May 11, 2002, 16:27
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Originally posted by Ming
If he promises not to take a half hour a turn before 2500 it might be interesting... but I have no interest in playing a self centered "genius" who wants to waste my time while he micro manages during his turn.
If Ming chooses the settings, does that include a time clock of Ming's choosing? If so, it sounds like we might have an interesting match here.
May 11, 2002, 17:27
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Eye's can be my champion... I trust that he will blow his butt out of the water
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May 11, 2002, 17:57
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Yes... Just confirmed it with Eyes... He would be more than willing to knock this guy down a notch for me. Because again, I have no intention of playing some bozo that loves the concept of 1/2 hour turns in the BC era.
So StrategicKingMi... play with eyes and we will see how good you are. Or are you afraid to play somebody good. You are probably too chicken to try your act against a known good player.
Come on StrategicKingMi... show us your genius
I'll bet he passes on it though... because he will be afraid of losing... some genius he is
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May 11, 2002, 18:21
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it sounds like ming is pussing out. It kinda defeats the purpose of the challenge if you pick someone else to stand in for you. If Sloww challenges me and I get Markus to stand in for me, and Markus wins, does that mean I've beaten Sloww? Not a chance.
Take the challenge Ming, if you are gonna mock Strat like this then face him and don't run away.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
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May 11, 2002, 18:26
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Originally posted by Ming
So StrategicKingMi... play with eyes and we will see how good you are. Or are you afraid to play somebody good. You are probably too chicken to try your act against a known good player.
I'll bet he passes on it though... because he will be afraid of losing... some genius he is
Something about a pot.............a kettle............what's that? Black you say?
Shame, I think that match up would have been fun, and Ming you could have secured strate bashing rights for all eternity.
May 11, 2002, 18:36
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Nobody that takes 1/2 hour a turn early in the game is worth playing.
I can't think of any worse way to spend my time than waiting between turns while he falls in love with his own genius.
In addition... it wouldn't really mean anything.
From what people say about him... He never admits it when he loses. He will claim bad luck or just quit.
Eyes wants to have some fun with him... So I say... Let him 
If Stratabozo wants to claim he's number one, let him prove it against the real studs.
I have never claimed to be the best... I play for fun.
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May 11, 2002, 18:49
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He won't play me. First two games we ever played he accused me of cheating and said I had extra knowledge of the map. Then he comes back a couple months later says he'll beat me on his settings (Medium map, 2x2x, 1 land mass). Gets his ass kicked and begins his year long reign of dodging. Finally he plays me again and this is where he begins his quest for the settings he can finally beat me on. First it was medium map islands, then it was small map 1 land mass but no attack until 2000BC. Then he went a while playing no hut maps, and a million other variations of the game. That's all this is. This is strat after 2 and a half years still trying to find a setting he can call himself the best at.
May 11, 2002, 18:55
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May 11, 2002, 19:07
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Yeah right Ming, you might want to change your Kermit picture to that of a chicken....
Just choose your settings and set a timer, forcing him to play as fast as you, or are you affraid he'll kick the crap out of you and you get all this bullshit back in your face???
Come on, give him the Swedish chef's picture and let him play some chickenball
May 11, 2002, 19:11
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If he wants to claim he is the best... playing me isn't going to prove anything
But I will continue to give him grief about his claims until he proves he can beat the real players... like Eyes...
But no... He will probably just go to the zone, pick on some newbees, and bask in his supposed genius, and continue to claim he's god of the civ world...
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May 11, 2002, 19:20
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 thought you said at first you didnt want to play him becouse his turns take too long....
your story seems to change a lot Ming but hey if you dont feel confident enough to play him (even on your own settings and timer) you shouldnt.
But IMHO you should tone down a little bit and go back to moderating this forum and let the people who actualy accept his challenge (me being one of them) annoy him on this thread after we beaten him
May 11, 2002, 19:24
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Perhaps RAH could pretend to be Ming and play as it appears ming is a little bit scared.
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May 11, 2002, 19:55
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Ming is scared to fall asleap between turns i think.......
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May 11, 2002, 20:04
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i played x1x1 deity raging this morning...and will do so again tomorrow morning with a nice european fella.....
*thats for you D*
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May 11, 2002, 20:09
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May 11, 2002, 21:38
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Hehe I remember the time Strate's best settings were 2x2x medium islands... guess that whipping me and half the rest of the civ world gave him must've forced him onto bigger maps - less chance of explorers walking into your cap
May 11, 2002, 21:49
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May 11, 2002, 22:12
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Again, your settings ming, as long as a timer is not punishingly restrictive, thats fine with me. Secondly, I never said I took half hour turns . I just said they were a little slower then most others.
I have no intrest in playing eyes. I have won the last 5 games verse him in which he quit 20 min.s into the game. I challenged you , and you only. You are the one bashing me when you never expierenced first hand a game with me, which, I wish others that like playing me cause they know they will get a good game would chime in here to back me here.
Let me repeat it for the record, I have repeatedly beat Eyes, he IS not a real player. you only say that from lack of expierence Ming.
Oh sure I brag and sound off, but for gods sake, why do you take that seriously? My girlfriend doesnt take me seriously. My dog doesnt either. Hell my costmers dont even think I am serious when I tell them a price.
"Life"? I dont play Civ on a regular basis, I am far too busy between shows and my shops I stock.
Do I believe I am the best Civer in the world? Of course I do. However you can believe your the best and be proved wrong. I give you that chance.
Your fellow Apolytoners are cheering for you.
