
Originally posted by SK138 on 04-28-2001 10:52 PM
I wish they would put a lot more civilizations in, but I think I am leading to more modern civilizations because thats what I would try to do in Civ 2, but then again, I love having the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans...
I think there should be 2 or 3 types of civ sets: ancient, renassence, indus/modern.
By the way... Do you get to post modern ages?? like if its still called modern, can you at least discover more futuristic techs?
And it would suck if the game went as far as CTP bcos i dont believe nano-tech does any good to the game. It just solves almost the whole economic problem(the fun of life) Just imagine if you could do just about whatever whenever... You can play CTP in Diamond age if u want that
One thing. You should be able to pick your AND AI civs!!!!