Here's a random game with random events. The map will be randomly generated: large, average everything, all victory conditions.
The key here is that it's random, meaning, you could end up on a small island, or on a huge continent with 3 other factions.
Can you survive? Adaptation is the key. Can you adapt to your circumstances and create a great empire out of a bad situation?
Or will you be forced to latch on to another faction and bide your time, until the time is right to make your move.
Whoever wants to be CMN will have a pretty easy time, as they won't be making any changes to the randomly generated map, however, the CMN can generate several random maps and pick the one they think is best.
Factions will be assigned randomly. There will be directed research, because if you land on a small island, you'll need to get doc flex, asap.
4 to 5 human players with a vote on whether or not to have the AI.
Also, everyone will get an extra colony pod and scout at the start of the game, to speeds things up.
Basic requirements:
1. Everyone must post at the turn tracking thread after every turn, to keep things moving smoothly. (With the exception of when the boards are down)
2. No dropping out because of a bad start, or because someone decided to attack you and you wanted to build instead of fight.
3. Promise of playing the turn quickly.
4. Leave your email if you want in.
5. Vote yes or no for AI.