You know, you might just enjoy the game and want to play me again.....GOD FORBID...
May 11, 2002, 22:24
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Next, I dont play Civ verse players I dont think can win, waste of time.
Additionally, Doctor fell, so an explorer took my capital before a unit was built in their the next turn, good job. Nice move. it happens.
But ignoring the previous number of games that I won, (easily) verse you and braging about 1 you won is kind of like the Knicks saying they are better then the Lakers since they beat them in a game last September in preseason.
I like playing you Fell. We have good games usually, same with Kuja and Robie Tiger. Why ruin it with this kind of false rederic.
And as far as basking in my glory, it bares repeating.......
I am after all, 8 time Game league Champion. 2 time Cases champion and I won multiple Civ tourneyments.
I dont have to play to do any basking....
May 11, 2002, 22:26
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Having played many a game with strate I must say that while he's not the fastest player around he isnt that slow actualy. I have played many players that are far slower then him.
Come on Ming, give us all a good lough and play him
May 11, 2002, 22:56
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Chicken Ming, he's everywhere, he's everywhere.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
May 11, 2002, 22:57
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Another thing, remove the lines where I said I would beat anybody on these settings cause that was to inspire someone to play this type of game and obviously it has the opposite result.
The orginal intent of this thread was a Civological expierement verse typical civ thinking. The typical mentality of Civers today is that if you dont have the happy wonders or statue or sun tzus that you have no chance of winning in a duel.
All the stuff about revealed starting positions and restarts cause of land and hut do-overs were merely designed to keep the main elements that screws up most games from wasting my time, either winning or losing due to uncontrollable luck elements . To do other wise, would be wasteing my time in a big game like I propose.
You, Ming made it personal, thus this thread deviated into a personal challenge to my very crediability despite virtually unequaled accomplishments. I have given you no reason to deny this challenge, you get everything the way you like it.
the 3 games series should help reduce any luck related wins and provide a clear winner of this dispute.
I really thought, you amoung all, would be above such petty attacks. Are you not the monitor of this forum? Are you not the one who has more then once restricted and removed certain flamming posts?
You have 2 options the way I see it, ....
1) take the challenge, maybe win a great victory that will make you feel good, maybe lose and learn something new, maybe, win or lose, enjoy playing the game...
2) or lose all credibility as a top noch Civ player as I think you are (as of right now) and look like a cowardly little lion who is all talk and no action.
May 11, 2002, 23:03
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May 11, 2002, 23:19
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And as far as Eyes, I have caught you in a BIG time cheat before. You had like 100 citys to my 30+. Mine were filled with happy wonders and entetainers to prevent unhappiness before it occured along with higher lux rate., an expenditure of 1000's of resources. You just started your fooling around with rules.txt apearently and set it way too low so you could ignore the happiness expenditures that I made.
How did I find out about it? I reloaded the game in single player form after I quit and sure enough, with me as host every single city revolted the next turn. I dont like you, nor do I really trust you, since your past actions have been far less then honorable and nobody here will deny that.
Further more, since I have beaten you, 5 times in a row now, and you refuse to acknowedge it publicly, and I dont even care if you blame it on huts or starting position, just admit it, otherwise a challenge like this will not work with you cause you will simply ignore that this game took place like I am sure your selective memory has already deleted the past 5 devestating defeats verse me, me and another, or me and my team mate.
Stop living 3-4 years ago, basking in a 4 or 5 game winning streak verse me as a player just developing as a Civ player.
Now, this is clearly not the case. You have become old and set in your ways and can not adapt to a board, that god forbide, looks different each game you play. Nor, have I seen you use any advanced tactics like ship chaining, trade routes, market places etc. not to mention games lasting into modern techs like steam engine or railroad.
You are very deficiant as a player, and I am afraid, will allways be.
May 11, 2002, 23:23
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Ming - if you don't want to play him you certainly don't have to - but just admit it and leave it at that (the excuses seem a little weak)
He's giving you your settings.
Then you complained about how long he takes (and you've never even played him) so he agreed to a timer of your choosing.
Then you want Eyes to fill in for you.
Sounds pretty lame.
BTW strat I'm ready for a best of 3 against you with my settings and my timer any time you are.
May 11, 2002, 23:24
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Originally posted by StrategicKingMi
You are very deficiant as a player, and I am afraid, will allways be.
Hmmm... than why are you afraid to play him
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May 11, 2002, 23:32
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Ming? do you read all my post, or just one line and stop? if you did, and I am sure others will agree, I very expressly explained why I dont want to play him. I made it very clear . And it has nothing to do with fear. In fact I rather dont mind losing if I can learn something from it. Mostly, I just want a game to be enjoyable, win or lose, and with him, thats off the table before it starts cause, civ aside, he is the biggist a-**** I have every had the displearure of conversing with.
Deity, Ill play you, you choose the settings then. Fine with me.
Further Ming, you seemed to be on right now, as I am typing (read post time and dates to confirm)
get on the zone and we can go at it right freaking now.
May 11, 2002, 23:36
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Ming, this has nothing to do with Eyes and Strat, I could care less about their soap operaesque history. Strat gave you a very fair challenge in response to your flaming of him. You have yet to accept or decline the challenge but continue to flame him. Thus you are a:
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
May 11, 2002, 23:37
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Dont want to get on the zone, fine, set it up, post ip here, ill join in 3 mins.
May 11, 2002, 23:53
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btw, Strat and Diety Dude, we need to get that Michigan game going. I'll see if i can bump the thread. I don't think you ever stopped in Strat, you should play, it'd be fun.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
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