Local Time: 00:25
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: London
Posts: 375
Immortals Defeated!
My game is far from over, but I wanted to share the pleasure of a successful encounter with the Persians. Huge map, 8 random civs, random barbs, my civ randomly selected, all victory conditions except Cultural, Regent.
I am the Zulu, and started out at the top of a large continent, actually shaped like Britain, running N-S. I had quite good land around me, in what would be Scotland, bounded by a bit of desert to the south. My scouts quickly discovered that there was an awful lot of good land all the way down South. I met the Persians first, in the SE, and they already had more cities than me. I met the babylonians right down on the southern coast, partly trapped by the Persians.
The land was very rich, lots of gems, silk, flood plains and hills. But a lot of it was 20-30 tiles from my capital. I felt that I could grab quite a lot of this land, and managed to create several excellent settler producing cities, alongside a couple of Impi producing barracks towns.
I exceeded expectations, and by the time I had 12 cities I was bigger than the Persians. I quickly grabbed all the floodplain and gems to be had, and totally hemmed them, and the Babylonians, in, leaving only large swathes of desert.
I had about 30 cities when the Persians sneak attacked, using a lone archer to take a size 8 city, close to the heart of my empire, that I had mistakenly left defended with only a conscript warrior (the Impi had been shunted to more distant outposts and a new garrison was en route).
My first moment of great cheer was that 2 turns later the city chucked the Persians out - the first time I have benefitted from cultural switching in a war situation. I was delighted. It also meant I was able to switch the units needed for recovering the city to deal with the more dangerous situation at the front.
I had three cities within easy reach of the Persians, and they had plenty of Iron and plenty of the feared Immortals, who have defeated me in the past. Sure enough, in new improved Civ 3 style, a massive Immortal presence was hoving into view.
I got the babylonians to declare war, but I am not sure what impact they had other than to distract the Persians.
I had 2 vet Impi in each city already. I was able to rush walls before the serious attacks started, and had a lot of vet Impi rushing down roads to back up the city garrisons.
The first attack,(they all focused on one city) the 2 Impi held off 2 immortals, 2 archers and 2-3 warriors. 2 more Impi arrived next turn. However, 2 Horsemen, 2 warriors and 2 immortals killed 3 of them, including a regular warrior defeating an Elite Impi behind walls without losing a single damage point. Down to just one unit.
However, more reinforcements arrived, including 3 vet Pikemen, and held off two more waves of attacks.
And then - surrender. They offered a peace treaty, and slunk away with their tails between their legs!! Woohoo.
Since then, I have stormed away from them, and have built up a huge points, science and population lead. But the memory of that Persian peace offering will last a while.