
Originally posted by bertje121 on 05-07-2001 02:11 PM
I know this has been discussed before. But I think this could be pretty cool. Like in the real world, events can make a big difference. Like today, the pope visits Syria, this improves relationships both between countries and religions.
Well, in the real world, its definitly not a "random" decision if the Pope visits Syria or not. Contrarily; Its all planned, there all political pros/cons are carefully weighted, before such decision is put into practice. The problem with executing
random "political events" every now and then in Civ-3, is that these random acts
are ripped out from any meaningful context - and therefore they feel rather pointless.
Scripted events in handcrafted scenarios on the other hand is a different story. Then the scenario-builder makes sure that the event really feels appropriate and meaningful.
Besides; if that random act is negative for the HP, hes just likely to execute the pathetic reload-saved-game routine, anyway.

Disasters too could be cool. What do you think?
Disasters are great - but
NOT random ones. Instead disasters should appear
regularly UNTIL you have fullfilled a certain requirement. For example; building a granary in order to prevent reoccuring famine in that particular city. This was infact implemented in Civ-1 - but trashed in Civ-2. I really hope the idea reappears in Civ-3.
Check out this thread, by the way:
Catastrophes preventable by improvements
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited May 07, 2001).]