like the Fascism fix, but more to do with English grammer/spelling.  Most of the GL stats for tiles/units/etc are picked up straight from the text files, so there's nothing in the GL file to change for that. All changes I made to units/tiles/etc are automatically updated.
May 17, 2002, 01:13
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Still can't download Keeps telling me its not a valid zip
May 17, 2002, 03:55
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Lou: is done with Winzip 8.0. I've attached the (but took out the German strings for the Mod, see below next post).
May 17, 2002, 03:56
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The German version of the strings only. (If you play with the German version, you must also have the zip above).
May 17, 2002, 09:31
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Actual I made some additions to that Great Library: All the preriquesites of an city building were added, so that you not only see the required advance, but also the required building if this particular building has an building as preriquisite. I also added some fields for the units, so that you can see some fields like Armor, Max HP, Food Hunger, Upkeep and Costs in the Great Library. Some of them are for all units the same like Armor, Max HP or Food Hunger, but it is for mod maker interesting. I also added some new concepts that need to be translated or better filled, with some information:
I also fixed some stuff in the German version of the Great Library.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
May 17, 2002, 20:23
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Does this mean that WinZip 8.0 is not backward compatible? If so then this not be good. Microsoft strikes again?
May 20, 2002, 04:22
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winzip 8 is completely backwards compatible. Personally, I use WinRAR, which supports all zip formats and gives some extra goodies.... however, either way, backwards compatibility wouldn't seem to be the issue - - - unless you have a winzip build that is older than the one used by the original file zipper :-0
Anyone else have any suggestions other than re-downloading or downloading without a "download manager"??
Damn Dale! Thank you so so so so much for these great mods!!!!
I am going to download it now and try it out...
May 20, 2002, 06:16
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I had some problems with using Get Right on such MB free sites. The result of the download was a html page instead of the expected valid *.zip file.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
May 20, 2002, 07:16
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Dale :
Thank you for your reply, I will check again the critical aspects of your mod (as listed in the "changes" section of your "readmes") I have already translated in order to correct the translation.
Martin :
Thank you for your answer, as far as I can remember Dale has included some of the concepts you have designed for your CityMod (the new ages for example) in the Super Apolyton Pack. Does it mean you have updated the Great Library entries related to your mod in the Super Apolyton Pack ?
If you are talking about your own CityMod, I'am afraid I won't have the time to translate it until I have finished the Super Apolyton Pack's one, it will be a pleasure to work on your Mod.
Best regards.
"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
May 20, 2002, 08:03
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OK, I know I am behind the curve on this, but I have NEVER played a Apolyton mod before now (I had some sort of errors on v1.2 and gave up trying to fix it)... but I have been playing the v2.0 apolyton pack for 5 hours now and it is fiznucking great!
Installing the v2.0 text file got rid of my "wondermovie" error I kept getting with v1.2.....
Anyway, I cannot say enough good things about this mod! I've had barbarians hounding me - not with with annoying units that pop out of the "fog of war" but with well planned units that chase me around....
Plus, I am ALREADY encountering a 12-stack army from the Green empire (I myself only have 8 units total across my three cities!!)
This is a GREAT mod and I have already emailed several of my friends, with links to your site, to download the mod for themselves....
Thank you!!!!!!!
(btw - damn it takes forever to develop these early advances... oh well, so far this is a good thing. the game balance is so very good in this mod!!!)
May 20, 2002, 11:54
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Martin :
I've just reached the part of the APOL_Great_Library related to the City Improvements, I can now see the changes you have made on each entry. Your changes are welcomed, the french translation of the original great library lacked some useful datas (the improvements eventually required to build a new building were not stated).
Thanks again for your post, I could have missed something without it.
"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
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